Monday, November 28, 2016

Adventus 2016

There have been seven deaths and 98 injuries across the country during Black Friday shopping between 2006 and 2014.  This year Black Friday violence also struck in England, where a police officer in Leeds was attacked Friday morning. You would think that the English would know better!
There are different ways to prepare for Christmas – Church invites us to consider another way!        Advent -       Adventus – “coming”   who is Coming? - Christ

3 Comings
in Bethlehem – history
each day – mystery
end of time – majesty

1)      Came in History
Emperor Hadrian very famous for building 126 AD the Pantheon in Rome– also in 135 built a Temple in Bethlehem = on spot where early Christians built a shrine marking the spot of the birth of Christ! He marked the spot forever! – Constantine 327 built Church of Nativity- present church 6th century   oldest surviving church in Holy Land
Used to have huge door – made small because people would ride horses in  -  have to bow. Then you go down steps – see the marking on floor – and there you are!
Believe that Messiah was born here  - Word Became Flesh! changed the history of the human race – why we celebrate Christmas -  Mass of Christ

2)      Comes in Mystery
Tragedy of first Christmas – so few recognized what happened.  
Even today – so few recognize that Jesus is STILL with us.
1)      Word  -  2) Sacrament: Eucharist, words of forgiveness, pouring with water, anointing with oil, exchange of vows    - 3) Community (Church) 2 or 3        4) distressing disguise of the poor.        Pay attention  to the Presence of Christ

3)      Will Come In Majesty
“As we await the Blessed hope and the coming of our savior, Jesus Christ”
When will He come? – we don’t know, stopped trying to figure that out a long time ago.
 But – he will come   -   be ready

“Sub specie aeternitatis”
“View everything under the aspect of eternity”
-          is this action going to help me get to heaven, or is it going to hurt my chances?
-          How will this appear on the day of judgment?
-          Good time for Sacrament of Penance!

History – Mystery – Majesty  -          The 3 comings of Christ.

There are many ways to prepare for Christmas. The Church offers us a special way!     Let us use this Advent well -  to prepare for the Coming of the Lord!