Saturday, November 28, 2020

Updates from St. Columba - First Sunday in Advent


ADVENT BEGINS TODAY - Advent has a twofold character:

1)    As a season to prepare for Christmas when Christ's first coming to us is remembered.

2)    As a season when that remembrance directs the mind and heart to await Christ's Second Coming at the end of time.

Advent is thus a period for devout and joyful expectation. We tend to think of Advent only as the season in which we prepare for Christmas, or the First Coming of Christ, but as the Church points out, it is important that we also remember it as a celebration in which we look forward to the Second Coming of Christ. That is why it is also a season of penance. Consider going to confession some time in Advent. Let us all redirect our hearts and minds to God.



All who received our Christmas letter are invited to sign up for Christmas Masses beginning on December 2. We will wait a few days before posting the information on our website for the general public. Please understand – you MAY NOT be able to reserve the Mass you want – please be prepared to be inconvenienced – there are seating limits due to the pandemic. This year be prepared to go to a different Mass – inconvenience yourself for God!


Also, this weekend ONLY after all Masses, we are giving an opportunity for parishioners to sign up who DO NOT have a computer and DO NOT have children, grandchildren, or friends to help them sign up online. We expect this to be an extremely limited number of people as most people should be able to find a way to do this online. Out of fairness to all, please DO NOT take advantage of this if there is a way for you to sign up online.


First Sunday of Advent




1.         O come, O come, Emmanuel,

            And ransom captive Israel,

            That mourns in lonely exile here

            Until the Son of God appear.


Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel

Shall come to you, O Israel.


2.         O come, O Wisdom from on high, 

            Who order all things mightily; 

            To us the path of knowledge show, 

            And teach us in her ways to go.



1.People look East, the time is near 

Of the crowning of the year.

Make your house fair as you are able,

Trim the hearth and set the table.

People look Eat and sing today--

Love, the Guest is on the way.

2. Furrows, be glad. Though earth is bare,

One more seed is planted there.

Give up your strength the seed to nourish,

That in course the flow’r may flourish.

People look East and sing today--

Love, the Rose is on the way.



1.         Creator of the stars of night, 

            Your people's everlasting light,

            O Christ, Redeemer of us all, 

            We pray you hear us when we call.


Come, O Lord, and bring your light,

O radiant star, our hearts’ delight.

O God-with-us, Emmanuel,

With your love, the dark dispel.


2.         In sorrow that the ancient curse

            Should doom to death a universe,

            You came, O Savior, to set free

            Your own in glorious liberty.


3.         When this old world drew on toward night,

            You came; but not in splendor bright,

            Not as a monarch, but the child

            Of Mary, blameless mother mild.


4.         At your great Name, O Jesus, now

            All knees must bend, all hearts must bow:

            All things on earth with one accord,

            Like those in heav'n, shall call you Lord.


5.         Come in your holy might, we pray,

            Redeem us for eternal day;

            Defend us while we dwell below

            From all assaults of our dread foe.


6.         To God the Father, God the Son,

            And God the Spirit, Three in One,

            Praise, honor, might and glory be

            From age to age eternally.


Text:  Conditor alme siderum, Latin 9th. C.; tr. The Hymnal 1982, © 1985, The Church Pension Fund; refrain, Carol E. Browning, b. 1956, © 2004, GIA Publications, Inc.



1.         O come, Divine Messiah, 

            The world in silence waits the day

            When hope shall sing its triumph, 

            And sadness flee away.


Dear Savior, haste! 

Come, come to earth. 

Dispel the night and show your face, 

And bid us hail the dawn of grace. 

O come, Divine Messiah, 

The world in silence waits the day

When hope shall sing its triumph, 

And sadness flee away.


2.         O come Desired of nations,

            Whom priest and prophet long foretold,

            Will break the captive fetters,

            Redeem the long-lost fold.


Dear Savior, haste!...


Text:  Venez, divin Messie; Abb Simon-Joseph Pellegrin, 1663-1745; tr. by Sr. Mary of St. Philip, 1877


Reprinted with permission under ONE LICENSE #A-700703. All rights reserved.




Goal - $139,000.00

Pledged - $103,704.00

Gifts – 447

Average Gift - $232.00

Thank you so much!!! There is still time to give –



Goal - $1,709,000.00

Pledged -$1,759,646.92

Paid - $1,151,330.15

Gifts – 517

Thank you so much for keeping up with your pledges!

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Thanksgiving Mass Music

Music For Thanksgiving Day Mass 8:00 am


1.         For the beauty of the earth,

            For the glory of the skies,

            For the love which from our birth

            Over and around us lies:


Lord of all, to you we raise

This our hymn of grateful praise.


[2.          For yourself, best Gift Divine,

            To this world so freely giv'n;

            Word Incarnate, God's design,

            Peace on earth and joy in heav'n:]


Text: Folliot S. Pierpont, 1835-1917, alt.



Salve, Regina/Hail, Mary, Mother and Queen

Chant, Mode V/Paul F. Ford


Salve, Regína, Mater misericórdiae:

Vita dulcédo et spes nostra, salve.

Ad te clamámus, éxsules, fílii Hevae.

Ad te suspirámus, geméntes et flentes

in hac lacrimárum valle.

Eia ergo, Advocáta nostra,

illos tuos misericórdes óculos ad nos convérte.

Et Jesum, benedíctum fructum ventris tui,

nobis post hoc exsílium osténde.

O clemens, O pia, O dulcis Virgo María.]


Communion Hymn

I give you a new commandment: Love one another as I have loved you, as I have loved you.

  1. This is my will, my one command, That love should dwell among you all. This is my will, that you should love, as I have shown that I love you.
  2. No greater love that one can have, than that one die to save one’s friends. You are my friends, if you obey what I command that you should do.
  3. I call you now no longer slaves; no slave knows all the master does. I call you friends, for all I hear the Father say you hear from me.
  4. You chose not me, but I chose you, that you should go and bear much fruit. I chose you out, that you in me should bear much fruit that will abide.
  5. All that you ask my Father, dear, for my name’s sake you shall receive. This is my will, my one command, that Love should dwell in each, in all.

Steven R. Janco Text (ref.) and music © 1999, WLP

Jn 15:12–17 Vss.: James Quinn, SJ, 1919–2010 Text (vss.) © 1969, James Quinn, SJ, pub. by OCP



1.         Now thank we all our God

            With hearts and hands and voices,

            Who wondrous things has done,

            In whom his world rejoices;

            Who from our mothers' arms

            Has blessed us on our way

            With countless gifts of love,

            And still is ours today.


2.         O may this gracious God

            Through all our life be near us,

            With ever joyful hearts

            And blessed peace to cheer us;

            Preserve us in his grace,

            And guide us in distress,

            And free us from all harm

            Till heaven we possess.


Text: Nun danket alle Gott; Martin Rinkart, 1586-1649; tr. by Catherine Winkworth, 1827-1878, alt.


Reprinted with permission under ONE LICENSE #A-700703. All rights reserved.

Monday, November 23, 2020

Updates from St. Columba - Thanksgiving Week


HAPPY THANKSGIVING - On behalf of the priests, religious sisters, deacons, and staff of St. Columba, we wish you a safe and happy Thanksgiving! Each day we give thanks to God for you!


Wednesday, November 25 – Morning Mass at 7:00 am, Parish Office open 9:00 am to 1:00 pm, Adoration 4:00 pm to 8:00 pm

Thursday, November 26 – Thanksgiving Day Mass at 8:00 am. Parish Office Closed. No Adoration. Church closed 10:00 am.

Friday, November 27 – Morning Mass at 8:00 am. Parish Office Closed. No Adoration. Church open until 4:00 pm.

CHURCH OFFICE VISITS – For the safety of our priests and staff, we ask you, as much as possible, to try to do rectory business over the phone or email.  All visits to the office should be by appointment. If you are dropping off donations, use the convenient box to your left just as you enter the church. Thank you for helping to keep us safe!


Our Christmas Mass schedule is set, and the details were sent out in the mail to all parishioners on Monday. We will also send a Flocknote soon.  Due to our seating restrictions, we need to require everyone to have a ticket for Christmas Mass. We cannot seat more than 200 people at any Mass, and we want to avoid disappointments as well as keep everyone safe.

We will be using an on-line ticketing tool that is quite simple to use.  However, we realize some of our parishioners do not have a computer, access to a computer or the confidence in navigating a website.  We will be offering help to those parishioners.  Volunteers will do the registration for them. If you do not need assistance, please follow the instructions in the letter that you will receive soon (portal opens December 2). This help is targeted to those who genuinely need help. We will be offering this help on Thanksgiving weekend (November 28th & 29th) after all Masses.

Our Christmas Mass schedule is: 

·        Christmas Eve at 2:00 PM, 4:00 PM, 6:00 PM & Midnight

·        Christmas Day at 8:00 AM, 10:00 AM and 12:00 PM. 

·        Five of these Masses will also have overflow Masses in the gym giving us the possibility of 12 Masses.

·        Due to the pandemic, Cardinal Dolan has given a one-time permission for a Christmas Eve 2pm Mass.

If you need help, please see our volunteers in the Narthex this weekend and be sure to use proper spacing while waiting for help.  They will need your name, address, your desired Mass to attend and the number of tickets you are requesting.  Your tickets will be mailed to you.

ALTAR ROSARY FUNDRAISER - Altar Rosary Society is planning a Christmas Fundraising Take Out Dinner on Monday, Dec. 7, 2020 from Pizza Village in Hopewell Jct.  The meal will be a choice of Chicken Francese, Sliced Sirloin (au jus) or Stuffed Shrimp. Included are a tossed salad, roasted potatoes, vegetable, and assorted mini pastries.  The price is $30.00. Pick up time for the meals would be 5-6:30 pm. You will be notified of exact time (15 min. increments) by phone.  Reservations must be made and paid for by Dec. 1, include your name and phone.  Check made out to Altar Rosary Society and mailed to Joyce Moroney 12 Northview La., Hopewell Jct., NY 12533.  Call 845-592-1360 for further details.

CONGRATULATIONS RYAN LUGO - Ryan had his Eagle Board of Review a week ago on Monday and is officially an Eagle Scout.  Ryan organized the project to erect the statue of St. Joseph near the convent. He fund raised over and above the amount needed, so he has donated the balance of $1,400.00 to the St. Vincent DePaul Food Pantry. Our parish is immensely proud of Ryan, who is also a member of our God Squad High School Youth Group. Way to go Ryan!

Friday, November 20, 2020

Updates From St. Columba - November 21, 2020


Mass Times

Saturday at 5:30 pm

Sunday at 7:30 am, 9:00 am, 10:30 am, 12:00 noon


Special Collection – Catholic Charities here in the Archdiocese of NY – please drop in the baskets. Thank you for your generosity.

Thanksgiving Day Mass at 8:00 am

Please return your Respect Life Baby Bottles as soon as possible – thank you for your generosity!

This Weekend - Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe – Please use your cell phone or tablet to sing with us.



All hail the pow’r of Jesus’ name!

Let angels prostrate fall;

Bring forth the royal diadem

To crown him Lord of all;

Bring forth the royal diadem

To crown him Lord of all.


[Crown him, you holy saints of God,

Who from his altar call;

Extol him in whose path you trod,

And crown him Lord of all;

Extol him in whose path you trod,

And crown him Lord of all.]


Text: 86 86 86; Edward Perronet, 1726–1792; alt. by John Rippon, 1751–1836. 

Music: Union Harmony, 1793; Oliver Holden, 1765–1844.



1.         Rejoice, the Lord is King!

            Your Lord and King adore!

            Rejoice, give thanks, and sing,

            And triumph evermore.


Lift up your heart, lift up your voice!

Rejoice, again I say, rejoice!


2.         The Lord, our Savior, reigns,

            The God of truth and love;

            When he had purged our sins,

            He took his seat above.                         Text: Charles Wesley, 1707-1788, alt.


Communion Refrain: 

Come, all you blessed ones, blest of a Loving God,

Enter into the joy prepared for you.



To Jesus Christ, our sov'reign King,

Who is the world's salvation,

All praise and homage do we bring

And thanks and adoration.


Christ Jesus, Victor!

Christ Jesus, Ruler! 

Christ Jesus, Lord and Redeemer!


Text: Martin B. Hellrigel, 1891-1981, alt., © 1941, Irene C. Mueller


WELCOME BISHOP JAMES MASSA – Bishop Massa is an Auxiliary Bishop of the Diocese of Brooklyn and is the Rector of St. Joseph’s Seminary in Yonkers. He will offer the 12:00 noon Mass this Sunday. This is an opportunity for him to get to know St. Columba parish and to speak about vocations. Please give him a warm welcome!

CHURCH DISINFECTING – The church is cleaned immediately after every weekend Mass. We ask that you arrive no earlier than 20 minutes before Mass begins. No one can be in church while it is being disinfected, including the narthex.  All must wait outside.  If it is cold or raining, so you may wish to wait in your car.  Thanks for your understanding. We are trying to keep everyone safe.

ARRIVING ON TIME – It helps us when you arrive before the start of Mass. It becomes a scramble to seat people once Mass begins. Our seating is like a jigsaw puzzle – trying to fit everyone in and keeping 6-foot distances. Please help our ushers and greeters keep everyone safe.

CHURCH EXITING – Those seated in the side sections of the church are encouraged to exit using the side doors. Please keep a 6-foot distance as you exit.  Please keep each other safe!

BOY SCOUTS WREATHES – FINAL CALL - Boy Scout Troop 40, sponsored by St. Columba Parish, will be holding their annual Christmas wreath sale on-line this year, please see the link below. Please place your order now and note that stock is limited this year, so we suggest ordering early while supplies last.
The price for these high-quality wreaths, decorated with a bow, is $22.00.  Wreaths ordered may be picked-up at St. Columba either November 28th between 6-7 PM or November 29th between 8:15AM and noon.
 Thank you for supporting the scouts of Troop 40.
To order a wreath please follow 
this link.

The Dutchess County Cadet Squadron will once again host a National Remembrance Ceremony at St. Denis Cemetery on Saturday, December 19 at 10:00 am. This is an opportunity for you to donate a wreath for a deceased veteran. Sponsor forms are available in the narthex or you can go to and click on the link. Major Sunshine and the Cadets will be available after all Masses this weekend outside the church.

FORMED - We are delighted to offer FORMED for our parishioners. There are many excellent Catholic movies, courses, and books available. Use the FORMED app or go to Our Parish Code is Y98H69. Feel free to share it with friends and relatives. The cost to our parish this year is $399.00. Would you like to be a sponsor of FORMED for the Parish of St. Columba and help us cover this cost? Contact Father Michael at the Church Office at 845-227-8380.


Our Christmas Mass schedule is set, and the details will be sent to all parishioners shortly after Thanksgiving both in the mail and on Flock notes.  Due to our seating restrictions, we need to require everyone to have a ticket for Christmas Mass.

We will be using an on-line ticketing tool that is quite simple to use.  However, we realize some of our parishioners do not have a computer or do not have access to a computer. We will be offering help to those parishioners.  Volunteers will do the registration for them. If you do not need assistance, please follow the instructions in the letter that is being sent.  This help is targeted to those who genuinely need help!  We will be offering this help on Thanksgiving weekend (November 28th & 29th) after all Masses. If you need help, please see our volunteers in the Narthex and be sure to use proper spacing while waiting for help.  They will need your name, address, your desired Mass to attend and the number of tickets you are requesting.  Your tickets will be mailed to you.

Our Christmas Mass schedule is: 

·         Christmas Eve at 2:00 PM, 4:00 PM, 6:00 PM & Midnight

·         Christmas Day at 8:00 AM, 10:00 AM and 12:00 PM. 

·         Five of these Masses will also have overflow Masses in the gym, giving us up to 12 Masses.

·         Note – special permission this year only for a 2:00 pm Mass on Christmas Eve (due to pandemic)


CARDINAL’S APPEAL 2020 as of November 13

Goal - $139,000.00

Pledged - $103,469.00

Number of Gifts – 442

Average Gift - $234.09

There is still time to make a pledge or gift!


RENEW AND REBUILD as of November 13

Goal - $1,709,000.00

Pledged - $1,759,646.92

Paid - $1,147,624.60

Number of Gifts – 517

Thank you so much for keeping up with your pledge – God bless you!