Monday, October 7, 2019


Recently watched a 3 part series on Netflix – Inside Bills Brain -  Decoding Bill Gates
Bill Gates rank #2 among richest Americans - # 1 is founder of Amazon.
Gates is worth 100 Billion Dollars.
Series shows how he rose to create Microsoft and provides an inside look at his life and relationships.
To his credit, he realized he needed to do something positive with his wealth.
In 2008 he created Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
They have already given away $45 Billion.
The show focused on 3 Projects
Provide clean drinking water in the poorest areas of the world by focusing in on sanitation – building a better toilet.
To get rid of polio throughout the world.
To help the environment – how to make safe nuclear power.
He has incredible faith in science and technology – seek the answer - work harder – there must be an answer
You have to admire him in many ways.    He really wants to help people and make a difference.   What if we had the same faith in God as Mr. Gates does in science? – Faith the size of a mustard seed? - who knows what we could accomplish???
It is challenging to grow faith:
1)      Bill has had many ups and downs in life, just like us  – death of friends, parents, business challenges,  - but he has stayed the course – for us, some days seem perfect, other days nothing goes right. Do we give up on faith during difficult times? – or do we hold on tighter?!
2)      Bill is always learning. He always is carrying a bag of books and he reads and reads. He is trying to grow in knowledge. How can our faith grow if we neglect it? We must have a discipline of prayer, reading the Bible, good spiritual practices, feeding our minds and souls with good food.
Now, where many of us part with Bill Gates is their Foundation’s funding of population control. Melinda is a Catholic, but she has chosen to ignore Catholic teaching – Catholic teaching, which has been confirmed by science!
Many people say the only truth comes from science – but what does science tell us?
5 weeks after conception – the human heart begins to beat
6 weeks – the nose, mouth and ears begin to take shape
7 weeks – hands and feet are forming
8 weeks – baby is moving
10 weeks – all organs and structures are in place, ready to grow.
13 weeks – baby has fingerprints and foot prints.

We agree with science – this is the description of a human life – and that life deserves protection. To ignore that is poor science.  

As so many work to better human life – remember where it all begins – who knows –
one of these little children might have the best answer to clean water, to eliminating disease, to provide safe and clean energy for us all.

Respect Life.