Sunday, June 24, 2018

St. John the Baptist Birthday

A nice feature of smartphones – calendar with alarms – remember to send that birthday card.

Church calendar celebrates 3 birthdays.
Jesus - Christmas Dec 25  - preceded by Annunciation  March 25
Mary - September 8   - preceded by Immaculate Conception  Dec 8
John the Baptist - June 24  -  6 months before birth of Jesus
See how important this Solemnity is - even replaces Sunday.

Baptist  - last of great line of OT prophets – Isaiah, Jer, Ez
Son of Eliz and Zech  - temple priest – why is he in the desert?  now a new temple.

-  Points the way to Christ  - Remember story of David when ark brought to Jerusalem – leapt for joy   - leaps for joy inside his mother Elizabeth when Mary approaches carrying Jesus  -   behold the Lamb of God -    how can we point the way  - actions, not words -  easy here, what about outside here?

- Humble person -  I am not worthy to untie his sandals     -   he must increase - I must decrease    Timing – after longest day – days getting shorter.  It is not about me - it is about him!!!  Major mistake to compare to others instead to God -  Sometimes – say - I have everything together, my life in perfect order, need to improve nothing about myself.       In my humility - I admit my need for God, I need a Savior, I am a sinner - repent.

- Committed to the truth - not afraid to lay down his life for the truth  To tell King Herod the truth     A Long line: 
June 22  -   St. John Fisher & St. Thomas More
June 29 - St. Peter & St. Paul
June 30 - First Martyrs of the Church in Rome
July 3 - Thomas the Apostle

To point the way   -   to be humble -  to be committed to the truth
So we say – St. John the Baptist – pray for us!