Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Updates From St. Columba - November 18, 2020


NO ADORATON today. Father Connolly will offer a MISSA CANTATA in the Extraordinary Form today at 6:00 pm for the Feast of the Dedication of the Basilicas of St. Peter and St. Paul. All are welcome. A video to watch beforehand

 MASS BOOK FOR 2021 OPENS TOMORROW – Mass Intentions for January-June 2021 will be taken beginning tomorrow (Thursday) at 9:00 am. The waiting area is the Bishop Dominick Meeting Room in the Convent. Use the side door, wear a mask, and keep 6-foot distance. Laura will be in the Adoration Chapel (with the Eucharist removed) to meet with you individually. Our parish office in the rectory will be closed from 9:00 am to 12:00 noon.

 WELCOME BISHOP JAMES MASSA – Bishop Massa is an Auxiliary Bishop of the Diocese of Brooklyn and is the Rector of St. Joseph’s Seminary in Yonkers. He will offer the 12:00 noon Mass this Sunday. This is an opportunity for him to get to know St. Columba parish and to speak about vocations. Please give him a warm welcome!

CHURCH DISINFECTING – The church is cleaned immediately after every weekend Mass. We ask that you arrive no earlier than 20 minutes before Mass begins. No one can be in church while it is being disinfected, including the narthex.  All must wait outside.  If it is cold or raining, so you may wish to wait in your car.  Thanks for your understanding. We are trying to keep everyone safe.

ARRIVING ON TIME – It helps us when you arrive before the start of Mass. It becomes a scramble to seat people once Mass begins. Our seating is like a jigsaw puzzle – trying to fit everyone in and keeping 6-foot distances. Please help our ushers and greeters keep everyone safe.

CHURCH EXITING – Those seated in the side sections of the church are encouraged to exit using the side doors. Please keep a 6-foot distance as you exit.  Please keep each other safe!

BOY SCOUTS WREATHES – FINAL CALL - Boy Scout Troop 40, sponsored by St. Columba Parish, will be holding their annual Christmas wreath sale on-line this year, please see the link below. Please place your order now and note that stock is limited this year, so we suggest ordering early while supplies last.
The price for these high-quality wreaths, decorated with a bow, is $22.00.  Wreaths ordered may be picked-up at St. Columba either November 28th between 6-7 PM or November 29th between 8:15AM and noon.
 Thank you for supporting the scouts of Troop 40.
To order a wreath please follow 
this link.

FORMED - We are delighted to offer FORMED for our parishioners. There are many excellent Catholic movies, courses, and books available. Use the FORMED app or go to Our Parish Code is Y98H69. Feel free to share it with friends and relatives. The cost to our parish this year is $399.00. Would you like to be a sponsor of FORMED for the Parish of St. Columba and help us cover this cost? Contact Father Michael at the Church Office at 845-227-8380.