Saturday, April 4, 2015

Good Friday

Many people are interested to hear someone’s last words.
Jesus words are particularly meaningful.
Seven Last Words of Jesus – From Matthew, Mark, Luke & John
Words, of course, means phrases.
Words spoken from the Cross -
Mark – 3rd hour – about 9:00 a.m.
John – 6th hour  about noon
Agreement  - died  9th hour – about 3pm
Best explanation – crucifixion in 3rd hour – bet 9 & 12 noon
Lived about 3 hours on the cross.

1)      “Father, forgive them, they know not what they do.”
First word is “Father”   Forgive them – Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you . . .  The alternative to forgiveness is destruction: end of oneself and the other. Forgive who? – Romans? Jewish brothers & sisters? How about us?  Our sins nail him to the cross again.

2)      “Today, you will be with me in Paradise” 
At least 2 others crucified with him. Read that sometimes the cursing was so vile they had to cut out their tongues. One is cursing – other: we deserve this! Says to Jesus: Jesus, remember me . . .  an awesome request!   Good thief – steals heaven – does he deserve it? Who does? God’s mercy & His grace.  Today – wants us to be with Him forever!

3)      “Woman, behold your Son. Behold, your Mother.”    She always said yes. She has stayed close.  She is our mother, too!

4)      “My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?”  Psalm 22   How human (dad). His obedience came at a great price.  Gibson’s film “The Passion …” – Devil says: too much for one man! A prayer of faith and hope! Nothing can separate us from the love of God!!!

5)      “I Thirst” – of course, but also a different meaning .  MT convents & our Adoration Chapel– a crucifix with words: I thirst – I thirst for souls – I thirst for you.  Why did God make us? To know Him, love Him and serve Him.  He loves us so much!!!

6)      “It is finished.”  Consumatum Est.
The work is done. The power of sin is broken. New life will now begin.

7)      “Father, Into your hands I commend my spirit.”
True prayer of all believers. A surrender to God and to God’s will. He has gone ahead to prepare a place for us. In my father’s house . . .

The Crucifix of Msgr. Paul Andrews – this is where you learn everything!