Saturday, April 11, 2020

Easter Day Flocknote - April 12, 2020

Although today may not be filled with the glorious gatherings, delicious brunches, and family Easter egg hunts we're accustomed to, Jesus Christ has still conquered the grave, and no virus, cancellations, or any circumstance can change that. 

Let us rejoice in this most important day! Try to find joy in the small blessings--the sunshine and blooming flowers--and also in the hope we have knowing our Savior has conquered death. 

Our church is praying for you, and we look forward to gathering together again soon!

Reminder - Our parish Livestream at 

Easter Sunday Livestream from our church - 9:00 a.m, (church is locked)

Easter Sunday Mass from St. Patrick's Cathedral offered by Cardinal Dolan can be viewed on TV at 10:00 am - WPIX Channel 11.

Church is Open for Prayer - 11:00 am - 5:00 pm (facemasks not required but appreciated for everyone's safety!)

Please hold on to your Rice Bowls until we return to church..

Two opportunities today (Sunday):

Andrea Bocelli will perform a special solo concert of Sacred Music from the Duomo in Milan at 1:00 pm NY time: go to

The Sheen Center is offering the performance of Ken Jennings - "The Gospel of John" today and tomorrow for free. go to: 

We are most grateful for your Easter Gifts! Understanding the many challenges so many are facing, please donate whatever is within your means:
- Mail to St. Columba-PO Box 428- Hopewell Junction, NY 12533
- Drop in the SVDP Poor Box at the entrance to the church and mark your envelope  "St. Columba"
- Join our On Line Giving Program - We Share -  You can use credit card, debit card or your bank account - your choice!

Looking ahead to this week - The Octave of Easter

Monday - Staff will be off and will not check phones in the Church Office - Emergencies only. Church open 9 am - 5:00 pm - Livestream Mass at 10:00 am - No Adoration.

Tuesday to Friday - Church open 9:00 am to 8:00 pm - Livestream Mass at 10:00 am - Adoration in church from 4:00 - 8:00 pm.

God bless you and Happy Easter!!!

"He is not here, for he has been raised just as he said." - Matthew 28:6