Saturday, January 2, 2021

Updates From St. Columba - January 2, 2021


Music for The Epiphany of the Lord January 2-3, 2021



1.         As with gladness men of old 

            Did the guiding star behold; 

            As with joy they hailed its light, 

            Leading onward, beaming bright; 

            So, most gracious Lord, may we 

            Evermore your splendor see.


2.         As with joyful steps they sped 

            To that lowly manger-bed, 

            There to bend the knee before 

            Him, whom heav'n and earth adore; 

            So may we with hurried pace 

            Run to seek your throne of grace.



1.         What star is this with beams so bright, 

            More lovely than the noonday light? 

            'Tis sent to announce a newborn king, 

            Glad tidings of our God to bring.


2.         'Tis now fulfilled what God decreed: 

            “From Jacob shall a star proceed.” 

            And lo! The eastern sages stand 

            To read in heav'n the Lord's command.


3.         While outward signs the star displays,

            An inward light the Lord conveys.

            It urges them, with force benign,

            To seek the Giver of the sign.


4.         O Jesus, while the star of grace 

            Invites us all to seek your face, 

            Let not our slothful hearts refuse 

            The guidance of your light to use.


5.         To God the Father, God the Son,

            And God the Spirit, Three in One,

            May ev’ry tongue and nation raise 

            An endless song of thankful praise!


Text:  Quem stella sole pulchrior, Charles Coffin, 1676-1749; tr. by John Chandler, 1806-1876, alt.



1.         We three kings of Orient are; 

            Bearing gifts, we traverse afar 

            Field and fountain, 

            Moor and mountain, 

            Following yonder star. 


O star of wonder, star of night, 

Star with royal beauty bright, 

Westward leading, still proceeding, 

Guide us to the perfect Light.


2.         Born a King on Bethlehem's plain, 

            Gold I bring to crown him again; 

            King forever, 

            Ceasing never, 

            Over us all to reign.


3.         Frankincense to offer have I; 

            Incense owns a Deity nigh; 

            Prayer and praising, 

            Gladly raising, 

            Worshiping God on high.


4.         Myrrh is mine: its bitter perfume 

            Breathes a life of gathering gloom; 

            Sorrowing, sighing, 

            Bleeding, dying, 

            Sealed in the stonecold tomb.


5.         Glorious now behold him arise, 

            King and God and Sacrifice: 

            “Alleluia, Alleluia!”

            Sounds through the earth and skies.


Text: Matthew 2:1-11; John H. Hopkins, Jr., 1820-1891, alt.



1.         Songs of thankfulness and praise, 

            Jesus, Lord, to you we raise, 

            Manifested by the star 

            To the sages from afar; 

            Branch of royal David's stem 

            In your birth at Bethlehem; 

            Anthems be to you addressed, 

            God in flesh made manifest.


2.         Manifest at Jordan's stream, 

            Prophet, Priest, and King supreme; 

            And at Cana, wedding guest, 

            In your Godhead manifest; 

            Manifest in pow'r divine, 

            Changing water into wine; 

            Anthems be to you addressed, 

            God in flesh made manifest.


Reprinted with permission under ONE LICENSE #A-700703. All rights reserved.




It is a long-standing tradition for Catholics to bless their homes and mark their doors using blessed chalk on or around the Feast of the Epiphany. We invite you to take an “Epiphany Package” with you after Mass, including blessed chalk and the prayer of blessing and formula for the inscription, and consecrate your homes and families to God as we begin this New Year. Please take one per household.



No Adoration on Wednesday. We will present Bibles to our 6th Grade students at Prayer Services at 5:00 pm and 6:30 pm.



Our Church will be closed on Tuesday from 1:30 – 3:00 pm for work.



As we experience the ongoing effects of the pandemic, Cardinal Dolan has continued to suspend the obligation to attend Sunday Mass. But remember, the obligation to “keep holy the Lord’s Day” can never be suspended. If you are afraid or uncomfortable attending Mass in person, or you have cold or flu symptoms or need to quarantine, make sure to watch our Mass livestream or any of the livestreams of Sunday Mass now available. If you do not have the internet, sit down with the Sunday readings, pray, and make a Spiritual Communion. Watch one of the many videos available to you free on Formed or Word on Fire through Flock notes. Call a friend and watch a Formed or Word of Fire film at the same time and discuss it after. Take a walk and pray the rosary. Do our outdoor Stations of the Cross or walk on our property and visit the statues and shrines. Read a good spiritual book, most especially the Bible. If weekend Mass is too crowded, attend a daily Mass instead. It has become easy to excuse ourselves from prayer and worship. Begin this New Year with a firm resolve to keep your faith strong and make it even stronger. Keep holy the Lord’s day!



Thanks to all who helped us throughout the Advent and Christmas Seasons. Thanks to our team of ushers, greeters, and medical team for keeping things organized and safe. Thanks to Pat Moore and Emily Ricci for special attention to Christmas Masses. Thanks to Cathy Reale and our Cantors who led us in song. Thanks to all who decorated our church, school, and grounds and especially for the leadership of Gary Bartilucci. Thanks to all who kept our church and school clean and safe, especially Connie and Heather.  Thanks to all who made donations to the SVDP Food Pantry. Many gift cards were distributed for Christmas. Special thanks to all who made a Christmas gift to your parish. We are most grateful for your generosity. And, on a personal note, your priests thank you for your Christmas remembrances, including cards, gifts and treats. May God bless all our parishioners as we begin the New Year of 2021.



The Congregation of the Sisters of the Resurrection was founded in Rome on January 6 in 1891 by a widow, Celine Borzecka, and her daughter, Hedwig. The formation of the Congregation was the first time in the history of the Catholic Church that a religious community of women was founded by a mother and a daughter. This year their Congregation celebrates their 130th Anniversary! Our parish and school are so blessed to have five Resurrection Sisters serving our people. What an amazing blessing they are to all of us. We wish our Sisters a Happy Anniversary and thank them for all they do for us!