Sunday, April 19, 2015

He Showed Them His Hands!

Story is told of a Missionary sent to Burma, had to ask permission of the king.
King looked him over
No, not you. My people are not foolish enough to listen to your preaching, but they will notice those calloused, work scarred hands.

Toward the end of my parent’s lives, I began to to notice their hands more and more. I can still picture them very clearly. How many meals she made! How much wash! How much work! All the cuts he used to have!

Jesus disciples were hearing confusing stories about resurrection.
Made up?  A ghost?
He comes before them – look at my hands & feet, It is really I!

You might think that the resurrected body was without blemish.   Shock at scars!!!
Yet, those scars helped disciples recognize him!                                        How he suffered!
It showed them it was the same person who was crucified.
It is a proof of his love.

People who care about others pick up a lot of wounds.    Outside and in.
No wounds – I wonder – was there nothing worth suffering for???

Amazing about hands.

Fist rage
Point finger
Wrap in embrace
Shake hand
Slam a door
Feed hunger
Steal from store
Bring joy
Bring sorrow

WWII – Story of a bombed out church. People went through wreckage – armless Sacred Heart – guess we have to get a new one – next day, someone put a sign – you are the hands!

Say you are a believer – that Christ is Risen.
Then other should be able to look at our hands and say!

look at his hands / look at her hands

Christ is truly Risen!