Saturday, May 30, 2020

Updates from Father Michael – May 30, 2020

Our Holy Father will lead a worldwide Rosary today – Saturday – at 11:30 am connecting with all the Marian Shrines in the world. You can participate by going here:

Congratulations to Deacon Bill Alvarado, who celebrates his 40th Anniversary of Ordination today. He, together with his wife Jean, have an effective and faith-filled ministry among us. God bless you on your special day!
Today is also the 50th Anniversary of Ordination of our neighbor at St. Denis, Father Pat Dunne and of the former Dean of Dutchess County and the former Pastor of St. Martin de Porres, Msgr. James Sullivan. They are both great priests and we wish them Ad Multos Annos.

Today is also my niece’s birthday – Hayley Rose McLoughlin. She just graduated from the Ohio State University. Where does the time go?

Father Bob Abbatiello has been a friend for many years, especially during the time he led CYFM. Father Bob’s family are active members of our parish, so I regret to tell you of the death of his dad, Brandy Abbatiello. They had a Burial Service at Fishkill Rural. Hopefully soon we can have a Memorial Mass here.

Right now, Dutchess County is a Phase One. When we move to Phase Two, we can begin to reopen our parish offices, at least on a part time basis. We have ordered glass to be places around desks and for other necessary equipment. When the Parish Office reopens, we will begin to take Announced Mass intentions. We will decide this week the best way to do that, so stay tuned.

In our Archdiocese, the upper counties are at Stage 1 – Church open for Prayer & Confessions. (We at St. Columba have always been at Stage 1). Soon we will move to Stage 2 – Baptisms and Marriages limited to ten people in attendance. When we hit Stage 2, Deacon Bill will again be able to start scheduling Baptisms. Those who already had a Baptism scheduled will have first choice. All Baptisms will be done individually – one family at a time. Available times will be Saturdays at 1:00, 2:00 and 3:00 pm and on Sundays at 2:00 pm, 3:00 pm and 4:00 pm. Baptisms can also be offered weekday by request. Water will be replaced after every Baptism. Sponsor forms cannot be done in person at this time. Call either myself or Father Connolly and we will do it via phone.

We are happy to tell you that we have received a substantial donation that will cover over 80% of the cost of installing a permanent livestream system in church with two robotic cameras. Our intention is to livestream one Mass each Sunday for years to come so that our sick and homebound parishioners can always stay connected to us. Our social media committee will soon reach out for volunteers to run this mini-TV station. The equipment will be ordered this week.
Our SDSC school 8th Graders will participate in a livestream Retreat Day this Thursday, June 4 led by CYFM. At the end, Bishop Colacicco will join them, speak to our graduates, and offer a special blessing. On Friday, June 12 they will participate in a livestream Graduation Ceremony and then come in cars to receive their diplomas and awards in person. We are so proud of our graduates and wish them every grace and blessing in the years ahead.

Father’s Day cards and Intention envelopes are now available in the church. We have also placed boxes of missalettes on a table in the narthex. They are free to take since we can not use books in church for the foreseeable future.

Here is our Cardinal’s Appeal update:
Goal - $139,000.00
Pledges - $78,777.00
Gifts Given – 324
Average Gift - $243.14
Thank you so much! Please help us make our goal and give to the Appeal. Go to -

Here is our Renew and Rebuild Update:
Goal - $1,709,000.00
Pledges - $1,760,771.92
Paid - $1,019,644.46
Gifts Given – 508
Thank you so much for keeping up with your Pledges. When all the money is in, we can replace the school windows.

Those enrolling in our Religious Education program can now make payments using We Share. You are also now able to make Instant Donations to St. Columba Church with your smart phone using QR code or text. Signs in church show what to do it.

Unpack the Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit

with an online seven-day retreat

with the Dominican Friars and the Sisters of Life.

If you were a student this Spring, maybe the past semester was exceedingly difficult for you. How will you “reset”? How will you prepare for a peaceful summer?
If you are facing new challenges and uncertainties at work, how can you overcome those fears? How can you find the Lord in the ways that you have been affected during the COVID-19 pandemic?
 Or maybe your spiritual life is just in a rut. Maybe you have begun murmuring your prayers in rote recitation, not really giving your heart and mind over to the Lord.
 Now is the time to turn to the Holy Spirit.
 Jesus said to his disciples, “The Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you. Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid” (John 14:26-27).
The Holy Spirit comes to us again. This Pentecost he comes, filling our hearts with the fire of his love. He will give us the strength to set out and renew the face of the earth.
 Now is the time to seek the Holy Spirit in retreat.
 Dedicate your week of Pentecost to renewal in the Holy Spirit. Join the Dominican Friar hosts of the Godsplaining podcast and the Sisters of Life for a new digital retreat dedicated to the Gifts of the Holy Spirit.
 Beginning Pentecost Sunday, Aleteia will offer seven evening retreat conferences (premiering on Facebook, YouTube, and our website at 7 p.m. EST). Each conference will present a different Gift of the Holy Spirit.
 Sunday: The Gift of Wisdom - Fr. Patrick Mary Briscoe, O.P.
 Monday: The Gift of Fortitude- Sr. Maris Stella, S.V.
 Tuesday: The Gift of Counsel- Fr. Gregory Pine, O.P.
 Wednesday: The Gift of Piety- Sr. Bethany Madonna, S.V.
 Thursday: The Gift of Knowledge- Fr. Jacob Bertrand Janczyk, O.P.
 Friday: The Gift of Fear of the Lord- Sr. Marie Veritas, S.V.
 Saturday: The Gift of Understanding- Fr. James Brent, O.P.
 We encourage your full participation. After each conference, keep your phone off. Allow your room, your home, to become a place of prayer. Enter into intentional silence as you are able.
 If we turn to the Holy Spirit, he will flood our hearts with his graces this Pentecost. By renewing the power of his mighty Gifts, he will draw us deeper into the incredible mystery of love of our God! Join here:

Thursday, May 28, 2020

From Father Michael - Founder of the Knights of Columbus to be Beatified!

Wonderful news reported by Catholic News Service:

“Pope Francis approved a miracle attributed to the intercession of Fr. Michael J. McGivney Wednesday, paving the way for the beatification of the founder of the Knights of Columbus.
McGivney founded the Knights of Columbus in 1882. Today it is the world’s largest Catholic fraternal service organization, with nearly two million members in more than a dozen countries.
Born in Waterbury, Connecticut, in 1852, McGivney played a critical role in the growth of the Church in the United States in the latter part of the 19th century. After his ordination in Baltimore in 1877, he served a largely Irish-American and immigrant community in New Haven. 
Amid an anti-Catholic climate, he established the Knights to provide spiritual aid to Catholic men and financial help for families that had lost their breadwinner.
A press release from the Knights of Columbus May 27 said the miracle recognized by Pope Francis involved an unborn child in the United States who was healed in utero of a life-threatening condition in 2015 after his family prayed to McGivney.
It added that a date would be set soon for the beatification Mass, which will take place in Connecticut.
Supreme Knight Carl A. Anderson said: “Fr. McGivney has inspired generations of Catholic men to roll up their sleeves and put their faith into action. He was decades ahead of his time in giving the laity an important role within the Church.”
“Today, his spirit continues to shape the extraordinary charitable work of Knights as they continue to serve those on the margins of society as he served widows and orphans in the 1880s.” 
“Fr. McGivney also remains an important role model for parish priests around the world and left us a transformative legacy of effective cooperation between the laity and clergy.””

If you would like to learn a bit more about Father McGivney, watch this -

I have been a Knight of Columbus since 1990. I was Chaplain to the Highland Falls Council. I was both Chaplain and Faithful Friar to the Warwick Valley Council and Assembly. I am now serving as Faith Friar to our own St. John Paul II Assembly #2917 (4th Degree Knights). Among our members is our own Wally Wych who is the New York State Deputy. The Knights are an outstanding organization, and I wholeheartedly recommend that all the men of our parish consider becoming Knights.

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

So Many Things To Consider As We Prepare To Reopen St. Columba

When will we start celebrating the Sacraments again?

Here is our biggest challenge: “The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates there is a 20% to 50% chance that those infected do not show symptoms. Yet even those asymptomatic people may be just as capable of transmitting the disease as other infected people who eventually become sick.” (LA Times, May 26) They are the “silent spreaders.”  Therefore, it is not simply a matter of opening our doors and hoping for the best.

Here is what we are planning now, with the help of people like Gary Bartilucci, Pat Moore, Mary Ann Servidio, Kurt Kish, and Butch Keane.

Outdoors is our safest place for Mass. A tent will be erected in front of the church next week. Bushes will be trimmed. An outdoor sound system with wireless speakers has been ordered. We will ask the Knights of Columbus to help us with traffic. We still may be able to install a transmitter so that all can hear through a radio. Guidance is still needed, but it seems that all will be required to stay in their cars, at least in the beginning. We would have to work out how to distribute Holy Communion. A tentative schedule could be Saturday 5:30 pm, and Sunday 8:00 am, 10:00 am, & 12:00 noon. (NOTE – cost of all the new equipment needed is about $6,000.00)

But what happens if there is bad weather? A tentative schedule could be Saturday 5:30 pm in church & school, 8:00 am, 10:00 am in church and school, 12 noon. There are several factors involved when we are in church and using the school gym:
     Air quality: Air cannot be allowed to just sit in our buildings. It must be moved or treated. We have a large exhaust fan in the gym that can move air out. The best solution for the church is to connect ultraviolet lights with the ac system. This should destroy the virus. This is being researched. (Cost to this)
     Cleaning – the church will need to be cleaned after EVERY MASS. (Cost to this) We will need to lock the church after every Mass for cleaning. We will need to hire cleaners. We have placed an order for the fogging equipment to clean the pews. (Cost to this). Understand that much of the cleaning equipment and supplies are still NOT AVAILABLE due to hospital priority. The bathroom is another issue. For safety it would need to be cleaned after EVERY USE. This is a real problem. Also, we will change out all soap and towel dispensers in church & school and replace with automatic ones. (Cost to this)
     Worship aids – all books and missalettes are removed. No bulletins – online only. Liturgical books cannot be shared. Readings must be printed for each Mass.
     Spacing – we can only be at about 25% capacity. Every other pew must be blocked off. Markers must be put on the floor for 6 foot spacing. Parishioners cannot just sit where they wish. And, when we reach capacity, no one else may enter. Since the obligation to attend Mass is still lifted, parishioners will be encouraged to attend any one Mass during the week, daily or weekend.

-         Movement – just like supermarkets, we must have directional arrows. Entrance only through the front doors. Exit only through the side doors. Communion will likely be distributed at the end of each Mass, with immediate departure.
     Medical Team – our crew will need new safety equipment if they are to safely attend to sick parishioners (Cost to this).
     One Mass livestreamed every day for years to come (especially for the benefit of homebound parishioners) – cost of new TV equipment about $13,000.00

We are now at Phase One – Church is open for private prayer and confessions. The Archdiocese will decide when each additional phase will begin.
Phase Two – Baptisms and Marriages – limited to 10 people
Phase Three – The Rite of Distribution of Holy Communion Outside of Mass
Phase Four – Daily Mass & Funeral Mass with limited capacity
Phase Five – Sunday Mass with supervised attendance

A decision must be made about which phase includes outdoor Mass. Patience all!

We have asked Lectors and Extraordinary Ministers to let us know their availability. Over ½ have declined. Totally understandable. Pat Moore will now survey ushers and greeters regarding availability.

We will have no International Priest this summer. Your priests must make themselves available for every weekend. No extended vacations for us. We will have only one deacon available. Our two deacon candidates will be available to help.

Perhaps you noticed that we are facing increased costs, including hiring cleaners and purchasing equipment. I am so gratefully to so many of you who have stepped up to the plate to keep your parish solvent. Many people think our church building just magically stays open for their use. YOU understand the sacrifices that must be made. Thanks for ALL you are doing and continue to do. The cost of the TV equipment and outdoor equipment will be around $20,000.00. If you would like to make a special donation, we would be grateful!

On a much happier note – congratulations to Father Michael Connolly who just celebrated his second anniversary of ordination. On Thursday Father James Sheridan will celebrate his fourth anniversary of ordination. May God continue to bless these wonderful young priests!

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Memorial Day 2020

A blessed Memorial Day to you. It is a day to remember all who made the supreme sacrifice to preserve the freedoms that you and I enjoy. We usually gather at St. Denis Cemetery for an outdoor Mass, but sadly, not this year. I will offer a Memorial Day livestream Mass at 8:30 am. Special readings and prayers will be chosen.

A reminder that our Rectory Office is closed on Memorial Day and the church will also be closed. Our East Fishkill Supervisor, Nick D'Alessandro, has asked me to record a Memorial Day Prayer for the Town Service. It was written by a Jesuit friend. Here is the text:

With Gratitude and Honor
Gracious God, on this Memorial Day weekend,
we remember and give thanks
for those who have given their lives
in the service of our country.
When the need was greatest,
they stepped forward and did their duty
to defend the freedoms that we enjoy,
and to win the same for others.

O God, you yourself have taught us
that no love is greater than that
which gives itself for another.
These honored dead gave the most precious gift they had,
life itself,
for loved ones and neighbors,
for comrades and country - and for us.

Help us to honor their memory
by caring for the family members
they have left behind,
by ensuring that their wounded comrades
are properly cared for,
by being watchful caretakers of the freedoms
for which they gave their lives,
and by demanding that no other young men and women follow them to a soldier's grave unless the reason is worthy and the cause is just.
Holy One, help us to remember that freedom is not free.
There are times when its cost is, indeed, dear.
Never let us forget those who paid so terrible a price
to ensure that freedom would be our legacy.

Though their names may fade with the passing of generations,
may we never forget what they have done.
Help us to be worthy of their sacrifice,

O God, help us to be worthy. Amen.

The Cenacle - Seventh Sunday of Easter

I Just finished Sharon Kay Penman’s latest historical novel – “The Land Beyond the Sea.” It is the story of Outremer – the Holy Land in the 12th century – King Baldwin, the Leper King, Saladin, the Horns of Hattin, and the surrender of Jerusalem. Jerusalem - so important to the three monotheistic religions:
Jews – pray at Western Wall – last remnant of the Temple
Muslims – Dome of the Rock & the Night Flight of Mohammed
Christians – Church of Holy Sepulcher – death and resurrection of Christ.

There are other holy places as well:
Mount Zion is just outside the old city of Jerusalem – contains today the Catholic Cemetery where Oskar Shindler is buried – Dormition Abbey which is the site of the Assumption of Mary, the Tomb of David and right nearby – Cenacle – Latin “Cena” the Upper Room.

So much happened in the Cenacle
-         Where they prepared the Last Supper
-         Jesus Washed the feet of his disciples
-         Where he appeared to them after the Resurrection
-         Where they gathered after the Ascension
-         Where they chose the replacement for Judas – Matthias
-         Pentecost.

If we were to go to the Cenacle today – discover you cannot have Mass there – sound familiar?  Only 2x a year – Holy Thursday & Pentecost. Also, as the disciples found themselves spending so much time in the upper room, so we are spending much more time together in our Upper Rooms with our families.

What can the Cenacle teach us?

1)     Sadly, a place of betrayal – one turned against Jesus – every sin of ours is a betrayal – and He knew – Simon, after you recover, you must strengthen your brothers! So, our homes, how easy it is to hurt one another – we seek forgiveness and mercy today for that.
2)     Place of Service – apart from the cross Jesus gave no greater example than the foot wash – he emptied himself, took the form of a slave – to lift us up, to wash away our sins! Our homes – cooking, cleaning, teaching, and learning.
3)     Place of Sacrifice – Jesus offered himself up – this is the meaning of love – willing the good of the other. Took me a while to understand the sacrifices my parents were making. How might I sacrifice for them?
4)     Place of Friendship – I no longer call you servants but friends – relationship!!! Rediscover (father at home with children, board games)
5)      Place of Promise – I will not leave you orphans – HOPE – do not be afraid. Family give hope to one another, I support you, I am with you.
6)     Place of the church – first church – family of God. Homes are little church – unusual opportunity to pray and worship together.

The time would come that the disciples would leave behind the cenacle – go out into the world – and the time will come that we will leave our cenacles and gather for worship. But I have to imagine that the disciples always carried the lessons of the upper room with them – and perhaps so can we!

Friday, May 22, 2020

Father Connolly Back at St. Columba Rectory

Dear Parishioners,
As you know, for the past weeks I have been living in isolation to be available to the sick and the dying during this Covid-19 pandemic. This has been an edifying experience for many reasons. Firstly, I was able to speak with and offer God’s consolation to several people who are suffering during this time. I also learned a valuable lesson, namely, that we, the Church, have quite a bit of work ahead of us regarding evangelization and promotion of the sacraments. Of course, our beloved medical professionals have wanted to keep everyone as safe as possible since the beginning of this pandemic. As a result, only those who are considered essential have access to Covid-19 units in hospitals. Unfortunately, the Church has not been considered, across the board, as ‘essential’ at this time. Despite many efforts to gain access to Covid-19 units where I might bring the Anointing of the Sick to Catholic patients in need of this Sacrament, access was often denied. While this primarily speaks to the concern of our health professionals for the safety of priests and other visitors, it also reveals a lack of understanding of just how important the Sacraments are. As a result of the lack of access to hospitals as well as the anticipation of the ‘re-opening’ of the liturgical life of the parishes of the Archdiocese of New York, Father Michael and I have decided that it would be best if I return to St. Columba at this time. However, I urge you, whenever you or someone you love needs the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick, please do not hesitate to call! Your priests are happy to answer the call to bring you Christ’s healing touch in the sacraments! Given current restrictions, this should take place before entering the hospital. I look forward to seeing you all as soon as possible! Be assured of my prayers and please pray for me!
In Christ,
Father Connolly

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Update About The Sacraments - May 21, 2020

Dear Parishioners,

Cardinal Dolan will hold a Press Conference today (Thursday, May 21) at 11:00am to detail plans for the gradual reopening of our churches and return to sacramental life. We are grateful that the governor recognizes the strong desire of our people to resume religious services in a safe and responsible manner.

Please understand that this will be a process, taking place in phases. Actual dates and detailed descriptions of each phase will be forthcoming as time goes on, in consultation with health and government officials and in consideration of current health metrics. It is expected that different regions of the Archdiocese will begin the process of reopening at different times.

Phase 1 – Churches open for private prayer and confession
Phase 2 – Celebration of Baptisms and Marriages (limited to 10 attendees)
Phase 3 – Celebration of the Rite of Distributing Holy Communion Outside of Mass
Phase 4 – Celebration of Daily and Funeral Masses with limited attendance
Phase 5 – Celebration of Sunday Mass with limits on attendance (25% capacity of church)
Phase 6 – Resume full Sacramental life
Permission is granted to have outdoor Masses. It is yet to be determined at which phase this will be permitted. This will certainly be offered at St. Columba.

Regarding church attendance:
1.     The obligation to attend Mass is suspended until further notice.
2.     Those at a higher risk for COVID-19 (those older than 65 or have underlying health conditions) are urged NOT to come to church for Mass until it is safer to do so. Those who should not attend can continue to pray privately, watch a broadcast or livestream Mass, and make an Act of Spiritual Communion.
3.     Those who feel sick in any way or who are worried about attendance should not enter the church.
4.     In accord with current state policy, everyone over two years old must wear a cloth mask when in the church building.
5.     All should carry hand sanitizer with them and use it frequently.
6.     All must stay 6 feet away from others. Pews will be marked. Families may sit together.

These are just the basics. I and Gary Bartilucci have been doing some preliminary work. But now we are forming a Task Force to understand everything that must be done so that we can be ready for each phase. Our first meeting will be Tuesday.

We ask for everyone’s patience as we move to put many safety requirements in place. We will communicate with you as always via Flock Notes, Facebook, and our Website. Please encourage any parishioner you know to sign up for Flock Notes, and please try to keep your fellow parishioners who do not use technology in the loop. Give them a call and tell them what is going on!

It is a good step forward, but we have much work to do. Pray for us!

Father Michael P. McLoughlin

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Updates From Father Michael - May 19 - Ascension

This Thursday is Ascension Thursday. It is always a Holy Day of Obligation but not this year due to the pandemic. You are still welcome to pray with us at Livestream Mass. Father Michael will Livestream on Wednesday at 5:30 pm and Father Connolly will Livestream on Thursday at 8:30 am.

We will need to Livestream for months. Even when the pandemic is over, we want to be able to Livestream one Sunday Mass each weekend for our homebound parishioners. We also want the ability to Livestream and record First Communion, Confirmation, Graduation, etc. We are working together with Mike Miner (who does all the TV work for the Town of East Fishkill) and Cecilia Mastrorilli (a key member of our Social Media Group) to design a permanent system. We will keep you posted.

We are trying to prepare for the day when Mass returns. Realistically, with social distancing norms, we will not be able to have more than 175 people (25%) in the church at a time. We will also need time between Masses to clean and disinfect. The best solution for us is to have weekend outdoor Masses when the weather cooperates. We have ordered a tent for the front of the church. The outdoor speakers will be upgraded. Please remember that there will be no obligation to attend Mass for a while, particularly for those over 65 or having any health issues. Because of this, we will encourage parishioners to attend ANY Mass weekdays or weekends. This will take the pressure off weekends. It is also anticipated that we will be unable to use lectors, extraordinary ministers of holy communion or altar servers for the next months. There will likely be no singing because it can project particles into the air much further than speaking. Soon, our Archdiocese will issue norms that we must follow. Then, our planning can become more detailed.

During this time of pandemic, many people are making end-of-life decisions and need support. The Respect Life Office, in collaboration with the Public Policy Office, has been working to educate people on the dangers of the “living will” which pressure patients to forgo treatment. Especially while our healthcare system is overwhelmed, we must guard against these documents which can lead to subtle forms of euthanasia. The best way to prepare for end-of-life decisions is to designate a health care proxy. A health care proxy form and other helpful information can be found on our website.
Director of Communications and Public Relations for the Catholic Schools in the Archdiocese of New York, T.J. McCormack, chats with the Recine family about the transition to home-based learning amid the coronavirus pandemic. The family has two students in Dutchess Catholic schools: Our Lady of Lourdes High School and St. Denis – St. Columba School.
Treat yourself to an hour of insight, prayer, and reflection from the comfort of your own home! Wednesday, May 27 at 8:00 PM CYFM Connect Virtual Retreats Features Sr. Marie Pappas, CR.  Her topic:  Praying Our Life: Encountering Jesus in the Absence of the Sacraments speaks to hearts that hunger to connect amid a pandemic lockdown.
Participate through computer or phone. For new registrants obtain a Zoom link at: or Access through Facebook Live (@CYFMGarrison).

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Updates From Father Michael - May 13, 2020 - Our Lady of Fatima

Updates from Father Michael – May 13, 2020 – Our Lady of Fatima

“Fortitude is the disposition of soul which enables us to despise all inconveniences and the loss of things not in our power.” St. Augustine

Today is the beautiful Feast of Our Lady of Fatima. A virtual pilgrimage to Fatima is being offered today at 3:00 pm. Go to
From the Facebook page: Join us as we celebrate the Feast Day of Our Lady of Fátima together with the faithful from across the globe.
This powerful tribute event will feature:
- Welcome Message from Fátima
- Remember the Story of Our Lady of Fátima (featuring exclusive scenes from the new movie)
- Meditation
- Remembrance of Processionals
- Sharing of Intentions
- Celebration of the Message
Although we are apart in body, we can be together in spirit

When do we return to church?  When will baptisms and weddings resume? We still do not know. Be certain that Bishop Colacicco is advocating for Dutchess County. But what will it look like? Since the obligation to attend Mass will be removed for months, we will continue to offer livestream. We are working on a permanent camera set up for church that we can use for years to come. Since there will be seating limitations, we are considering outdoor Masses. But we cannot get ahead of ourselves. We await guidance from our Archdiocese. It is hard to be patient, but patient we must be.

As we look ahead, you will notice all missalettes and hymnals have been removed from the church for safety. Sadly, the virus can remain on books. The Prayer Intention book has been removed for safety. Instead, please make sure to send your intentions to – The bathrooms are for Emergency use only – use at your own risk. To be perfectly safe, we would always have to pay someone to stand there and clean after each use – not feasible.

We require that you wear a facemask whenever you enter church and keep it on if you stay in church. That will be the new normal when Mass resumes in church. Also, please wear a facemask for confessions. They continue outdoors for the foreseeable future.

Our staff is discussing the reconfiguration of our rectory and religious education offices. We need to make them safer with the addition of glass screens at all desks. Certainly, in the coming months, office visits must remain less frequent with items being mailed, emailed, or dropped off outside the office. Some staff may continue to work from home. As you can see, we have lots to talk about and plan for.

We are working to resume God Squad Youth Group Meetings via Zoom. We will be watching and discussing “The Chosen.” the first original TV series about Jesus. If you have a teen that would like to participate and is not on the Flock Note God Squad list, please download the attached Digital Ministry Permission slip and email it back to We are without a Youth Minister as Christine Gibbons has stepped aside as she awaits the birth of her third child. Anyone interested in interviewing for the position should contact me.  

This weekend we would normally offer a Blessing for Expectant Parents. Instead, we are happy to do a Drive by Blessing. We will pull into your driveway and either remain in our car or just step outside (your choice). Call me at 227-8380 x 16 to set up at date & time.

Our Finance Council met last night, and they were pleasantly surprised. Your generosity has been fantastic. So many of you have kept up with your Offertory gifts and contributed even more.  God bless you! Many thanks to Mary Gallagher and Gary Bartilucci for carefully ensuring that your gifts are properly recorded and promptly deposited in the bank.

Renew & Renew and Rebuild has passed the $1 million mark toward the pledged amount of $1.7 million. We need about $260,000 more to pay off the loan for all the church work. Then, the remainder of money raised has been budgeted to replace the school windows. That work will begin when the money is in hand. Thank you for your amazing generosity.

We have reached the $70,000 mark (1/2 way) toward our Cardinal’s Appeal goal. This necessary appeal supports so many programs and activities of our Archdiocese. If you would like to make a gift and help us reach our goal, go to

God bless you -stay safe!

“To have courage for whatever comes in life, everything lies in that.” St. Teresa of Avila

Sunday, May 10, 2020

In My Father's House

There are many bad things about this pandemic – the fact that I am here without you, crowning Mary by myself = but the worst thing – so many cannot be with their loved ones in the hospital or nursing home. A couple of days ago I had a drive by blessing for man who died of COVID-19 and for his family – they had not seen their loved one in four weeks. If that happened to me, I think my heart would break in a million pieces.

So, I know that I was very blessed to be at the bedsides of both my mother and father. It was not easy, but I am glad I could be there.

My mother was home with hospice for her last weeks.
As time went on, she was more and more confused.
She began to say – “I want to go home!”
I would say – “Mom, you are home – 33 Highland Ave.”
She would give me a look each time – are you crazy? This is not home!
As I prayed about it, what she said began to take on another meaning.
No, this is not home, not like this – I want to be at peace, not suffer any more, be with God – that home. I want to go home.

At the Last Supper, as He was preparing His disciples for His death, He spoke about that home. He said: “In my Father’s house – many dwelling places – otherwise, how could I tell you I prepare a place for you – I indeed go to prepare a place for you, and then I will come back to take you with me – where I am you also may be.”

My Father’s house – heaven – we think of it as a location – but so much more – a relationship – love of Father for the Son – the Son for the Father – a place of love.

I know that home can be a challenging place right now. I see that Kim Kardashian and Kanye West are so sick of one another they are living at opposite ends of the house.
But to the degree that we love – remember now – love is willing the good of the other - God is there, heaven is there. All the way to heaven is heaven said Dorothy Day

How do we get there - asks Thomas – how can we know the way?

Jesus – I am - I am – words spoken to Moses at the burning bush – I AM one with the Father - the way   - the truth & the life – follow me – this is the way to love. He is the Way that leads to the Father’s House.

Without the way – there is no going     without the truth – there is no knowing     without the life – there is no living.

A story is told of a group of men serving in Normandy during WW2 - saw signs with street names – lets turn them around – changed directions – seemed funny at the time.
Later they felt guilty – how many did they lead astray -   not just that day, but in their lives. They pointed the wrong way.

Remember I was in Ireland asking for directions – Right at light – left – right. Sometimes I guess I looked so confused they would say – just follow me – I will show you the way. Show them the way – by how you live your faith – by your love.

Mom said - I want to go home –
But in one sense she was already there! – a woman who lived the Way – who showed ME the way!

Because the Lord was always:  her way – truth – life!

Saturday, May 9, 2020

Mother's Day Weekend

Updates From Father Michael – May 9, 2020

This is a Mother’s Day weekend unlike all others. Usually we would have the last of our First Communions and then all the children would return on Sunday for the Crowning of Mary. This year I will Crown Mary all by myself. Then on Mother’s Day, many would go to visit their mothers and grandmothers. But, for safety’s sake, this may not happen in many cases. So many of you are trying to protect elderly parents. Please know that all of you are in our prayers. We will offer Mass this Sunday and indeed all Masses this week for our Mother’s Day Intentions. Please remember that Mother’s Day cards are available at the doors of our church. Intention envelopes can be mailed or dropped in the SVDP box at the entrance to the church.

At each Mother’s Day Mass, we would offer a special blessing. I will offer it to you now:
“Loving God, as a mother gives life and nourishment to her children, so you watch over your Church. Motherhood is your gift to the world. Bless these women, that they may be strengthened as Christian mothers. May they always turn to the Blessed Mother as their model and guide in this special vocation. Let the example of their faith and love shine forth. Grant that we may honor them always with a spirit of profound respect. Grant this blessing through Christ our Lord. Amen.”

Tonight, would have been our School Gala, honoring many of our Parochial Vicars who have served our school well over the years. Please pray for them and pray for our school! Also, offer a prayer for Father Chris Argano as he celebrates his 11th Anniversary of Ordination today.

God bless you and stay safe!

Friday, May 8, 2020

The Catholic Schools of Dutchess County

A message from the Catholic Schools Region of Dutchess:

We hope that you and yours are healthy and safe and have adjusted to our new normal.

The necessary transition to home-based distance learning has not been an easy one, but Catholic schools in Dutchess have managed to do it successfully!  Our faculty and staff are working tirelessly, in partnership with parents and guardians, to continue to deliver an excellent academic education, enriched with faith! Our teachers rapidly embraced new technologies and adapted to new teaching methods. They continue to make themselves available to our students and their families, as we advance into the fourth quarter of the 2019-20 school year.  We all miss seeing our students and team members in person, but know that we will get through this together with the grace of God.

Admissions for the 2020-21 school year is ongoing. While we are unable to tour our school buildings at this time, we are conducting virtual open houses and principal interviews. Financial assistance is available for eligible families. Please visit to learn more or email, the Dutchess Director of Enrollment, for assistance.

God bless you!

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Updates from Father Michael - May 6, 2020

Updates from Father Michael – May 6, 2020

“Who except God can give you peace? Has the world ever been able to satisfy the heart?” St. Gerard Majella

Father Connolly continues to live away from St. Columba. He and Father Masi from St. Mary’s, Fishkill are attempting to enter hospitals and nursing homes to provide the sacraments and last rites of the church. Most of you know how difficult this has become. Some of you have not even been allowed at the bedside of a dying relative. In my mind, this has been the very worst aspect of the pandemic, and there are plenty of terrible things happening. Because of this attempt, they need to be isolated and cannot enter their rectories without a COVID-19 test. Please pray that they may be successful and stay healthy and safe.

Because Father Connolly is isolating himself, he will not be available for Confessions here on Saturdays. Only I will be available – outdoors normally and in the corner of the church if it rains. Please be reminded that St. Denis has two priests available for confessions on Saturdays from 8:00-8:45 am & 3:30–4:30 pm (rectory porch) and St. Mary, Fishkill has two priests on Saturdays from 4:00 – 5:00 pm. If you are elderly, at risk, or ill, please remember that you can examine your conscience, make a perfect Act of Contrition, and come back to confessions when conditions change.

Sad news – the ordinations of Steve Broussard and Dennis McCormack to the Permanent Deaconate have been postponed. A new date has not been set. We will announce when a new date has been chosen by Cardinal Dolan. Their reception was to be our annual Parish Picnic but that has now been cancelled. Many disappointments, but we do not give up hope! Their day will come!

Gary has discovered some of our collection envelopes from DP Murphy have not been delivered on time. The Post Office is having challenges with staffing, as are many companies. Thanks for your patience. We will watch the situation.

Our livestreams are available after each event on our YouTube Channel - We are working with Mike Minor to set up a permanent camera system in the church. We plan to livestream a Sunday Mass each weekend for our homebound parishioners. It will also give us the ability to record and post Confirmations, First Communions, Graduations, etc.

Soon we will offer the opportunity to request Announced Mass Intentions. Thanks for your patience. We must wait a while longer to determine our Mass schedule. In the meantime, you are always welcome to request unannounced Mass Intentions. Please mail your request (or drop it in the SVDP box) with the name of the intention and the $10.00 donation.

I had planned to lead a Pilgrimage to Oberammergau this summer. It is cancelled and we are planning a new Pilgrimage to Oberammergau (Austria & Germany) in 2022. When the details are firmed up, we will make the Pilgrimage available first to all who signed up for 2020. If any openings remain, it will be opened to all. It is scheduled for late July and early August 2022. More details to come!

Tonight at 8PM ET, Mark Hart and Emily Wilson will be going live on the Ascension Facebook page to discuss that source and summit of our Faith, the Mass. It’s the first part of a four-part series that will be running every Wednesday in May where we’ll be rediscovering the beauty and richness of the Mass.
To watch the video, simply click the button below or go to
If you do not see the video after 8 p.m. ET please refresh your browser and the video should be visible! Sometimes it takes a moment to become visible. 

“The fruit of silence is prayer. The fruit of prayer is faith. The fruit of faith is love. The fruit of love is service. The fruit of service is peace.” St. Teresa of Calcutta