Saturday, December 12, 2020


December 13, 2020 Third Sunday of Advent



Verse 5. O come, O Key of David, come, 

             And open wide our heav'nly home; 

             Make safe the way that leads on high, 

             And close the path to misery.  


Verse 6. O come, O Dayspring from on high

             And cheer us by your drawing nigh;

             Disperse the gloomy clouds of night,

             And death's dark shadow put to flight.



Psalm Response: My soul rejoices in my God. My soul rejoices in my God.



1.People look East, the time is near 

Of the crowning of the year.

Make your house fair as you are able,

Trim the hearth and set the table.

People look Eat and sing today--

Love, the Guest is on the way.

2. Furrows, be glad. Though earth is bare,

One more seed is planted there.

Give up your strength the seed to nourish,

That in course the flow’r may flourish.

People look East and sing today--

Love, the Rose is on the way.



Refrain: For you, O Lord, my soul in stillness waits. Truly my hope is in you.



1.         Come, O long expected Jesus,

            Born to set your people free;

            From our fears and sins release us;

            Free us from captivity.

            Israel's strength and consolation,

            You, the hope of all the earth,

            Dear desire of ev'ry nation,

            Come, and save us by your birth.

2.         Born your people to deliver;

            Born a child and yet a king!

            Born to reign in us for ever,

O         Now your gracious kingdom bring.

            By your own eternal Spirit

            Rule in all our hearts alone;

            By your all sufficient merit

            Raise us to your glorious throne.


Reprinted with permission under ONE LICENSE #A-700703. All rights reserved.


RETIRED RELIGIOUS SPECIAL COLLECTION – There is a special collection this weekend for retired religious sisters, brothers, and priests. For many years they worked with low pay and no retirement benefits. This is our opportunity to help them and say thanks. As we are still not taking physical collections, drop your special envelope in the baskets at the door, or make up your own envelope and write “Retired Religious Collection.” Thank you for your generosity!


SIGN UP NOW FOR CHRISTMAS MASS – We generally have about 5,000 people attending Mass on Christmas. With all the restrictions, and even by doubling the available Masses, we can only accommodate 2,400 people this year. We have no alternative. YOU MUST MAKE A RESERVATION FOR CHRISTMAS MASS – you need to bring your ticket – print it out or show it on your phone. It is for your safety and ours. There is already limited availability as you can see below. Please take the time today and go to Then, get the word out to parishioners who may not know this. Thanks! SPECIAL NOTE – Please come early (up to ½ hour before Mass) so we can get everyone seated before Mass begins. Once Mass begins, your reservation ENDS and we will fill every available seat.


CHRISTMAS MASS SCHEDULE - Numbers as of Dec 12

Christmas Eve 2:00 pm church - FULL

Christmas Eve 2:00 pm gym - FULL

Christmas Eve 4:00 pm church – FULL

Christmas Eve 4:00 pm gym – 86% full

Christmas Eve 6:00 pm church - FULL

Christmas Eve 6:00 pm gym – there is room

Midnight church – 77% full

Christmas Day 8:00 am church – 55% full

Christmas Day 10:00 am church – 55% full

Christmas Day 10:00 am gym – not needed yet

Christmas Day 12 noon church – 77% full

Christmas Day 12 noon gym – not needed yet


Here are the steps:

Click on the registration link to see the available Masses. Click on the Mass you would like to attend. Fill in the basic information

Select the number of tickets from the drop-down box

An email will be sent to you. You can print your tickets or save them to your smart phone. You will need to show them when you enter the church/gym on Christmas

If your plans change and you want to cancel, go to “view and manage your order online.” at the bottom of your confirmation email and click on that link. It will bring you to a page where you can log back into Eventbrite and have the option to “cancel order” on the left-hand side.



We have included in our mailing a Christmas gift envelope with an addressed return envelope. We deeply appreciate your generosity this year! Please drop it in the collection baskets or mail it back to St. Columba. Thank you so much for your support!



This weekend we invite you to bring the Baby Jesus from your Nativity set to be blessed at any Mass. We will also offer a Drive-By Blessing in front on the Rectory on Sunday, December 13 at 1:30 pm. You will not have to leave your car.


Advent is the time to prepare our hearts that Jesus might be reborn within us. Confession is a perfect way to experience God’s forgiveness and healing. Confessions are heard every Saturday from 8:30 am – 9:00 am and from 4:00 pm – 5:00 pm. Confessions will also be heard on Reconciliation Monday – December 21 – from 4:00 pm – 8:00 pm.



We are restricting visits to the parish office for our safety and yours. Please call and make an appointment. There is much we can do over the phone. We now have a convenient drop box just outside the rectory door.



The Christmas Eve Wigilia Supper forms the focal point of the Polish Yuletide customs.

Wigilia, which means vigil, commemorates the birth of Jesus. For Polish families, the

meal starts when the eastern star appears through the parlor window to serve as a

guide to the Birth of Jesus in the same manner as the star of Bethlehem was a guide

to the Magi! The meal begins with the ancient tradition of breaking oplatek, a thin

wafer, or bread of love. It is passed to the various members of the family who put it to

their lips and wish each other Blessings for the upcoming year.


These wafers are now available in the Rectory Office. Please call the office at 845-227-8380 Monday through Friday to reserve your wafers. We will place them in an envelope with your name and put it on the table outside the rectory office. When you come to pick up, place your donation (you decide the amount) in the black drop box located on the wall beside the rectory door.