Friday, May 14, 2021

Updates from St. Columba - May 15-16


May 16, 2021 ~ Seventh Sunday of Easter



1.   Let the earth rejoice and sing, Alleluia! At the triumph of our King, Alleluia!

Who ascends from mortal sight, Alleluia! Reigns now at our Father’s right, Alleluia!

2.           Christ who died upon a tree, Alleluia! Now shall reign eternally,  Alleluia!

Christ who saved our fallen race, Alleluia! Takes  in Heav’n his rightful place, Alleluia! 



1.      Be joyful, Mary, heav'nly Queen, 

          Gaude, María!

          Your grief is changed to joy serene,


          Laetáre, O María!


2.      The Son you bore by heaven's grace, 

          Gaude, María!

          Did by his death our guilt erase,


          Laetáre, O María!


3.      The Lord has risen from the dead, 

          Gaude, María!

          He rose in glory as he said, 


            Laetáre, O María!


4.      Now pray to God, O Virgin fair, 

          Gaude, María!

          That he our souls to heaven bear, 


          Laetáre, O María!

Text:  Regina caeli, jubila; Latin, 17th C.; tr. anon. in  Psallite,  1901


Communion: A New Commandment #300 in the Missalette

Refrain: I give you a new commandment: Love one another as I have loved you, as I have loved you.

1.   This is my will, my one command, that love should dwell among you all. This is my will, that you should love as I have shown that I love you.

2.   No greater love that one can have than that one die to save one’s friends. You are my friends if you obey what I command that you should do.

3.   I call you now no longer slaves; no slave knows all the Master does. I call you friends, for all I hear the Father say you hear from me.

4.   You chose not me, but I chose you, that you should go and bear much fruit. I chose you out that you in me should bear much fruit that will abide.

5.   All that you ask my Father dear for my name’s sake you shall receive. This is my will, my one command, that love should dwell in each, in all.



1.   Sing we triumphant hymns of praise to greet our Lord these festive days, Alleluia, Alleluia!

Who by a road before untrod ascended to the throne of God, Alleluia, Alleluia...

2.           In wond’ring awe his faithful band upon the Mount of Olives stand. Alleluia, Alleluia!

            And with the Virgin Mother see their Lord ascend in majesty. Alleluia, Alleluia…


Reprinted with permission under One License #A-700703. All rights reserved.



The Vicar General for the Archdiocese of New York has not changed our COVID guidelines for church. You will be informed when changes are made. Thanks for your patience during this challenging time.



There will be a special collection THIS WEEKEND for the Church in Central and Easter Europe. Please remember that we are taking only one collection, so make sure your gift is in an envelope marked “Central and Eastern Europe.” Thank you for your generosity.



The Parish Council serves as a consultative group for our Pastor, Father Michael in the pastoral care of the parish.  He often runs questions past the Council, and the Council, in turn, serves as a voice for parishioners. They are a valuable resource for him. The Council meets generally on the 2nd Monday of each month at 7:00 pm. Terms are three years for adults, and teens for one year. Nominations for the Council will be taken THIS WEEKEND. You can fill out a card in the narthex or email your nomination to Those nominated (adults and teens) must be registered members of the parish, fully initiated in the Faith, and living their Faith in accord with Catholic teachings. Teens must be in High School and have received Confirmation.



We plan to offer an in-person VBS program called Catholic Kids Camp this summer on July 12-16. As Deacon Reilly has retired, a new Director has been chosen. We are excited that Sister Cherree Ann Power, one of our Resurrection Sisters, will direct our program. Sister has over 44 years of experience in Catholic Education. Catholic Kids Camp will be supported by our Religious Education Office, so Sister Marie Pappas will also be involved. Planning has begun and we will announce the details soon! Stay tuned!



It is time to return your Rice Bowls! Please bring them to Mass. All donations will be sent to Catholic Relief Services. Thank you for your generosity.



We are currently interviewing for the position of Youth Minister for our High School Youth Group. Meetings are generally held on the 2nd and 4th Saturday each month after the 5:30 pm Mass. There is a stipend. If you would like to be interviewed, please submit your resume to Father Michael.



Pilgrimage packages for the 2022 Oberammergau Passion Play are now available for a limited time! In 2020, the famed performance depicting the Passion of Christ, drawing hundreds of thousands of pilgrims from across the globe, had to be postponed due to COVID-19. Now, it is harder to get tickets for the 2022 performance than ever before!

Peter's Way Tours still has space available on our PILGRIMAGE July 28 – August 6, 2022 to the once-a-decade event. Join us and attend a showing that has been re-scheduled, something that has happened only a handful of times in the play's long history. This will indeed be a special and historic pilgrimage that few people ever get to make! Here is a graced opportunity to pray for us and for our world, enjoying along the way wonderful shrines and sights.

For more information call Father Michael or contact Peter’s Way Tours (note – if the dates do not work for you there are other tours to choose from) or 800-225-7662.


Due to COVID, each parish will have their own Memorial Day Mass this year. Join us here at St. Columba on Monday, May 31 at 8:00 am as we pray for those who made the Supreme Sacrifice for our country and our freedoms.




We are happy to announce that St. Columba has reached the assigned goal of the Cardinal’s Appeal. Thank you so much! Outstanding! Now, any amount received over our parish goal will include a rebate to St. Columba. If you have not done so already, please consider donating to the Appeal. Any gift, large or small, is deeply appreciated.


Cardinal’s Appeal 2021 as of May 7, 2021

Parish Goal - $97,000.00

Pledged - $115,412.00

Number of Gifts – 430

Average Gift - $268.40