Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Latest Changes and Updates - March 24

From Father Michael

With the new Stay At Home order, and facing the reality that New York State is the epicenter of the Coronavirus in the United States with thousands of new infections being reported every day – right now almost 21,000 cases with 157 deaths – the Archdiocese of New York requires us to take further steps:

The Parish Office is closed. No one can be admitted. You may leave messages and we will try to check the phones as frequently as we can. There is always emergency access. Please mail your donations or drop them in the Poor Box in the church (or better yet join We Share – see our web site).

Baptisms can only be held in emergencies. 

Funeral Masses or Services in the church or funeral home can no longer be conducted. Burial prayers may be offered outdoors in a cemetery with the proper distancing of people. We will be happy to arrange Memorial Masses as soon as restrictions are lifted.

No weddings unless necessary. Only the bride, groom, two witnesses and priest may be present. 

Confessions will still be offered but only outdoors at our side parking lot with proper distancing. In case of rain, we will be inside in the far corners of the church. Please, if you have any cold or flu like symptoms, make a perfect Act of Contrition and come when you are better.

The Church will remain open for prayer: Monday to Friday 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., Saturday 8:00 am to 6:00 p.m., Sunday 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 pm

Adoration time will be Monday to Friday 4:00 – 8:00 pm. No group devotions – all prayers to be said privately. No Benediction. We can have nothing that would gather people – this is for their own protection. Sunday Adoration 8:00 am to 1:00 pm. 

Communion can only be administered as Viaticum (in danger of death).

Hospitals have Catholic Chaplains on staff and should be called when someone is in the hospital due to hospital restrictions based on the safety of all in the hospital. Parish priests can only come when someone is in danger of death.

Let us pray for an end to this terrible virus and the day when these restrictions can be lifted. God bless you!