Monday, September 28, 2020

Homily September 27 - Yes and No


It seems we will hear the name Amy Coney Barrett in the weeks ahead. She has been nominated for the Supreme Court.

What is disheartening is the attack on her Catholic Faith – Diane Feinstein famously said in 2017 – “Your Catholic dogma lives loudly in you and that is a concern.”

Bill Maher recently said – she is Catholic, really Catholic. I mean really, really Catholic. She’s a _____nut.

She is a mother of seven – two adopted Haitian children and one with Downs Syndrome – a devout Catholic – she is a nut.

Former Sen. Joe Lieberman has rightly cautioned all – “you can disagree with someone based on whether she is pro-life or pro-choice – but when you start to say that you are against them because their religion, in this case, their Roman Catholicism determines their point of view, you are doing something really abhorrent that I think is bigoted, is un-American, and, incidentally, is unconstitutional. “

But this is the situation Catholics are in. Many want us – as they say – cancelled. The Knights of Columbus are an extreme organization. Churches have been desecrated – statues have been vandalized.

So where do we stand? Let us notice the man who was asked to go to out to work on the vineyard. He said yes at first, but later, did not go. Why did he fall away? Is it too hard, to do the will of the Father? Does it mean - going against the grain, to stand up for your faith, for what you believe?

For some, it is one of the deadly sins – Sloth – Aquinas – sorrow in regard to spiritual goods. Just fall away. No energy for spiritual good. Lethargy. Medievals called it “the noonday devil.” Like going to class after lunch – rather take a nap!

We call it secularism. It just does not matter. What’s the difference? Who cares? Any faith is OK. My truth – your truth. We become more interested in the things of the world – indifferent to spiritual matters.

Is this why less than 25% Catholics go to Mass? – and after this pandemic is over, many think it will be less.

What have we forgotten? That we were made by God – loved into existence. We have a reason - a purpose for being - a mission. As St. John Henry Newman said – “We have been made for some definite purpose . . . “

The time is coming when we will find out what we are made of. Some will turn their back on their faith. Some will wander away. Some will wilt under the criticism. But I dare say many of us are convinced that Jesus is the Christ – the meaning of human existence. He is the way, the truth, and the life. And we want to give our lives for him and the church he has founded.

Some of us, like the other son, may have said no – maybe no for a long time – but now – maybe it’s time – say yes to God, your faith, your church.

Oskar Shindler was baptized a Catholic, but when Hitler came to power, he became a Nazi. He drank too much, he gambled too much. He was not faithful in marriage. And he tried to make money using Jewish slave labor. But then, he began to really see what was going on – these Jews were human beings, too. He tried to save as many as possible. He ended up saving thousands. Today there is one Nazi buried in Jerusalem. Oskar Shindler. A no became a yes. Do not let your yes become a no.

Saturday, September 26, 2020

Updates From St. Columba - September 26, 2020

Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time


Entrance Antiphon

Cantor: At  the  name  of  the  Lord  let  eve-  ry  knee  bend,   in  heav-  en,  on    earth  and  un-  der  the  earth;  for  the  Lord  be-  came  o-  be-  dient  un-  to    death,   e-  ven  death  on  the  Cross;  that  is  why  Je-  sus  Christ  is    the  Lord,   to  the  glo-  ry  of  God  the  Fa-  ther. 

( Vs. O  Lord,  hear  my    prayer,   and  let  my  cry  come  un-  to  you.) 

Assembly:  Glo-  ry  be  to  the    Fa-  ther,  and  to  the  Son,   and  to  the  Ho-  ly  Spir-  it.  As  it  was  in  the    be-  gin-  ning,   is  now,  and  ev-  er  shall  be,   world  with-  out  end.  A-  men. 

 Psalm Response: Remember your mercies, O Lord.

 Offertory Antiphon: Upon  the  rivers  of  Babylon,  there  we  sat  down  and  we  wept,   as  we    remembered  you,  O  Zion.

 Communion Antiphon: Be  mindful  of  your  word  to  your  servant,  O  Lord,    in  which  you    caused  me  to  hope;   this  has  been  my  comfort  in  my  affliction.

 Communion Hymn:


1.      O breathe on me, O Breath of God,

          Fill me with life anew,

          That I may love the things you love,

          And do what you would do.


2.      O breathe on me, O Breath of God,

          Until my heart is pure; 

          Until my will is one with yours,

          To do and to endure.


3.      O breathe on me, O Breath of God,

          My will to yours incline, 

          Until this selfish part of me

          Glows with your fire divine.


4.      O breathe on me, O Breath of God,

          So shall I never die,

          But live with you the perfect life

          Of your eternity.

 Text: Edwin Hatch, 1835-1889

 Reprinted with permission under ONE LICENSE #A-700703. All rights reserved


SPECIAL SEMINARY COLLECTION – This weekend a special Collection will be taken for St. Joseph’s Seminary. For generations, the Seminary has trained priests for the Archdiocese of New York. You support will help provide priests for the future. Thank you for your generous gift!




TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 29 – No Adoration. Evening Mass at 5:30 pm. Confirmation Rehearsal at 7:00 pm


WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 30 – Adoration from 4:00 – 6:30 pm. Confirmation Rehearsal at 7:00 pm


THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1 – No Adoration – Wedding Rehearsal followed by Evening Mass 7:00 pm


FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2 - Wedding at 3:30 pm, Adoration 5:30 – 8:00 pm

SATURDAY, OCTOBER 3 - Confirmations at 10:30 am and 1:30 pm. Wedding Rehearsal at 6:30 pm


SPECIAL NOTE – We would be willing to move Adoration back to the chapel, open the windows and remove ½ of the chairs. To everyone who signs up to cover Adoration – please email Deacon Chris – and let him know if it would be OK to move back to the chapel or we should remain in the church until conditions get better.


BLESSING OF ANIMALS – In honor of St. Francis, we will have the annual Blessing of Animals on Sunday, October 4 at 1:30 pm on the lawn in front of the church.

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Updates from St. Columba - September 22, 2020


PRAY FOR OUR DEACON CANDIDATES – Stephen Broussard and Dennis McCormack are both away on retreat as they prepare to be ordained as Deacons for the Archdiocese of New York on October 31. Please continue to pray for them.

WEDNESDAY ADORATION – Adoration on this Wednesday will be from 4:00 – 6:30 pm. There will be a Confirmation Rehearsal at 7:00 pm. We are sorry for the inconvenience.

CONFIRMATION THIS SATURDAY – Bishop Dominick will offer the Sacrament of Confirmation this Saturday at 10:30 am. Please remember that this is not open to the public. Tickets have been issued as seating is limited. Please pray for our Confirmandi.

RELIGIOUS EDUCATION CLASSES RESUME THIS WEEK – We are grateful to all the catechists who have volunteered to teach our children this year. Due to the pandemic, all classes are online for now.  A Religious Ed Technology Fund has been established to assist this effort. Visit our parish WeShare page - - to make a donation, or just mail it to the parish. Please pray for all our students as we begin another year of learning and grace.

TRI-PARISH LIFE CHAIN – A peaceful reminder of the sanctity of life. It will take place Saturday, October 10 from 10:00 am to 12 noon along Rt. 82 in front of St. Columba Church. Come for a few minutes or more: pray, wear a mask, and stay 6 ft apart. Signs will be provided.

AMERICA NEEDS FATIMA ROSARY RALLY – Right after the Life Chain, on Saturday, October 10 at 12:00 noon, we will join parishes across the country to pray the Rosary for America. We will beg God and Our Lady to save America from today’s chaos, immorality, and social upheaval. In 2019 there were 21,145 public rallies. This year St. Columba will join this effort. This is a Public Rosary so we will stay right on Rt 82 in front of the church. We are giving witness to our faith. Bring a Rosary. If you forget or do not have one, we will have a Rosary for you! Wear a mask and keep social distance. Thanks!

GOD SQUAD YOUTH GROUP – MESSAGE FROM FATHER CONNOLLY - Fr. Michael and I have missed you all a great deal and are so happy to have begun to see you again at the parish! I think it is about time we get the band back together, with the use of our outdoor space, social distancing, etc. I think we can safely begin to get together again. So, we would like to invite you to a 'Fall BBQ" on October 4th at 4pm in our backyard here behind the Rectory. This will just be a chance for us to be together again as well as to begin a bit of planning for what we might like to try to do together this year. Please join us! Let us know by Wednesday, September 30th if you'll be coming - email – so we can plan and have enough food. As always, be assured of our prayers. Please pray for us, too!

GODPARENT/SPONSOR REMINDER – During the pandemic we ARE NOT issuing these certificates in person after Mass. You are asked to call the church office and you will be put in touch with a priest who will handle this over the phone. Thanks!

CHURCH FINANCES – As we finish up the fiscal year report, our accountant indicates that we ended the fiscal year with at least a $30,000 deficit. A deficit is also projected for 2020-2021. Indications are that the collection is down about $1,000 per week which is the cause of the deficit. Appropriate actions now need to be taken to deal with our financial situation. Meetings are being held, and soon we will call the Finance Council together to help us make decisions. We are most grateful for the many parishioners who are keeping up with your church contributions. You keep your parish going, together with all your prayers and your participation. God bless you!


CARDINAL’S APPEAL as of September 18

Goal - $139,000.00

Pledge - $95,159.00

Number of Gifts – 405

Average Gift - $234.96

Any gift, large or small, is deeply appreciated!


RENEW AND REBUILD as of September 18

Goal - $1,709,000.00

Pledged - $1,758,846.92

Paid - $1,108,513.03

Many thank for keeping up with your pledge!

Saturday, September 19, 2020

Updates from St. Columba - September 19, 2020


Twenty-Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time

 Entrance Antiphon 

Cantor: I  am  the  sal-  va-  tion  of  the  peo-  ple,  says  the  Lord;    from  what-  ev-  er    trib-  u-  la-  tions  they  cry  out  to  me,   I  will  give  heed  to  them;  and  I    will  be  their  Lord  for  ev-  er.  

(Vs. At-  tend,  O  my  peo-  ple,  to  my  law;     in-  cline  your  ear  to  the  words  of  my  mouth.)

Assembly:  Glo-  ry  be  to  the    Fa-  ther,  and  to  the  Son,   and  to  the  Ho-  ly  Spir-  it.  As  it  was  in  the    be-  gin-  ning,   is  now,  and  ev-  er  shall  be,   world  with-  out  end.  A-  men.

 Psalm Response: The Lord is near to all who call upon him.

 Communion Antiphon

You  have  or-  dered  that  your  com-  mand-  ments  be  kept  dil-  i-  gent-  ly;   O    that  my  ways  may  be  guid-  ed  towards  the  keep-  ing  of  your  stat-  utes.


1.      Longing for light, we wait in darkness.

          Longing for truth, we turn to you.

          Make us your own, your holy people,

          light for the world to see.


Christ, be our light! Shine in our hearts.

Shine through the darkness.

Christ, be our light!

Shine in your church gathered today.


2.      Longing for peace, our world is troubled.

          Longing for hope, many despair.

          Your word alone has pow’r to save us.

          Make us your living voice.


3.      Longing for food, many are hungry.

          Longing for water, many still thirst.

          Make us your bread, broken for others,

          shared until all are fed.


4.      Longing for shelter, many are homeless.

          Longing for warmth, many are cold.

          Make us your building, sheltering others,

          walls made of living stone.


5.      Many the gifts, many the people,

          many the hearts that yearn to belong.

          Let us be servants to one another,

          making your kingdom come.


Text: Bernadette Farrell, b. 1957

Tune: Bernadette Farrell, b. 1957

© 1993, 2000, Bernadette Farrell. Published by OCP.

Reprinted with permission under ONE LICENSE #A-700703. All rights reserved.


WEDDING ANNIVERSARIES - Congratulations to the following couples who are celebrating Wedding Anniversaries this year. Most will be attending outdoor Mass this Sunday at 10:00 am. They will receive a certificate and a gift.


71st Anniversary

Catherine & Vincent Tambone


60th Anniversary

Nicholas & Anne Longo


50th Anniversary

James & Eileen Colacino

Brian & Kay Desilets

David & Clare Garvey

Thomas & Phyllis O’Hare

Joseph & Elizabeth Zingone

Joseph & Joyce Tama


25th Anniversary

Thomas & Kristin McLoughlin


We also wish to congratulate Dan and Margie Sobenko who are celebrating their 40th Wedding Anniversary today in a private ceremony. May God bless all our anniversary couples!


IGNITE MONTHLY HOLY HOUR - Beginning this Monday, September 21st, Ignite, the Dutchess County Catholic Young Adult Group, will be invited to join our parish for a Holy Hour on the third Monday of the month from 7-8pm. What a blessing it is that our parish has such a devotion to Eucharistic Adoration! We are excited to share this with our young adults in this way. Each Holy Hour will feature a brief reflection and close, as we always do, with Solemn Benediction. 


ADORATION UPDATE - On Wednesday, September 30, Adoration will be from 4:00 – 6:30 pm. We must end early for Confirmation Rehearsal. So sorry for the inconvenience.


CONFIRMATION THIS WEEK – Bishop Dominick will celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation with our Confirmandi from the Spring this Saturday, September 26 at 10:30 am. Sadly, it is not open to the public due to the pandemic – reserved seating only. A rehearsal will take place this Wednesday, September 23 at 7:00 pm. We encourage our Confirmandi to go to confessions before receiving this Sacrament. Please come today (Saturday) from 4:00 – 5:00 pm. Also, both Father Michael & Father Connolly will be available to hear confessions after the rehearsal.


RELIGIOUS ED TECHNOLOGY FUND - Some of our catechists have had to upgrade their own technology to teach their classes remotely. Would you like to assist us in our efforts to bring the Good News to our children who attend public school? This new Technology Fund will assist these efforts. You can contribute on our parish WeShare page or write a check to St. Columba Church with a memo – Religious Education Technology Fund. Mark “Technology Fund” on the envelope and mail it or drop it in the collection. Thank you!


HURRICANE RELIEF AND WEST COAST WILDFIRES - We recently received a letter from Archbishop José Gomez, president of the USCCB, who reminded us that the traditional storm season has only just begun. Already we have witnessed the devastating impact of Hurricane Laura and the West Coast wildfires. Thousands of homes, businesses, and churches have been severely damaged or destroyed, and the impacts will be long-lasting. We offer our prayers to the families who have suffered great loss. As we often do in these situations, we are asked to take up voluntary special collections for the humanitarian, long-term recovery, and Church needs arising from these calamities. The funds collected will be used to support the efforts of Catholic Charities USA and Catholic Relief Services, the official relief agencies of American Catholic Church, as they and their local agencies respond to immediate emergency needs for such necessities as water, food, shelter, and medical care, and aid in long-term rebuilding and recovery efforts; and the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops for pastoral and reconstruction needs of the Church. Funds will be used in response to Hurricane Laura, the Wildfires, and any other disasters.


If you would like to contribute – put your donation (check written to St. Columba) in an envelope marked “Disaster Relief” and mail it to the rectory or drop it in the collection. We will send one check from our parish.

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Updates from St. Columba - September 15, 2020


DAILY MASS CHANGE – It is getting too dark to have the Tuesday & Thursday 7:00 pm Masses outdoors. Beginning tonight, these Masses will be in the church. Our remaining outdoor Masses until the end of October are Saturdays at 8:00 am and on Sundays at 8:00 am and 10:00 am.

CALL TO HOLY ORDERS – Yesterday, September 14, Stephen Broussard and Dennis McCormack received the Call to Holy Orders from Cardinal Dolan. They are to be ordained Deacons for the Archdiocese of New York on Saturday, October 31 at 9:00 am at St. Patrick’s Cathedral.  We congratulate them and their wives, Laurie, and Allison, for the successful completion of a five-year journey of formation. Due to the pandemic, entrance to the Cathedral is by invitation only. The following day, November 1, they both will serve as Deacons at the 12:00 noon Mass. Father Michael will be the celebrant and homilist. Again, due to the pandemic, we cannot have a reception for them. But we can all offer them our prayers and support as they begin this new chapter of service to the Church and God’s holy people.

TV SYSTEM – It will be up and running in time for Confirmations on September 26. We have three new volunteers to assist us. More are welcome. Training will be provided. Please email if you are interested in this ministry. The goal is to livestream one Mass each Sunday and as many daily Masses as possible. We will also livestream special parish liturgies such as Confirmations, First Communions, and the Deacon’s First Mass.

MEETING SPACE – During the pandemic, the school building will not be available for meetings. The gyms is used by the First Grade and the cafeteria is used by the Kindergarten. The Bishop Dom room is available. Contact our Parish Manager Gary if your group is interested in using it.

YOUTH MINISTRY – Christine Gibbons has stepped down from her position as Youth Minister to care for her growing family. Father Connolly will be working at organizing in-person High School Youth Ministry. Stay tuned for details.

BLESSING OF ANIMALS – St. Francis Day is Sunday, October 4. We will have our annual Blessing of Animals on October 4 at 1:30 pm on the lawn in front of the church. All humans should wear masks and keep social distance!  

PILGRIMAGE TO OBERAMMERGAU 2022 – Father Michael has rescheduled the cancelled 2020 Oberammergau Pilgrimage for July 28-August 6, 2022. Those who were previously booked have first opportunity to make reservations. Please make sure you sign up soon. If there are any openings, it will be opened to the entire parish. We will keep you informed.

Saturday, September 12, 2020



Entrance Antiphon (Sir 36: 18 and Ps 121: 1) 

Cantor: Grant  peace  to  those  who  are  waiting  for  you,  O  Lord,   so  that    your  proph-  ets  may  be  proved  trust-  wor-  thy;  hear  the  prayers  of  your    ser-  vant   and  of  your  peo-  ple  Is-  ra-  el.  

(Vs. I  re-  joiced  when  it  was  said    un-  to  me:   "Let  us  go  to  the  house  of  the  Lord.")

 Assembly: Glo-  ry  be  to  the    Fa-  ther,  and  to  the  Son,   and  to  the  Ho-  ly  Spir-  it.  As  it  was  in  the    be-  gin-  ning,   is  now,  and  ev-  er  shall  be,   world  with-  out  end.  A-  men.  


Psalm Response: “The Lord is kind and merciful, slow to anger, and rich in compassion.”


Communion Antiphon

Bring  up  your  sacrifices  and  come  into  his  courts;   adore  the  Lord  in    his  holy  temple.



1.       Take my heart, O lord, take my hopes and dreams. 

          Take my mind with all its plans and schemes.


Give me nothing more than your love and grace. 

These alone, O God, are enough for me.


2.       Take my thoughts, O lord, and my memory. 

          Take my tears, my joys, my liberty.


3.       I surrender, Lord, all I have and hold.

          I return to you your gifts untold.


4.       When the darkness falls on my final days, 

          take the very breath that sang your praise.


Text: Based on “Suscipe” Prayer of Ignatius of Loyola; Dan Schutte, b. 1947

Tune: Dan Schutte, b. 1947

© 2004, Dan Schutte, Published by OCP.


Reprinted with permission under ONE LICENSE #A-700703. All rights reserved.





Holy Father Francis has asked us take up a Collection for the Holy Land this weekend. It usually takes place on Good Friday, but the pandemic stopped us from doing that. Perhaps you already gave through WeShare, E-Giving or by dropping off your Good Friday envelope. If you have not done so, please consider making a gift. It will help the good work of the Franciscans in the Holy Land and enable them to care for the Holy Sites. Make sure to put your donation in an envelope marked “Holy Land” and drop it in a Collection basket or mail it to the church. God bless you!

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Updates From St. Columba - September 9, 2020

NEVER FORGET – Friday marks the 19th Anniversary of the terrible events of 9/11. Because their immune systems have been compromised, many survivors of 9/11 and who worked in rescue operations have been terribly affected by the pandemic. Many lives were lost to COVID-19. The death toll rises. May we never forget them nor their many sacrifices on our behalf.

CONFESSIONALS – We are now hearing confessions in the confessionals. Plastic has been placed over the screens and temporary walls have been put up. So, for now, there is no face to face option. You can stand, kneel, or sit – your choice. Confessions are heard at St. Columba on Saturdays from 8:30 – 9:00 pm and from 4:00 – 5:00 pm. There are some other options at our Cluster Parishes: St Kateri offers confessions on Mondays from 7:30 – 8:30 pm and on Wednesdays after the 9:00 am Mass. St. Denis offers confessions on Saturdays from 8:00 – 8:45 am and from 3:30 – 4:30 pm.

ST. DENIS – ST. COLUMBA SCHOOL IS OPEN – Almost 300 students are enrolled this year. Kindergarten and First Grade are full time. The rest of the school is hybrid: students rotate coming in three days a week or two days a week. Some students are full time online learning. Our principal, Sister Kathleen and her amazing faculty are working hard and facing these many challenges head on. Please pray for them and for the health and safety of all involved in our school.

MEETING SPACE – St. Denis – St. Columba School is using every inch of space in the building during this time of pandemic. Kindergarten is in the cafeteria and first grade is in the gym. So, until conditions improve, there is no available space in the school building for any group meetings. The Bishop Dom Room is available and can be used for meetings – providing there is social distance and all precautions are taken. Call our Parish Manager Gary if your group would like to use this space.

LIVESTREAM MASS – Our new mini TV studio is almost ready. Our goal is to have it up and running by Confirmations on September 26. It is time to recruit volunteers who will help us run it. We wish to livestream one Mass every day as well as special liturgies such as Confirmations and Communions. No experience is necessary. We will train you. If we have enough volunteers it will not be a burden on anyone. Email Gary at if you are interested. We will get word to our Social Media team.

CANTORS – We are looking for a few good cantors to join our rotation at weekend Masses. One needs a good voice and a willingness to practice and learn the chants we are using. Please email Gary at if you would like to set up an audition. We will pass on the info to Cathy Reale.

USHERS AND GREETERS – This group has done an amazing job helping us to move back and forth between indoor and outdoor Masses. In November, we will move all Masses back into Church and return to our normal weekend schedule – 7:30, 9, 10:30 and noon. This is when we will need more help. New ushers and greeters will be needed. Would you be willing to join our Mass teams? Email Gary at and let us know! We will get word to Pat Moor and his amazing team.

MEDICAL TEAM – We have a group of men and women who have volunteered to help keep us safe at Mass. They understand our medical equipment and know how to use it. Would you like to join our team? You will receive brief training. All we ask is that you be available in an emergency when you come to Mass. Please email Gary at and we will get the info to Mary Ann Servidio.

SPRING SACRAMENTS IN THE FALL – Spring Confirmations cancelled due to the Pandemic will be offered on September 26 and October 3. Spring First Communions cancelled due to the Pandemic will be offered on October 17 and 24. Due to extremely limited seating, these liturgies will not be open to the public. Please pray for our Confirmandi and First Communicants.

DIACONATE ORDINATIONS - Steve Broussard and Dennis McCormack will be ordained Deacons by Cardinal Dolan on October 31 at 9:00 am at St. Patrick’s Cathedral. Due to the pandemic, each candidate is restricted in the number of people he can invite. There is no general seating available. Please continue to pray for Steve and Dennis as they prepare for ordination and service to God’s people.


ST. VINCENT DEPAUL – Zoom on September 9 at 7:00 pm

CORE STAFF – Zoom on Monday, September 14 at 12:00 noon

PARISH COUNCIL – Zoom on Monday, September 14 at 7:00 pm

FINANCE COUNCIL – Zoom on Tuesday, September 15 at 7:15 pm


We are delighted that the Sisters of the Resurrection have assigned another Sister to our convent and parish community. What an incredible blessing! We have asked Sister Cherree to offer a brief introduction. Welcome Sister Cherree!

Dear Parishioners of St. Columba Parish,

At the age of 10 my family left a small Island off the coast of Newfoundland called Bell Island.  Off to Brooklyn, NY we went.  As a young child I was in shock; I cried every day because trees grew out of concrete!  Meeting friends on our block and attending St. Agatha’s School I readily adapted to this strange new world.

I was 14 years old when my family moved to Howell, NJ.  After meeting a few neighbors, the next group I was introduced to was the Sisters of the Resurrection.  I was in the 1st grade when I knew I wanted to be a Sister.  In Newfoundland and then in Brooklyn I was taught by Sisters of Mercy.   And here was something new.  I attended St. Joseph HS, now Donovan Catholic, for my freshman year, and then entered the Aspirancy of the Sisters of the Resurrection for the remainder of my HS and Formation.

After teaching for 5 years in Schenectady, Lake Placid, and Newburgh, I was assigned to St. Veronica School in Howell, NJ.  My family was as surprised as I to be sent so near to home.  The first two years I taught 2nd grade, which was a delight for me.  Then I was asked to create a Pre-K program - I could not have been happier!  Rainbow Patch opened in the basement of the Convent and was there for 8 years before moving into the new addition of the “big school”.  At that time, I was assigned to St. Francis School in Newburgh, NY as principal.  It was only 2 years later that I was assigned back to St. Veronica School as principal. 

Those 30 years in administration were an absolute JOY for me!  I met so many people along the way.  And because I’ve heard so many wonderful things about you,  I look forward to getting to know you, too!

God was preparing me for  “Something New” as I awaited His still, small voice. I am very happy to be here with you at St. Columba.  I have visited our Sisters here numerous times and was always impressed with the beautiful spirit in your parish!  I am very excited to be here at St. Columba as Sr. Kathleen’s Administrative Assistant.  I thank God for His calling me to your wonderful parish.

May God fill you and your families with an abundance of His Love and Grace!

Sister Cherree Ann Power, C.R.

Saturday, September 5, 2020

 UPDATES FROM ST. COLUMBA – September 6, 2020


Saturday Evening – 5:30 pm (in church)

Sunday Morning – 8:00 am (outdoors)

                        10:00 am (outdoors)

                        12:00 noon (in church)

Monday – Labor Day – 8:00 am (outdoors)

Parish Offices are closed. Church closes after Mass. No Adoration


Tuesday – 7:00 pm (outdoors)

No Adoration due to Wedding Rehearsal

First Day of School


Wednesday – 7:00 am (in church)

Adoration 5:00 – 8:00 pm due to wedding


Thursday – 7:00 pm (outdoors)


Friday – 7:00 am (in church)


Saturday Morning – 8:00 am (outdoors)


NOTES – We will continue to offer outdoor Masses until the end of October. In November, we will shift all Masses indoors. We will likely go back to our “old” weekend Mass schedule (7:30, 9, 10:30 & 12). Notice that the weekday Monday, Wednesday, and Friday Masses will now be at 7:00 am in church (Labor Day 8am outdoors). School begins Tuesday and the parking lot will be needed.

23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time


Entrance Antiphon

Cantor: You are righteous, O Lord, and right is  your  judgment;     

deal with this servant of yours according to  your  mercy.    

(Vs. Blessed are those whose way is blameless,  who  walk  in    the  law  of  the  Lord.  

All: Glory be to the Father, and  to    the Son,   and  to  the  Holy  Spirit.  As it was in the  

beginning, is now, and ever shall  be,   world  without  end.  A- men.  


Psalm Response: “If today you hear his voice, harden not your heart.”


Communion Antiphon

Make  vows  unto  the  Lord  your  God,  and  accomplish  them,   all  you  who    gather  around  him  to  present  offerings;  to  the  awesome  God  who    takes  away  the  life  of  princes;   he  is  greatly  feared  by  all  the  kings  of    the  earth.



Set your heart on the higher gifts, 

on the things that come from your Maker in heaven. 

These three gifts are all that remain: 

faith, hope and love, 

and the greatest is love.


1.     If I speak with the tongues of the living, 

        and of angels, but speak without love, 

        I am only brass without song, 

        an empty noise on the wind.


2.     And if I understand ev’ry myst’ry, 

        having wisdom, but think without love, 

        had I faith to scatter the hills, 

        I am nothing at all.


3.     And if I should renounce all my riches, 

        feed the hungry, give over my life; 

        without love my profit is loss, 

        my caring finds no reward.


Text: I Corinthians 12: 31–13: 13; Steven C. Warner, b. 1954

Tune: Steven C. Warner, b. 1954 

© 1992, 1994, World Library Publications

Reprinted with permission under ONE LICENSE #A-700703. All rights reserved.



HOLY LAND COLLECTION – Our Holy Father Francis has asked that we take up a special collection for the Holy Land next weekend. This Collection usually takes place on Good Friday. Many of you already gave using WeShare or dropped off your envelope. If you would like to make a donation, please put your gift in an envelope marked “Holy Land” and mail it or drop it in the collection next weekend. Your gift helps the Christians in the Holy Land and helps the Franciscans to maintain the holy sites.


Goal - $139,000.00

Pledges - $94,639.00

Gifts – 404

Average Gift - $234.25

Thank you for your generosity. If you have not done so already, please consider making a gift or pledge this week!


Total Pledged - $1,758,346.92

Total Received as of September 3 - $1,103,257.14

Because you are making good on your pledge, we are repaying the loan for the church work. When that is done, we have budgeted over $200,000.00 toward new school windows. That project will begin when the money is in hand. Thank you for your generosity!