Sunday, June 7, 2015

Corpus Christi

Metropolitan Diary

Shopping at corner fruit stand.
Noticed a homeless woman looking over the fruits and vegetables.
Went up to her – would you like to choose something?
Oh – I would like a bunch of those green grapes
Great    vendor picked them out and put in a bag and gave to homeless woman
She looked in the bag then at the woman who paid for them.
“You know – this is a lot of grapes. Won’t you share them with me?”
So they stood on the sidewalk eating grapes with a woman whose generosity surpassed her own.

Such generosity
Generosity of the one who fed 5,000     – gives himself to us forever in the Eucharist..

Taught as young boy – stop and visit our parish church to pray before Blessed Sacrament Tolkien  – fall in love, by grace of God have not fallen out.

Learned many other ways the Church shows this love
-          Mass every day
-          Adoration
-          Bring to the sick
-          Viaticum for the final journey.

We do our part when -
- Go to confession if in mortal sin
- Keeping the fast
- Being on time
- Proper clothing
- Reverence – genuflect when coming and going
- Receiving with both hands and with clean hands.

Another aspect equally important
Father John Donahue  Jesuit
Breakfast one day with a Muslim student in Lebanon
Asks about Catholic teaching on the Eucharist
Tried to talk about Real Presence – did not seem to be the answer.
“What is your most basic problem with the Eucharist?”
“If Catholics really believed they received the Body and Blood of Christ together – would they treat each other the way they do?”

So we go back to the lesson of the grapes

A challenge for all who receive the Eucharist!