Sunday, November 9, 2014

St. John Lateran - The Importance of Churches

 St. John Lateran – the Pope’s Cathedral – Cathedra – Chair -  Pope lived there for 1,000 years – Rome so unstable – Pope moved to Avignon, France 1300’s. Returned 100 years later to find St. John Lateran in ruins – went to live on Vatican Hill.   Eventually rebuilt and retained the Chair.

A famous story about St. John Lateran: Pope Innocent III had a dream one night that the Lateran Basilica was about to collapse, but a little poor man appeared to hold up the walls. Soon after, St. Francis made his appeal to the Pope to found a movement based on poverty, chastity and obedience.  Innocent approved the rule of the Franciscans. Today, if you walk across the street you will see a statue of Francis – if you look at just the right angle, he is holding up the church.

Got a great history – but why a church – even one so important?  Isn’t the Church the People, not a building? Absolutely!    Does God need buildings?  No!   But, we need buildings. We need places to worship God and to become “church.”  So, our churches, our buildings DO matter.  They are places of holiness where we can become holy.

Father Robert Barron reminds us that a Church Building carries 4 powerful Images:

1)    The Temple – in Israel, Temple was everything. Even today, to stand at the foundation Wall is to be close to God. It is where the Ark was kept – where Jesus went to pray.   This church, of course, is the New Temple:   Holy of Holies (Tabernacle)   Altar (Holy Sacrifice of the Mass)   Let by a priest, not a teacher or doctor. Church is a Place of Prayer.

2)    Noah’s Ark  -  when the flood waters came, God sent a ship to save them. In a world filled with darkness, here there is hope.   What is this area of the church is called – NAVE – Navus (ship).  See the great Notre Dame in Paris – like giant oars. Church is a Place of Hope.

3)    Mystical Body of Christ - In Sacraments we become part of Christ’s Body. Here the Body is Fed by God’s Word, receives his strength in the Eucharist, and are encouraged by one another. Faith is Strengthened here.

4)    New Jerusalem -   Book of Revelation speaks of a heavenly Jerusalem, the perfect city.  The church points to the World to Come.  Stained Glass the jeweled walls – Light & color     It is filled with signs and symbols of angels and saints – citizens of the heavenly Jerusalem.   Where they have gone, we hope to follow.

Many beautiful churches throughout the world – great to visit them, but, this church is every bit as beautiful!  – our Temple –– our Ark – our Mystical Body of Christ - our New Jerusalem   For 25 years, and, we pray, for many, many more – people will come here to Encounter God and Become Church!