Friday, April 16, 2021



Third Sunday of Easter ~ April 18, 2021


Entrance:   All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name (CORONATION)

1. All hail the pow’r of Jesus’ name!

Let angels prostrate fall;

Bring forth the royal diadem

To crown him Lord of all;

Bring forth the royal diadem

To crown him Lord of all.

2. Hail him, you heirs of David’s line,

Whom David Lord did call,

The God incarnate, Man divine,

And crown him Lord of all;

The God incarnate, Man divine,

And crown him Lord of all.

Text: 86 86 86; Edward Perronet, 1726–1792; alt. by John Rippon, 1751–1836. 

Music: Union Harmony, 1793; Oliver Holden, 1765–1844.


Psalm Refrain: Lord, let your face shine on us.



  1. That Easter day with joy was bright;

           The sun shone out with fairer light

           When, to their longing eyes restored,

           The apostles saw their risen Lord! 

    2.    His risen flesh with radiance glowed;

           His wounded hands and feet he showed.

           Those scars their solemn witness gave

           That Christ was risen from the grave.

   3.     O Jesus, King of gentleness,

           With constant love our hearts possess

           That we may give you all our days

           The tribute of our grateful praise.

  4.      O Lord of all, with us abide

           In this our joyful Eastertide;

           From ev'ry weapon death can wield

           Your own redeemed for-ever shield.

  5.      All praise, to you, O risen Lord,

           Now both by heav'n and earth adored;

           To God the Father equal praise,

           And God the Spirit, now we raise!Text: Claro paschali gaudio; Latin 5th C.; tr. by John M. Neale, 1818-1866, alt.



  1. In the walking on the road, we saw him. In the telling of our hopes, we saw him. In the burning of our hearts, we saw the Lord. At the meal he took the bread and then he blessed it, broke it, offered it. In the breaking of the bread, We saw him! Suddenly our eyes were opened, And we knew he was alive!
  2. We set out to find his friends to tell them. We went to Jerusalem to tell them ; And with joy we told them,”We have seen the Lord!” And as we were speaking,there he stood among us, blessed us, said to us, “Now my peace I leave with you.”  We saw him! Suddenly our eyes were opened, And we knew he was alive!
  3. But then we became afraid without him. In the darkened room we stayed without him. Waiting for the one he said that he would send. Then the Spirit of the Lord came down upon us, filling us, changing us. Giving us the strength to say: We saw him! Suddenly our eyes were opened, And we knew he was alive!
  4. We ran out into the street to tell them, Ev’ryone that we could meet, to tell them, “God has raised him up and we have seen the Lord!” We took bread as he had done and then we blessed it, broke it, offered it. In the Breaking of the bread, We saw him! Suddenly our eyes were opened. There within our midst was Jesus, And we knew he was alive! In the breaking of the bread, He is here with us again. And we know he is alive! 

Alleluia! (6x)    Michael Philip Ward. Text and music c1986 World Library publications, a div. of GIA publications, Inc.



1.        "Go make of all disciples."

           We hear the call, O Lord,

           That comes from you, our Father,

           In your eternal Word.

           Inspire our ways of learning

           Through earnest, fervent prayer,

           And let our daily living

           Reveal you ev'rywhere.

2.        "Go make of all disciples,"

           Baptizing in the name

           Of Father, Son, and Spirit--

           From age to age the same.

           We call each new disciple

           To follow you, O Lord,

           Redeeming soul and body

           By water and the Word.  

 Text: Matthew 28:19-20; Leon M. Adkins, 1896-1986, alt., © 1964, Abingdon Press


Reprinted with permission under ONE LICENSE #A-700703. All rights reserved.





We sadly announce the death of Robert Connolly, the grandfather of Father Michael Connolly. The wake will be on Sunday from 2:00 – 4:00 pm at Hawthorne Funeral Home, 21 W Stevens Ave., Hawthorne NY and the Funeral Mass will be on Monday at 10:00 am at St. Augustine Church, 381 North Highland Ave., Ossining, NY. Please pray for the repose of his soul and for the family and friends who survive him. May he rest in peace.



Cardinal Dolan is encouraging all Catholics in the Archdiocese of New York to return to Mass. We are glad that you are back! It is important for you to know that St. Columba has successfully been gathering for Mass since last June with no incidents of exposure – a remarkable record. We are doing many things to ensure safety. Our fan system is constantly moving the air and ultraviolet lights are attached to the system. Weather permitting windows are open. The pews are disinfected between Masses. No reservations are needed. Everyone enters through the front door. All are required to wear masks covering the mouth and nose. Ushers/greeters seat everyone using our 50% seating configuration. Collection baskets are at the front entrance, but we will also begin taking up a collection in May. Ministries in the sanctuary are just priests/deacons to limit exposure. There is no sign of peace. Hands are purified immediately before distributing Holy Communion. If the priest/deacon makes contact, he puts the ciboria on the table and disinfects his hands again.  As people are greeted after Mass, we keep social distance. Is it 100% safe? Just like going to a grocery store, restaurant, doctor, dentist, hair stylist, etc. there are inherent risks. But we have done everything we can to create a safe environment. Come and see!


Our ushers/greeters have a challenge – to seat everyone according to our configuration. This takes time. It would be most helpful if everyone comes on time to Mass. It makes it much harder for the ushers/greeters once Mass begins. They have been instructed not to seat anyone during the readings and homily (only during the psalm). It is a real distraction for those already seated. Please help them to perform their ministry efficiently by coming to Mass on time. Thanks!


If possible, please do not wait until the last minute to request these Sacraments. Due to COVID, we are still not back to normal. For example, as of April 15, patients at Vassar Hospital may only have one visitor per day. Parish priests may not normally visit and must get permission in extraordinary cases, which can take time. We have been calling the Vassar Hospital Catholic Chaplain for anointings. He has access and is usually very dependable but may not always be available. Or, for Wingate, parish priests can visit in emergencies but must get a rapid test first which is not always quickly available. Trust us, we are often very frustrated and cannot wait until the situation normalizes. In the meantime, remember that the Anointing of the Sick is available every day after Mass or by appointment. Your priests will also administer Last Rites at home. Anyone present must be wearing a mask. Again, if possible, do not wait until the last minute especially after hours. Of course, emergencies cannot be planned, and we will do our best to help.


We are happy to announce that our loan with Tompkins Mahopac Bank for the work in the church has been completely repaid thanks to our many generous and faithful parishioners. Any remaining money to be collected through Renew and Rebuild will stay in the dedicated account for the replacement of school windows in the summer of 2022. Thanks again to our donors for enabling us to beautify St. Columba Church.



Couples celebrating their 25th, 50th or 60th Wedding Anniversaries are invited to Mass on Saturday, May 22 at 11:30 am. Sign up now for Mass and for your special Certificate by calling the church office 227-8380. When we find out how many couples are attending, we will be able to tell you how many guests you can invite.



The Sacrament of First Holy Communion will be offered Saturdays April 24, May 1, and May 8 at 9:30 am. Please pray for our First Communicants.



Due to First Communion Rehearsals, Adoration will be cancelled on Thursdays April 22, 29 and May 6.


Mother’s Day is May 9. A Novena of Masses will be offered for our mothers, both living and deceased. Mother’s Day cards and Intention envelopes are available in the church. Please write your Intentions on the envelope and mail it, drop it in the collection or drop it in one of our drop boxes.



Our ushers and greeters will begin to take physical collections again on the weekend of May 1-2. One collection basket will remain at the entrance for your convenience. Other ways to give to St. Columba include WeShare, E-Giving or by mailing your donation. Thank you for your generosity to your parish.



The answer is yes! As Deacon Reilly has retired, a new Director has been chosen. VBS will now be supported by our Religious Education Office. Planning has begun and we will announce the details soon! Stay tuned!



We are happy to announce that St. Columba has reached the assigned goal of the Cardinal’s Appeal. Thank you so much! Outstanding! Now, any amount received over our parish goal will include a rebate to St. Columba. If you have not done so already, please consider donating to the Appeal. Any gift, large or small, is deeply appreciated.


Parish Goal - $97,000.00

Pledged - $104,007.00

Number of Gifts – 394

Average Gift - $263.98