Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Updates From Father Michael - July 1, 2020


Today is the Feast Day of St. Junipero Serra – founder of Nine Missions in California and the Spiritual Founder of Los Angeles. I had the opportunity to pray at his Tomb in Carmel, CA just a few months ago. Now, people are trying to tear down statues of this great Saint. What is going on? For a good perspective, I encourage you to read the Pastoral Note sent by Archbishop Gomez, the leader of the LA Archdiocese:

Our Parish Offices will be closed on Friday, July 3 for the civic observance of Independence Day. There will be no Adoration. The Church will close at 3:00 pm. Have a Happy 4th!

A reminder that it is best to make an appointment at the parish office and not drop in – for your safety and ours. Call ahead if you want a Mass Card. There is much we can do over the phone. Church Donation envelopes can be dropped off in the SVDP metal box in the narthex of the church or mailed.  

We always err on the side of caution when it comes to weather and outdoor Mass. If the cones are not out, Mass is in church.

We are still at 25% capacity in church. The information we sent out in the last note was in error. We are waiting permission from the ADNY to increase to 50%.

Gary Bartilucci has marked off 8 temporary handicapped parking spaces near the outdoor Mass seating area. Look for the blue lines and please allow the handicapped to use them. Thanks!

Please follow all parking regulations and do not park in the fire lanes – emergency vehicles must always have access. Just park in a parking space. Thanks!

We are almost done attaching ultraviolet lights to our church air conditioning units. Many studies show that UV light kills viruses. Thank you Butch Keane! (Butch is also Head Usher for 12:00 noon Mass).

The electrostatic sprayers have arrived! These will be used to disinfect the pews. It dries on contact and can be done very rapidly and safely.

Most of the TV equipment is here except for the cameras. The wiring is in 
place and ready to go. Mike Minor (who does TV for the Town of East Fishkill) will get everything set up for us. Thanks Mike! And thanks to Joe & Tom Mandile (Sound Telephone, Inc) for the wiring. Joe and Tom do tremendous work and keep our telephones and security cameras in good working order. They are also very active parishioners!

In order to use the confessionals in future months, we must put up temporary walls to protect the priest and penitent. We have also ordered safer confessional screens. There are other concerns as well. This is a work in progress.

All these changes were not in our parish budget. A number of parishioners have recognized this and sent special one-time gifts or have temporarily increased their donations. Thank you so much for helping us to keep our parish much safer during this time of pandemic and helping us to proclaim the Gospel using different means. God bless your generosity!

A reminder that Father Michael will be away July 6-10.

All current information about our parish can be found at Be sure to check there first!