Sunday, February 12, 2017

You Have Heard The Commandments . . .

I am sometimes asked – how late can you come to Mass and it will still count?
Our older priests would have told you – back in the day, the priest would take the veil off the chalice – the bell would ring – and that would be the cut off.
I was taught – you had to make the Gospel – after that, you were out of luck.
Now – it is in your hands!  Do your best to arrive and leave on time. And remember, there’s a difference between being caught in traffic & checking my email. Difference between getting to Marios 1st after Mass and the baby getting sick all over you!
Do I do the minimum, the least amount that I have to do  -  or do I give my best?

Gospel is calling us to more.

1)     You have heard  it said – thou shalt not kill. But – whomever is angry with his brother will be liable to judgment. There is such thing as righteous anger – In Hidden Figures, Dorothy Johnson, a human computer at NASA is asked – why do you go missing at times – there is no bathroom – no bathroom? – no colored bathroom, have to walk ½ mile. She is angry and rightfully so.  Danger when anger turns to hate, that destroys us and others.
2)     You have heard it said- thou shalt not commit adultery. But I say that everyone who looks at a woman with lust has already committed adultery with her in his heart.  That woman is someone’s daughter, sister, even mother. There are made in the image and likeness of God. This lust turns them into an object for my possession. Pornography is an awful thing.  Ruins lives and destroys marriages.  Do everything you can to be faithful!
3)       You have heard it said – do not take a false oath. But – do not swear at all.  Judge Judy with dad.  Take oaths – and half would lie anyway.   Let your Yes mean yes & no mean no.  Person of honesty and integrity.

Can rightly say – too hard – how can anyone live up to all these.
Who said living the Catholic Faith was easy?!
Bishop Barron – extreme standards – after all, the church wants to raise up saints.
but extreme mercy.

How to do it?    Brother had dog – Yogi – my favorite dog – yellow lab.  Beautiful.
Yogi loved to eat – eat anything.    Tom taught him obedience.
Would put food in bowl and say NO
Yogi, of course, was dying to eat – but tried to obey. He never looked at the food.
Like – if he did, the temptation would be too much.

He always looked at Tom’s face    What a great lesson – keep our eyes on Master’s face!