Sunday, February 14, 2016


Many people watch the Super Bowl for the game. A good game!  But, just as many watch it for the ads. My favorite one this year was the Dorito’s ad. In the ad, an expectant mother, undergoing an ultrasound, is annoyed by her husband who is absentmindedly munching Doritos while their baby’s image is displayed on the screen. But as the father moves the chip, the baby in the mother moves with it; and when the mother throws the chip across the room, well, the baby decides this is the moment to be born.

As a side note – a group complained that the commercial dangerously “humanized” the fetus. Oh boy, come on. It’s a baby!

That ad – and all the others – have to do with temptation. Come on – buy this product. You need this. You want to be like every one else, right? You can’t live without it. You won’t be happy unless you own this, you wear this, you eat this.

Sounds like Jesus first temptation:
Command these stones to turn into bread. What’s wrong with bread, with food?  Temptation to make all these pleasures the basis of life.   Called consumers – we can be consumed by them.   Endless days in front of the TV. Hour upon hour on the internet and social media.   Why Jesus fasts and we are invited to fast during Lent.   Purpose is to know what is most important.  Set priorities straight!

Second temptation
I will give you all these kingdoms if you worship me. Again, power and glory are not bad things in themselves.  But what is very first commandment? worship God alone.   Use power and glory for the good.  So many of us have power:  at work, in school, in families.   How do we use our power?  For our glory or for the glory of God?  At Last Supper, Jesus knelt down and washed the feet of His disciples – power for service!    Corporal and spiritual works of mercy.

Third temptation
Throw yourself down from the temple. His angels will guard and protect you. Taking advantage of God’s love.  Presumption.  I can sin and God will still love me.  Yes.    I can keep sinning and God will still forgive me.   Yes.  But try that in any relationship.  You will destroy it.   Our sins will destroy us.   

There are 2 lies that Satan wants us to believe:
Just once won’t hurt

Now that you have ruined your life, you are beyond God’s use, so you might as well enjoy sinning.