Sunday, May 22, 2016

"The Story of God" and the Holy Trinity

National Geographic Channel is showing a Series “The Story of God” hosted by Morgan Freeman. In the latest episode, Morgan recalls that, at age 16, he became very sick. Many of his family thought he would die. With good care and many prayers, he pulled through. Some family members said – God saved him. Did God save him? Was it a miracle?
Next, Morgan visits a man in NYC who was a window washer. While being lowered down a building, the cable snapped and he plunged 47 floors. He had 10 broken bones, collapsed lungs and other injuries. He was in a coma for 3 weeks. But he completely recovered.   Doctors told him – you are a miracle.  He says he is not so sure – because his brother was right next to him and died instantly.
If it was a miracle, why did God save him and not his brother? It is such a mystery!  He believes he has been spared for a purpose, but has not found that purpose yet.
Next, Morgan visits with a Jewish family in Israel. They are celebrating Passover. It is the Story of how God saved his people – with 10 plagues and then the parting of the Red Sea.   At one point in the ritual, drops of red wine are dripped onto plates – they symbolize sorrow – that God lost some of his children – the Egyptians – while saving the people of Israel -   This is a great mystery.
So much about God is a mystery!   St. Augustine once said – If you think you fully understand God, then you do not understand God.
Who Is God???      Moses at Burning Bush – “I am Who Am.”
Jesus tells us – “God is Love.”   Not loves, but IS love – the very definition of Love.   Father is the Lover – Jesus is the Beloved. The Holy Spirit is the Love they share -   a Family of Love, the Mystery of the Trinity.
A Good Explanation of the Trinity is found in a Story by a Trappist Monk: Father Theophane.
Young man is speaking to a monk - Tell me what God is like.  Monk says: Here, take this book. If you read it at the right hour, it will tell you what God is like.
He brought it back to share with his wife – who was carrying their first child. “What did he mean by the right hour?” – she said.
Don’t  know. Maybe on Good Friday, or after the Easter Vigil. Or maybe Pentecost. Maybe we should wait and God will tell us. It could be years. Wait for a sign.
Two weeks later their first child was born.          He said: How can I explain how I felt?
1)      Worry – I was a dad. How will I do this?
2)      Pride – I was a dad. You really grow up.            
3)  Humbled – we were involved in something so beyond us. Thought I had everything figured out. – not so!
That night his child appeared to him in a dream – Asks the question: What is God like?  Woke up wife. This is it. Let’s open the book!   Opened at random
It’s very simple – God is a father.         Wife opened it – It’s very simple. God became a little child.

Let’s open it together. It’s very simple. Every breath you take is the breath of God.     Glory Be . . .