Sunday, January 24, 2016

Corporal Works of Mercy

They were going home! In 583 BC, Judah was conquered by Babylon (Iraq) and sent into exile. Years later, King Cyrus of Persia (Iran) conquered Babylon (some things never change)  and then decided the Jewish exiles could go home.
Nehemiah their leader found 2 major problems:
-           The walls of Jerusalem were torn down. It had to be rebuilt or they would be captured again. Must reestablish the life of Jerusalem. Amazing 52 days!
-          And, they needed to be reconnected to their faith.  Most didn’t even speak Hebrew anymore. They found a copy of the Torah – what we call the Pentateuch or first 5 books of the Bible.  He had Ezra the high priest read it for 6 hours.  (you think this is long?)   The people were so moved that they wept.  They had forgotten who they were – what they were called to be.
After Nehemiah and Ezra, the Jewish people developed 2 places of worship
1)      The Rebuilt Temple in Jerusalem where prayers and sacrifices would be offered   
2)      Synagogues: wherever there were at least 10 families, a place was built for prayers and the reading of the Law & Prophets. There the community would gather every Friday night – to pray, to hear the stories and remember who they were.
Imagine the young Rabbi standing before them.  He goes to the Tabernacle holding the Sacred Scrolls, he picks out the prophet Isaiah and begins to read;     The spirit of the Lord is upon me.   Glad tidings to the poor – liberty to captives – recovery of sight to the blind – let the oppressed go free       2 meanings
- The time of the Messiah has come!!!
- and a challenge for his followers!
It reminds me of what are called the Corporal Works of Mercy   (Year of Mercy!)
1)      Feed the Hungry &
2)      Drink for the Thirsty:    Feeding our Neighbors Campaign & St. Vincent de Paul Society.
3) Cloth the naked and
4) Shelter the Homeless – Support efforts as we prepare for Midnight Run   Newburgh Ministry operates Winterhaven & always in need of volunteers.
5) Visit the Sick   give blood  -  Ministry of Care: friendly visits, phone calls, visits to they doctor, and emergency meal         Can you help?
6)  Visit prisoners – hard one – speak against housing mentally ill in prisons.
7) Bury the dead – offer them the proper rites and prayers and support those left behind.

Spirit of Lord is upon me – US – anointed me – US   -  to be Merciful!