Sunday, November 11, 2018

The Widow's Mite!

Nov 11, 1918 – 100 years ago tomorrow (today) – WWI ended – the ‘war to end all wars.”  Our President, Woodrow Wilson, hoped to prevent another war by creating a “League of Nations.” He had to get the backing of the American people, so he set out on a train trip across the country.

One day the train stopped at Billings Montana. Two little boys got through security and stood right in front of the President & Mrs. Wilson. One boy was waving a flag, and presented it to the President. The other  boy realized he had no gift to give, so he reached into his pocket and pulled out a dime (a lot of money). The president thanked him warmly.

Five years later, after the President died, Mrs. Wilson opened up his wallet. Tucked inside, neatly wrapped, was the dime. He never forgot the generosity of a young boy!

Today we meet a widow -  word means “unable to speak”
In that culture the husband always spoke for wife -  husband dies, she has 2 choices – to marry his brother or to go back to her father’s home -   often neither wanted her – then she was on her own.
Remember – no welfare system, no social security -  she had nothing but charitable support.

She approaches the temple -  “Court of Women”
Thirteen containers   shape of trumpets   little signs
She drops in 2 copper coins – hear a clang -   and Jesus noticed.

Reactions of Jesus:

1)      There might have been Anger –  is this widow being taken advantage of?  God help anyone who takes advantage of our elderly. Would often see my dad with a stack of requests for donations. – but no – he would always want to help others and so did she.
2)      She had forgiven God – her husband was gone, but she was grateful for the time she had with him. She realized each day was a blessing – and you can’t count on tomorrow.
3)      ) Amazed at generosity  -   poor widow had very little – gave her all.
He was about to give his “all”  on the cross.  This is Love!

Someone has enumerated four different types of giving.
1)      Grudge giving. I hate to part with this twenty dollar bill but I will.
2)      Shame giving. I must match whatever the others are giving.
3)      Calculated giving. We part with our money with what is called, a "lively sense of favors to come." Bingos, Las Vegas nights, and raffle tickets fit in very nicely in this category.
4)      Thanksgiving. I share my funds precisely because God has been generous to me. I realize that all I am and all I have is ultimately a gift – what return can I make to the Lord???   To live in that Spirit of Thanksgiving changes how we look and life and how we behave toward others.

Another President - Lincoln
A young lawyer – approached by a man – I want to retain you – a man owes me $2.50  a lot of money at the time – my retainer fee is $10.00  -  OK  -   Lincoln receives the $10.00  -   goes to the other man, gives him $5.00   now go repay what you owe.
What we do with money tells much about us and what we value!