Monday, May 14, 2018


We are in that “in between time” between Ascension and Pentecost. Lord Jesus had left them to return to the Father – but He promised to send the Advocate – the Holy Spirit. So the Apostles returned to the Upper Room, together with Mary, and they prayed – nine days – that’s where the word Novena comes from. They waited and prayed – Come Holy Spirit!
Surveys show that 55% of Americans pray every day – 21% weekly or monthly – 23% seldom or never.
How do they/we pray?   ACTS
2)     Contrition/Sorrow
3)     Thanksgiving
4)     Supplication/Petition
St. John Damascene says – “Prayer is the lifting up of the mind and heart to God.”   A good definition – but is it all our work? “Not that we have loved God, but that God has loved us first” – God seeks us. Another way to look at it – a conversation among friends.
Thoughts about prayer:
1)     How do you pray? Take the time – worth it. Put it right in the schedule.  Quiet in the morning or evening – in the car. Pray rosary when walking.
2)     Find the center – the meaning and purpose of life – keeps us focused.
3)     Speak with honesty – tell God what is going on!  Wife & mother at hospital with sick husband, day after day. She just couldn’t take it anymore. Statue outside of Mary. Started throwing dirt at it. Wanted to stop her, but chaplain said, it’s OK, she is praying.
4)     Listen attentively. Don’t do all the talking. Every now and then, God might speak audibly, but more often through Bible and other people.
5)     Silence – MT – silence leads to prayer leads to faith leads to love leads to service.
Once again note – Apostles made sure Mary was with them in the Upper Room – the model of prayer – let it be done to me – do whatever He tells you!
On this Mother’s Day, may the Mother of Jesus, the Mother of God, lead us to the Father.