Updates from
Father Michael – April 30, 2020
if it is accepted together, if it is borne together, is joy.” St. Teresa of
The priests
of Dutchess County have been genuinely concerned about our inability to administer
the Last Rites of the Church in Hospitals and Nursing Homes due to COVID-19. A temporary
solution has been found. Cardinal Dolan has given permission for Father Michael
Connolly and Father Louis Masi from St. Mary, Fishkill, to be made available
for Anointings and Last Rites in Hospitals and Nursing Homes. This means they
have temporarily moved out of their rectories and are living in a designated
facility. They have been taking training by Archcare and will be provided with
appropriate safety gear. Negotiations are continuing to allow them to enter
hospitals and nursing homes in Dutchess County to offer Anointings and Last
Rites with all precautions being made. If you have a family member in need of
the Last Rites, please call St. Columba and press the prompt for the Emergency
Line. You will be told what can be done at each facility.
Connolly will have a limited ministry at St. Columba for the present time. He
will livestream Mass from his location. He will help with Saturday confessions
when we are outdoors. We are working so that he can check his voice mails
remotely. We are grateful that he and Father Louis have offered themselves for this
important ministry. Other priests in different regions of our Archdiocese have
stepped up to do the same. Please pray for their health and safety.
We have a St.
Columba Parish YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUmSrNxHbaWpiZ9q5F4q2Ww/videos
We have begun
posting our livestream Masses and other videos here, in addition to Facebook. They
will not be “live,” but they will always be available. Some of you may find it
easier to find us on YouTube.
We realize
that we need to livestream Mass on a permanent basis, especially for our
homebound parishioners. Mike Minor does production for the Town of East
Fishkill and is very willing to work with us and help us set up a camera system
in our church. More to come.
We told you
that our Resurrection Sisters are healers, among their many other talents. The outdoor
statue of the Sacred Heart is repaired and back in place! Thank you, Sisters!
I have
scheduled Zoom meetings next week with our core staff (priests, sisters,
deacons & Gary), and with our parish council. I will also be meeting with
our parish marketing/evangelization group as well as with pastors hosting
Catholic Schools in Dutchess County. The following week I will meet with our full
staff and with our finance council. Ministry continues but in a different way.
You are
always in our prayers. Stay safe!
“I realized
that if all went well, I would not have that opportunity to love Jesus. And, I’m
so happy!” Bl. Chiara Badano