Sunday, June 30, 2013

Homily Notes - 13th C

A person in charge of a lighthouse along a dangerous coast was given enough oil for one month and told to keep the light burning every night. One day a woman asked for oil so that her children could stay warm. Then a farmer came. His son needed oil for a lamp so he could read. Another needed some for an engine. The guard saw each as a worthy request and gave some oil to satisfy all. By the end of the month, the tank in the lighthouse was dry. That night the beacon was dark and three ships crashed on the rocks. More than one hundred lives were lost. The lighthouse attendant explained what he had done and why. But the prosecutor replied, "You were given only one task: to keep the light burning. Every other thing was secondary. You have no excuse."

Hard decisions. Must you follow your feelings? – no: must not follow feelings: feelings must follow you!!! Eyes fixed on reign of God.

He approaches Jesus – “I will follow you wherever you go” – Foxes have dens, birds of the sky have nests, Son of Man has nowhere to lay his head. Rome has occupied Israel and they Lord it over them – be prepared to be powerless and rejected. Yes: you will pay for things you find immoral, like contraception. And, we will tell you what marriage is and is not – and if you don’t accept it – you are a bigot.

Jesus calls another “follow me” – Let me go and bury my father first. Who could be against burying father? Points to excuses Million reasons why not!!! Delay, put off following Jesus. Priorities – what is most important in life?!

I will follow, but (conditions) “first let me say farewell to those at home” If you take your hand or eye from the plow – plow can hit rock and break or go crooked. It can lead to disaster. Demands concentration. Pay attention to what is happening in your life!!!

It is not a simple thing to be a disciple!!!

Three varieties:
Raft – Not really followers at all. They just go with the flow. Just there. They are Christians just because someone took the time to baptism. Not given it too much thought.
Sailboat - follow in sunny weather. But when the weather gets stormy, they will not go against the wind. What is every else doing..
Tugboat – follow not just in sunny weather but stormy as well. They follow him not only when winds and waves serve them but also when they oppose them. They work at it, day and night.

A League of their Own “There’s no crying in baseball”
Dottie want to quit packing husband at war - tension with sister - grind on the road
It’s too hard - It’s supposed to be hard - that is what makes it great!