Sunday, January 10, 2016

Baptism Of The Lord

A Religious Education teacher was once asked: If Jesus was sinless, why did He need to be Baptized?  A good question!
Baptism is about:
-          forgiving sins, both personal sins and Original sin
-          uniting us with God
-          making one a member of the Church
-          and about the promise and hope of eternal life
Now - Jesus had no sins, He was already one with His Father, there was no church to be a member of as yet, and He has already existed from all eternity. So why be Baptized?
The simplest answer is – to show us the Way! As always, He leads by example!
1)      The Way to fight sin: from 2009-2014, Dutchess County has seen a huge increase in babies born addicted to drugs. This is not the fault of the child. Yet the child suffers due to the sin of another. Sounds like the state we are born into – Original Sin. We are surrounded by Sin and our sins affect others. Baptism gives us grace to fight against sin and temptation.
2)      The Way to be united with God. What is our goal in life? Millenials answered: 80% wealth & 50% fame. How about a better goal? How about happiness and health?  And how can we achieve that? Studies show that Relationships are the key. At Christmas, we met Jesus human family: Mary & Joseph. At the Baptism, we meet His Divine Family. The Father says “You are my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased.  In Baptism, we hear:  “You are my beloved Son. You are my beloved daughter.”  Jesus makes us part of His family. Relationship with God is a key to happiness & health.
3)      The Way to live as members of the church. We walk together on this journey of faith, assisted by:
Eucharist – food – some are starving themselves.
Confession – to break the power of sin and restore us to Baptismal state
Confirmation – confirm presence of HS and 7 gifts
Marriage & Holy Orders :  strength to live in life long relationships
Anointing – you are not alone in suffering       Also parish   eg Ministry of CARE
4)      The Way to Eternal Salvation – all about hope! Even in death, there is the possibility of eternal life.

What was the most important day in our lives?   Probably could give many answers, but today’s Mass suggests one day – day of Baptism.