Saturday, April 4, 2020

Pondering Palm Sunday

Jesus died for you to redeem you by His blood and to free you from sin. Jesus made the ultimate sacrifice, so that we might have life. This week as we approach Easter Sunday, how can you thank God for dying for you? Think about how you can honor and remember His sacrifice in the coming days.

Even in these unprecedented circumstances, we can live Easter week with our eyes turned to God. Spend some time in prayer, and thank God for the life he's given you.

St. Columba Parish will livestream Palm Sunday Mass at 9:00 am. Go to:  Mass celebrated by Cardinal Dolan at St. Patrick's Cathedral will be telecast on WPIX Channel 11 at 10:00 am. Our church will be open for private prayer 11:00 am - 5:00 pm

Thank you for your ongoing generosity to your parish during these difficult times. Not having the Palm Sunday/Easter Sunday Collections is a huge loss. Please consider a donation to your parish. Mail your donation or drop it in the St. Vincent dePaul Poor Box in Church or give online by going to our website: and click on WeShare On-Line giving. God bless you!