Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Updates From Father Michael - May 13, 2020 - Our Lady of Fatima

Updates from Father Michael – May 13, 2020 – Our Lady of Fatima

“Fortitude is the disposition of soul which enables us to despise all inconveniences and the loss of things not in our power.” St. Augustine

Today is the beautiful Feast of Our Lady of Fatima. A virtual pilgrimage to Fatima is being offered today at 3:00 pm. Go to
From the Facebook page: Join us as we celebrate the Feast Day of Our Lady of Fátima together with the faithful from across the globe.
This powerful tribute event will feature:
- Welcome Message from Fátima
- Remember the Story of Our Lady of Fátima (featuring exclusive scenes from the new movie)
- Meditation
- Remembrance of Processionals
- Sharing of Intentions
- Celebration of the Message
Although we are apart in body, we can be together in spirit

When do we return to church?  When will baptisms and weddings resume? We still do not know. Be certain that Bishop Colacicco is advocating for Dutchess County. But what will it look like? Since the obligation to attend Mass will be removed for months, we will continue to offer livestream. We are working on a permanent camera set up for church that we can use for years to come. Since there will be seating limitations, we are considering outdoor Masses. But we cannot get ahead of ourselves. We await guidance from our Archdiocese. It is hard to be patient, but patient we must be.

As we look ahead, you will notice all missalettes and hymnals have been removed from the church for safety. Sadly, the virus can remain on books. The Prayer Intention book has been removed for safety. Instead, please make sure to send your intentions to – The bathrooms are for Emergency use only – use at your own risk. To be perfectly safe, we would always have to pay someone to stand there and clean after each use – not feasible.

We require that you wear a facemask whenever you enter church and keep it on if you stay in church. That will be the new normal when Mass resumes in church. Also, please wear a facemask for confessions. They continue outdoors for the foreseeable future.

Our staff is discussing the reconfiguration of our rectory and religious education offices. We need to make them safer with the addition of glass screens at all desks. Certainly, in the coming months, office visits must remain less frequent with items being mailed, emailed, or dropped off outside the office. Some staff may continue to work from home. As you can see, we have lots to talk about and plan for.

We are working to resume God Squad Youth Group Meetings via Zoom. We will be watching and discussing “The Chosen.” the first original TV series about Jesus. If you have a teen that would like to participate and is not on the Flock Note God Squad list, please download the attached Digital Ministry Permission slip and email it back to We are without a Youth Minister as Christine Gibbons has stepped aside as she awaits the birth of her third child. Anyone interested in interviewing for the position should contact me.  

This weekend we would normally offer a Blessing for Expectant Parents. Instead, we are happy to do a Drive by Blessing. We will pull into your driveway and either remain in our car or just step outside (your choice). Call me at 227-8380 x 16 to set up at date & time.

Our Finance Council met last night, and they were pleasantly surprised. Your generosity has been fantastic. So many of you have kept up with your Offertory gifts and contributed even more.  God bless you! Many thanks to Mary Gallagher and Gary Bartilucci for carefully ensuring that your gifts are properly recorded and promptly deposited in the bank.

Renew & Renew and Rebuild has passed the $1 million mark toward the pledged amount of $1.7 million. We need about $260,000 more to pay off the loan for all the church work. Then, the remainder of money raised has been budgeted to replace the school windows. That work will begin when the money is in hand. Thank you for your amazing generosity.

We have reached the $70,000 mark (1/2 way) toward our Cardinal’s Appeal goal. This necessary appeal supports so many programs and activities of our Archdiocese. If you would like to make a gift and help us reach our goal, go to

God bless you -stay safe!

“To have courage for whatever comes in life, everything lies in that.” St. Teresa of Avila