Sunday, December 20, 2015

The Ark of the Covenant

They called it the Exodus  --  their journey from slavery to freedom
In the course of the journey, a man named Moses was invited to climb a mountain.
Mount Sinai       There he would meet God.
On that mountain he received what is now called “the Decalogue” – the 10 Commandments – Laws that would keep the community on the path to God

The people of Israel treasured this gift from God and eventually built a container for them   Called it the “Ark of the Covenant”
Placed inside:  two tablets -  jar of manna – staff of Moses

They carried the Ark everywhere they went  - when they stopped they put it under a tent called the Tabernacle.  At times a cloud called the Glory of God would descend upon it   They called it the “Shekinah”

When David became King he took the Ark up to Jerusalem
Bible describes David   “dancing before the Lord”   “skirtao”
Later, his son, Solomon  - built a temple & the Ark was placed in the “Holy of Holies”

586 BC   Babylonians destroyed Jerusalem
2 Maccabees suggests that Jeremiah hid the ark in the mountains.
Everyone has been looking for the ark since them – including Indiana Jones.

Many years later, an angel appeared to a young woman of Nazareth
“Hail full of grace   -   the Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the most high will overshadow you!”          “shekinah   same word!
Mary said - I am the handmaid of the Lord – let it be done to me according to thy word.
Moment of the Incarnation.
She becomes the dwelling place of God.       The ark in human form!!!

Mary – arose -  “anistemi”   same word for resurrection.   went across the hill country – to a place just outside Jerusalem.  Ein Kerin – where her cousin Elizabeth lived
Elizabeth said: “Blessed are you among woman” -   like David  John the Baptist leaped before the ark  “skirtao”

Theotokos  -  God bearer   bring God’s light, God’s joy!!!

Jewish Tradition – There is an Ark in every Synagogue – contains Torah scrolls
Every Catholic Church has a Tabernacle  -  holds the Eucharist  - true presence of Jesus

But both are limited by place
When WE Receive Holy Communion  -   we become Arks as it were
Like Mary, WE have the opportunity to bring Jesus wherever we go.

We can bring Jesus – Home, to school, the store, to the game, to work
We have purpose – God’s needs us to bring Jesus there!!!

God bearer!!!