Sunday, October 13, 2019

Give Thanks

Three men used to visit the Pastor once a year. They came from New jersey, Oklahoma & California. They just wanted to make sure a certain widow was doing OK. They reminded the Pastor that if any need should arise, call one of them.
They always made sure her house was taken care of, including yard work and repairs. They would help her with her taxes and made sure she drove a safe car.
Years before, the three men were standing in a house in Normandy just after D-Day. A grenade was tossed down the stairs. A fourth soldier, this woman’s husband, threw himself on the grenade. He did not survive. They did.
After the war, these three men made sure to look after his widow. Great story – but there is one more thing – there were eighteen soldiers in that room. All were spared by that courageous act. Only three returned to give thanks.
Why did only one return to give thanks? Perhaps:
-          One waited to see if the cure was real
-          One waited to see if it would last
-          One said he would see Jesus later
-          One said he never had leprosy in the first place
-          One said he would have gotten well anyway.
-          One gave glory to the priests
-          One said Jesus really didn’t do anything
-          One said any rabbi could have done it
-          One said I was already much improved
Eucharist means thanksgiving. Sometimes we pray or come to Mass thinking – what am I getting out of it? What’s in it for me? – when in fact it should be the very opposite – what return do I make to the Lord for my very life, my existence, my blessings, for all the good God has done for me???  To live in thanksgiving changes how I look at my life!
I spoke last week about Bill Gates – 2nd richest billionaire. The very first American billionaire was a man intent on success, riches and power. At 23 he was a millionaire, at 50, 1 billion. At age 53, he was a very sick man. His body was racked with pain. A man who could buy anything he wanted, he could only digest milk and crackers. He could not sleep; he did not smile, and he lost the will to live. Doctors gave him less than one year.
One night he had a dream, and it was revealed that he could take nothing with him into the next world. It was time for a choice.
He called his lawyers, accountants and managers and told them he wanted to use his assets for good. On that day the John D Rockefeller Foundation began. This would lead to the discovery of penicillin, cures for strains of malaria, tuberculosis and diphtheria. It is estimated that he may have saved up to one billion lives.
The moment he began to give back, his body chemistry began to change. He recovered and lived to be 98.   He learned to give thanks and it made him whole. What shall it be – like the nine or like the one? May we never cease giving thanks!!!!