Sunday, December 2, 2018


I see the English have discovered Black Friday. Police called out all over the country. Assaults, broken bones, arrests. You think they would know better.
Different way to prepare for Christmas – Church invites us to consider Advent!
Adventus – “coming”   who is Coming? - Christ

3 Comings
in Bethlehem – history
each day – mystery
end of time – majesty

1)     History
Emperor Hadrian very famous for building 126 AD the Pantheon in Rome– also in 135 built a Temple in Bethlehem – for this we are grateful = marked the spot of the birth of Christ! – Constantine 327 - Church of Nativity- present church 6th century   oldest surviving church in holy land
Used to have huge door – made small because would ride horses in  -  have to bow. Then you go down steps – see the making on floor – and there you are
Believe that Messiah was born here  -  changed the history of the human race – why we celebrate Christmas

2)     Mystery
Tragedy of first Christmas – so few recognized what happened.  
Even today – so few recognize that Jesus is STILL with us.
1)     Word  -  2) Sacrament: Eucharist, words of forgiveness, pouring with water, anointing with oil  -  3) distressing disguise of the poor.
Pay attention  to the Presence of Christ

3)     Majesty
“As we wait in joyful hope for the coming of our savior”

When – we don’t know, stopped trying to figure that out a long time ago.
 But – he will come   -   be ready

“Sub specie aeternitatis”
“View everything under the aspect of eternity”
-         is this action going to help me get to heaven, or is it going to hurt my chances?
-         How will this appear on the day of judgment?

History – Mystery – Majesty  -
The coming of Christ.
Let us use this Advent well -  to prepare our hearts!