Sunday, August 13, 2017

The Lost Art of Walking on Water

Mark Twain was visiting Holy Land. He wanted to go on a boat ride on the Sea of Galilee. How much do you charge? – they saw his white suit – a rich Texan - $25.00 -  Twain said - no wonder Jesus walked!
There was a plaque on desk of President Kennedy. Admiral Rickover would give it to submarine captains. In the Spring of 1963 he gave one to President Kennedy. “O God, Thy Sea is so great & my boat is so small.”  Some attribute the quote to St. Brendan the Navigator.
In our Gospel, Jesus had just been told of the death of his cousin, John the Baptist. He has fed the 5,000 with the loaves and fish.  Now he goes off to a mountain to pray while he send his disciples across the lake in a boat.
Goes to the mountain to pray.  Mountains are high – closest to heaven. A place of encounter with God.  He had to do like Elijah  -  tiny whispering sound.  Had to be still and listen – really listen    Poet Noel Crowell    “Hold up your cup, dear child, for God to fill. He only asks today that you be still.”
Jesus goes to pray – because he wants to be with his Father -  he needs strength, love, hope.  But, prayer also connects him even more deeply to his disciples – Jesus brought to prayer all their cares and worries.  People always ask me - Pray for me – be assured that I do – I carry your prayers in my heart & I put you on the altar each day.
That day, prayer caused him to leave the mountain & go to His disciples.
As Jesus came walking across the water, his disciples were no longer afraid of the storm – they were afraid of Him!     He said: Take courage -  It is I  (ego emi – Moses at the bush) Do not be afraid  (70 times in NT)
Peter asks – can I come to you?  “Come!”  And for a while, one of us, Peter, is walking on water!  But what happened?  What was his mistake?  He began to look around.  Like when I am climbing a height – do not look down!!!   He looked and saw what was actually going on. He took his eyes OFF Jesus.  Then he began to sink.   Save Me!!!    Jesus reached out His hand  - why did you falter?
St. John Vianny the Cure of Ars saw a farmer sitting in church – what are you doing?  I look at Him – He looks at  me.
Calmest place in a hurricane – the eye – keep our eye on him!
“O God, Thy sea is so great and my boat is so small!”

Keep our eyes fixed on Jesus!  With all worries about finance, children, jobs, health, elderly parents, marriage, world conflicts  - Keep our eyes on Jesus – and we might find ourselves walking on water, too!!!