Saturday, September 5, 2020

 UPDATES FROM ST. COLUMBA – September 6, 2020


Saturday Evening – 5:30 pm (in church)

Sunday Morning – 8:00 am (outdoors)

                        10:00 am (outdoors)

                        12:00 noon (in church)

Monday – Labor Day – 8:00 am (outdoors)

Parish Offices are closed. Church closes after Mass. No Adoration


Tuesday – 7:00 pm (outdoors)

No Adoration due to Wedding Rehearsal

First Day of School


Wednesday – 7:00 am (in church)

Adoration 5:00 – 8:00 pm due to wedding


Thursday – 7:00 pm (outdoors)


Friday – 7:00 am (in church)


Saturday Morning – 8:00 am (outdoors)


NOTES – We will continue to offer outdoor Masses until the end of October. In November, we will shift all Masses indoors. We will likely go back to our “old” weekend Mass schedule (7:30, 9, 10:30 & 12). Notice that the weekday Monday, Wednesday, and Friday Masses will now be at 7:00 am in church (Labor Day 8am outdoors). School begins Tuesday and the parking lot will be needed.

23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time


Entrance Antiphon

Cantor: You are righteous, O Lord, and right is  your  judgment;     

deal with this servant of yours according to  your  mercy.    

(Vs. Blessed are those whose way is blameless,  who  walk  in    the  law  of  the  Lord.  

All: Glory be to the Father, and  to    the Son,   and  to  the  Holy  Spirit.  As it was in the  

beginning, is now, and ever shall  be,   world  without  end.  A- men.  


Psalm Response: “If today you hear his voice, harden not your heart.”


Communion Antiphon

Make  vows  unto  the  Lord  your  God,  and  accomplish  them,   all  you  who    gather  around  him  to  present  offerings;  to  the  awesome  God  who    takes  away  the  life  of  princes;   he  is  greatly  feared  by  all  the  kings  of    the  earth.



Set your heart on the higher gifts, 

on the things that come from your Maker in heaven. 

These three gifts are all that remain: 

faith, hope and love, 

and the greatest is love.


1.     If I speak with the tongues of the living, 

        and of angels, but speak without love, 

        I am only brass without song, 

        an empty noise on the wind.


2.     And if I understand ev’ry myst’ry, 

        having wisdom, but think without love, 

        had I faith to scatter the hills, 

        I am nothing at all.


3.     And if I should renounce all my riches, 

        feed the hungry, give over my life; 

        without love my profit is loss, 

        my caring finds no reward.


Text: I Corinthians 12: 31–13: 13; Steven C. Warner, b. 1954

Tune: Steven C. Warner, b. 1954 

© 1992, 1994, World Library Publications

Reprinted with permission under ONE LICENSE #A-700703. All rights reserved.



HOLY LAND COLLECTION – Our Holy Father Francis has asked that we take up a special collection for the Holy Land next weekend. This Collection usually takes place on Good Friday. Many of you already gave using WeShare or dropped off your envelope. If you would like to make a donation, please put your gift in an envelope marked “Holy Land” and mail it or drop it in the collection next weekend. Your gift helps the Christians in the Holy Land and helps the Franciscans to maintain the holy sites.


Goal - $139,000.00

Pledges - $94,639.00

Gifts – 404

Average Gift - $234.25

Thank you for your generosity. If you have not done so already, please consider making a gift or pledge this week!


Total Pledged - $1,758,346.92

Total Received as of September 3 - $1,103,257.14

Because you are making good on your pledge, we are repaying the loan for the church work. When that is done, we have budgeted over $200,000.00 toward new school windows. That project will begin when the money is in hand. Thank you for your generosity!