Thursday, April 29, 2021

Updates From St. Columba - May 1, 2021


Fifth Sunday of Easter 

May 2, 2021



All the Earth, proclaim the Lord; sing your praise to God!

1.   Serve you the Lord, heart filled with gladness. Come into God’s presence singing for joy!

2.   Know that the Lord is our Creator. Yes, God is our Father; we are his own.

3.   We are the sheep of the green pasture; For we are God’s people, chosen for God.

4.   Come to the gates bringing thanksgiving; O enter the courtyards singing in praise.



1.      Be joyful, Mary, heav'nly Queen, 

          Gaude, María!

          Your grief is changed to joy serene,


          Laetáre, O María!


2.      The Son you bore by heaven's grace, 

          Gaude, María!

          Did by his death our guilt erase,


          Laetáre, O María!


3.      The Lord has risen from the dead, 

          Gaude, María!

          He rose in glory as he said, 


          Laetáre, O María!


4.      Now pray to God, O Virgin fair, 

          Gaude, María!

          That he our souls to heaven bear, 


          Laetáre, O María!


Text:  Regina caeli, jubila; Latin, 17th C.; tr. anon. in  Psallite,  1901




1.      I am the Bread of life. 

          You who come to me shall not hunger;

          and who believe in me shall not thirst. 

          No one can come to me 

          unless the Father beckons.



And I will raise you up, 

and I will raise you up, 

and I will raise you up on the last day.


2.      The bread that I will give 

          is my flesh for the life of the world,

          and if you eat of this bread, 

          you shall live for ever, 

          you shall live for ever.


3.      Unless you eat 

          of the flesh of the Son of Man 

          and drink of his blood, 

          and drink of his blood, 

          you shall not have life within you. 


4.      I am the Resurrection, 

          I am the life. 

          If you believe in me, 

          even though you die, 

          you shall live for ever.


5.      Yes, Lord, we believe 

          that you are the Christ, 

          the Son of God, 

          Who has come 

          into the world.



3.      Alleluia! Bread of angels, 

          Here on earth our food, our stay!

          Alleluia! Here the sinful 

          Flee to you from day to day.

          Intercessor, friend of sinners, 

          Earth's redeemer, plead for me,

          Where the songs of all the sinless 

          Sweep across the crystal sea. 


4.      Alleluia! King eternal, 

          You the Lord of lords we own;

          Alleluia! Born of Mary, 

          Earth your footstool, heav'n your throne.

          You within the veil, have entered, 

          Robed in flesh, our great high priest;

          Here on earth both priest and victim 

          In the eucharistic feast. 


Text: Revelation 5:9; William C. Dix, 1837-1898


Reprinted with permission under OneLicense #A700-703. All rights reserved.


Mother’s Day is May 9. A Novena of Masses will be offered for our mothers, both living and deceased. Mother’s Day cards and Intention envelopes are available in the church. Please write your Intentions on the envelope and mail it, drop it in the collection or drop it in one of our drop boxes.



Our ushers and greeters will begin to take collections again THIS WEEKEND.  One collection basket will remain at the entrance for your convenience. Other ways to give to St. Columba include WeShare, E-Giving or by mailing your donation. Thank you for your generosity to your parish. NOTE – we have decided that when there is a special collection, you should drop a separate envelope in the first collection. There will be only one collection taken at any Mass.



We plan to offer an in-person VBS program called Catholic Kids Camp this summer on July 12-16. As Deacon Reilly has retired, a new Director has been chosen. We are excited that Sister Cherree Ann Power, one of our Resurrection Sisters, will direct our program. Sister has over 44 years of experience in Catholic Education. Catholic Kids Camp will be supported by our Religious Education Office, so Sister Marie Pappas will also be involved. Planning has begun and we will announce the details soon! Stay tuned!



It is time to return your Rice Bowls! Please bring them to Mass. All donations will be sent to Catholic Relief Services. Thank you for your generosity.



There have been some tragic house fires recently, and some parishioners have been affected. If you would like to help them, the best way to do so is to provide gift cards so that food, clothing, and household items can be purchased. Please – no cash. Please mail or drop your gift cards (like Shoprite, Kohls, Walmart etc.) off at the church office and we will get them to our parishioners in need.



We are currently interviewing for the position of Youth Minister for our High School Youth Group. Meetings are generally held on the 2nd and 4th Saturday each month after the 5:30 pm Mass. There is a stipend. If you would like to be interviewed, please submit your resume to Father Michael.



We are grateful to Deacon Bill Alvarado, who has for many years overseen our Baptism Preparation Program. He is now stepping down and has passed the reigns to Deacon Dennis McCormack. Deacon Dennis is now the initial point of contact for any families who wish to have a Baptism at St. Columba. He can be reached at 845-227-8380 x13 or at



Couples celebrating their 25th, 50th or 60th Wedding Anniversaries are invited to Mass on Saturday, May 22 at 11:30 am. Sign up now for Mass and for your special Certificate by calling the church office 227-8380. When we find out how many couples are attending, we will be able to tell you how many guests you can invite.



The Sacrament of First Holy Communion will be celebrated on May 1 and 8 at 9:30 am. Rehearsal on Thursday May 6 at 4:30 pm. There will be No Adoration this Thursday.



We are happy to announce that St. Columba has reached the assigned goal of the Cardinal’s Appeal. Thank you so much! Outstanding! Now, any amount received over our parish goal will include a rebate to St. Columba. If you have not done so already, please consider donating to the Appeal. Any gift, large or small, is deeply appreciated.


Cardinal’s Appeal 2021 as of April 23, 2021

Parish Goal - $97,000.00

Pledged - $111,947.00

Number of Gifts – 415

Average Gift - $269.75


Renew & Rebuild as of April 16, 2021

Parish Goal - $1,709,000.00

Pledged - $1,766,771.92

Paid - $1,255,258.95

Number of Gifts – 523