Thursday, May 21, 2020

Update About The Sacraments - May 21, 2020

Dear Parishioners,

Cardinal Dolan will hold a Press Conference today (Thursday, May 21) at 11:00am to detail plans for the gradual reopening of our churches and return to sacramental life. We are grateful that the governor recognizes the strong desire of our people to resume religious services in a safe and responsible manner.

Please understand that this will be a process, taking place in phases. Actual dates and detailed descriptions of each phase will be forthcoming as time goes on, in consultation with health and government officials and in consideration of current health metrics. It is expected that different regions of the Archdiocese will begin the process of reopening at different times.

Phase 1 – Churches open for private prayer and confession
Phase 2 – Celebration of Baptisms and Marriages (limited to 10 attendees)
Phase 3 – Celebration of the Rite of Distributing Holy Communion Outside of Mass
Phase 4 – Celebration of Daily and Funeral Masses with limited attendance
Phase 5 – Celebration of Sunday Mass with limits on attendance (25% capacity of church)
Phase 6 – Resume full Sacramental life
Permission is granted to have outdoor Masses. It is yet to be determined at which phase this will be permitted. This will certainly be offered at St. Columba.

Regarding church attendance:
1.     The obligation to attend Mass is suspended until further notice.
2.     Those at a higher risk for COVID-19 (those older than 65 or have underlying health conditions) are urged NOT to come to church for Mass until it is safer to do so. Those who should not attend can continue to pray privately, watch a broadcast or livestream Mass, and make an Act of Spiritual Communion.
3.     Those who feel sick in any way or who are worried about attendance should not enter the church.
4.     In accord with current state policy, everyone over two years old must wear a cloth mask when in the church building.
5.     All should carry hand sanitizer with them and use it frequently.
6.     All must stay 6 feet away from others. Pews will be marked. Families may sit together.

These are just the basics. I and Gary Bartilucci have been doing some preliminary work. But now we are forming a Task Force to understand everything that must be done so that we can be ready for each phase. Our first meeting will be Tuesday.

We ask for everyone’s patience as we move to put many safety requirements in place. We will communicate with you as always via Flock Notes, Facebook, and our Website. Please encourage any parishioner you know to sign up for Flock Notes, and please try to keep your fellow parishioners who do not use technology in the loop. Give them a call and tell them what is going on!

It is a good step forward, but we have much work to do. Pray for us!

Father Michael P. McLoughlin