Sunday, January 26, 2014

Are You A Belieber?

My niece’s room – a life sized Justin Bieber
Now – she has moved past Beebs – no longer a Belieber
He is having his own challenges
Talk of speeding, drinking, drug use.
Sad – this young man – a few years ago – said he wants to be a role model.

 Reconsider virtues:
Cardinal virtues - latin for “hinges”
Prudence -  better choices
Justice – realize others can get hurt when you speed
Temperance – balance & control in all things
Fortitude - courage to stand up   (positive & negative peer pressure)

 Supported by Theological virtues – gifts from God
Faith – created by God for a purpose
Hope – more to life than meets the eye
Charity – to love God & love neighbor

 Hope   -  is different than optimism
Glass ½ full or ½ empty -  does not matter!

 Events taking turn for worse – John is arrested and thrown into prison
Response by Jesus is to move into Galilee – ruled by Herod.
Taking the message of light into the land of darkness     Hope!

 Needs help to do this -  bearers of Hope
Peter & Andrew – follow me
James & John – follow me
Why – hope!

 1)      Only sure hope is God – the shepherd has walked through the valley of death. Now he walks by our side – we have nothing to fear.

2)     Hope changes our lives – gives us 1,000 reasons to live – and when things do not go our way – our hope rests on Him.

3)     Hope unites us to others. We walk this journey together. We are not alone.

 Am I optimistic about Justin Bieber?  No, I am not.
But I have hope!

Sunday, January 19, 2014

March For Life

Come be a voice for those who have no voice! Father Micciulla will lead the group to Washington DC on Wednesday, January 22. The bus leaves at 4am and will return by 11pm. SEATS ARE AVAILABLE! Sign up after Mass on Sunday or call the church office on Tuesday.

For those who cannot attend - Adoration on Wednesday from 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Pray for our marchers, for our country and for the innocent victims of abortion.

Funeral Mass - Margaret M. Veth

A Mass of Christian Burial will be offered for the repose of the soul of Margaret Veth on Wednesday, January 22 at 10:00 a.m. Please pray for her and for her family.

Evangelization Resources

Father Robert Barron - creator of "Catholicism Series"

Search "Father Robert Barron" on You Tube

Download the app "Word On Fire"

Put together or join a Lenten Small Group - "The New Evangelization"
Six weeks for 1 1/2 hour per week - cost is $20.00 for the text book

The New Evangelization

Pastor in rural Georgia was visiting a hospital.
A parishioner had just given birth to a child.
He found the young father looking through the glass at his baby.
Baby was making all sorts of racket.
It’s OK – cleans out her lungs, gets her voice going.
Oh she’s mad as . . .  saw collar,  sorry father.
OK – but why is she mad?
Won’t you be mad – one minute you are with God in heaven and the next minute you are in Georgia.
You believe she was with God before she came here?    Oh yeah.
Will she remember?
Well, that’s up to her mother and me.  And the church. We’ve got to see she remembers, because if she forgets, she is a goner.

 She is a goner.
Fasting growing group in America – no religion    tripled in 30 years.
God is being pushed out – of personal iife – social life – political life - culture
75% Catholics – gone from Mass.
Second largest group in America after Catholics -   ex Catholics
Gone –
Personally it makes me crazy -  sign over front doors of College Seminary
Salus Animarum Suprema Lex   -    worry about their souls.

 Evangelize -  Like Baptist – look, there is the Lamb of God -   point the way.

 Missionary work of church – now has 3 dimensions

1)      Ordinary evangelization toward practicing Catholics, fueled by sacraments

2)      Mission toward non-Christians – used to occupy much energy, less now most have heard of Christ.

3)      New Evangelization -  not about a new message  &  not about boosting numbers – tries now to engage inactive Catholics -  to rediscover the person of Jesus and the beauty of the Catholic faith.      It is new because of who does it -  YOU     NEW because our culture has changed – we must understand it.       Biggest shift in church in 500 years.

 Great resource – Father Robert Barron -  Catholicism  -  Word on Fire
Go on You Tube -   type Father Robert Barron -  so much to learn.
Consider -  Father Barron’s New Evangelization for Lent  -   6 weeks  1 & ½ hour

 Will she remember? That’s up to her mother & me  -  the church – if not, she is a goner!

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

The Process For Selecting A Pastor

At this point, thirty five Pastors who have served twelve years or more in parishes of the Archdiocese are scheduled to receive new assignments by this summer, including St. Stephen’s. In addition, Pastors who have reached the age of seventy –five and up to the age of eighty are given the option to remain as Parish Administrator for one year at a time (pending physical and psychological evaluations) or to retire. All priests at age eighty must retire from Parish Administration. So, it is anticipated that a few other parishes will also need Pastors. All Pastors scheduled to receive new assignments are being evaluated right now, and will meet with their evaluation team in the next month or so. The evaluation teams will make their report to the Archdiocese. Then, in the spring, all Archdiocesan priests will be notified as to which parishes have an opening for a Pastor. All Archdiocesan priests may apply for openings, giving reasons why they believe it might be a good assignment for priest and parish. The Priest Personnel Board will begin to have many discussions and will propose placements of Pastors. All proposals must be submitted to Cardinal Dolan, who may accept their recommendations or decide on his own regarding assignments. Priests and Parishes are notified via signed letter from Cardinal Dolan. This will likely take place in May or even June. New assignments could begin July 1, August 1 or September 1, depending on the circumstance. Let us continue to pray for the guidance of the Holy Spirit in this process.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Funeral Mass - James J. Baker

A Mass of Christian Burial will be offered for the repose of the soul of James Baker on Friday, January 10 at 10:00 a.m. Please pray for him and for his family.