Sunday, February 17, 2013

Your Pastor's Health (Again)

Sorry I missed all of you this past weekend. I have an increasing problem with atrial fibulation. My heartbeat becomes irregular. It happened twice before Christmas, then stopped for a while. It has now gone off three times in the past three weeks. This last episode was different. The previous times it converted within eight hours. This time is did not. I was hospitalized and put on a blood thinner to prevent a stroke as well as lopressor to lower my pulse. Clearly I have a serious problem that needs to be corrected. I am meeting with my cardiologist on Tuesday to try to work out a solution, which may include ablation. I am grateful for your prayers and your understanding. For the time being I need to cut back to the essentials. Thanks to Dr. Dennis and Anna Scharfenberger who have been superb in every way, to St. Anthony's Hospital Emergency Room, ICU Unit and Med-Surg Staff for your compassionate care, to Father Micciulla for picking up the slack, and to Bishop Dominick, who graciously offered to cover a Mass this weekend. Thank you for your prayers. I am blessed!