Friday, December 4, 2015

Back From Sabbatical

I have returned from my Sabbatical! It is good to be home. I am grateful to all of you for your patience and your prayers, and especially to Father Chris, Gary Bartilucci and our entire staff for carrying on in my absence. I am thankful for Father Emmanuel, who is now serving at the Church of St. Patrick in Highland Mills.
I had a wonderful, once in a lifetime experience. I lived in Rome and studied at the Institute for Continuing Education at the Pontifical North American College. I had the opportunity to walk the Camino de Santiago in Spain and earn my “Compostella.” I lived in Lourdes, France for one week and served as Confessor. I concluded my time in Scotland with a visit to Iona Island. Thanksgiving Day found me praying at the Tomb of St. Columba.

I now look forward to celebrating with you the Birth of Our Savior and serving you in the New Year of 2016. Please know that throughout my Sabbatical you were never far from my thoughts and prayers. May God bless all of our parish families throughout this Holy Season!