Saturday, May 30, 2020

Updates from Father Michael – May 30, 2020

Our Holy Father will lead a worldwide Rosary today – Saturday – at 11:30 am connecting with all the Marian Shrines in the world. You can participate by going here:

Congratulations to Deacon Bill Alvarado, who celebrates his 40th Anniversary of Ordination today. He, together with his wife Jean, have an effective and faith-filled ministry among us. God bless you on your special day!
Today is also the 50th Anniversary of Ordination of our neighbor at St. Denis, Father Pat Dunne and of the former Dean of Dutchess County and the former Pastor of St. Martin de Porres, Msgr. James Sullivan. They are both great priests and we wish them Ad Multos Annos.

Today is also my niece’s birthday – Hayley Rose McLoughlin. She just graduated from the Ohio State University. Where does the time go?

Father Bob Abbatiello has been a friend for many years, especially during the time he led CYFM. Father Bob’s family are active members of our parish, so I regret to tell you of the death of his dad, Brandy Abbatiello. They had a Burial Service at Fishkill Rural. Hopefully soon we can have a Memorial Mass here.

Right now, Dutchess County is a Phase One. When we move to Phase Two, we can begin to reopen our parish offices, at least on a part time basis. We have ordered glass to be places around desks and for other necessary equipment. When the Parish Office reopens, we will begin to take Announced Mass intentions. We will decide this week the best way to do that, so stay tuned.

In our Archdiocese, the upper counties are at Stage 1 – Church open for Prayer & Confessions. (We at St. Columba have always been at Stage 1). Soon we will move to Stage 2 – Baptisms and Marriages limited to ten people in attendance. When we hit Stage 2, Deacon Bill will again be able to start scheduling Baptisms. Those who already had a Baptism scheduled will have first choice. All Baptisms will be done individually – one family at a time. Available times will be Saturdays at 1:00, 2:00 and 3:00 pm and on Sundays at 2:00 pm, 3:00 pm and 4:00 pm. Baptisms can also be offered weekday by request. Water will be replaced after every Baptism. Sponsor forms cannot be done in person at this time. Call either myself or Father Connolly and we will do it via phone.

We are happy to tell you that we have received a substantial donation that will cover over 80% of the cost of installing a permanent livestream system in church with two robotic cameras. Our intention is to livestream one Mass each Sunday for years to come so that our sick and homebound parishioners can always stay connected to us. Our social media committee will soon reach out for volunteers to run this mini-TV station. The equipment will be ordered this week.
Our SDSC school 8th Graders will participate in a livestream Retreat Day this Thursday, June 4 led by CYFM. At the end, Bishop Colacicco will join them, speak to our graduates, and offer a special blessing. On Friday, June 12 they will participate in a livestream Graduation Ceremony and then come in cars to receive their diplomas and awards in person. We are so proud of our graduates and wish them every grace and blessing in the years ahead.

Father’s Day cards and Intention envelopes are now available in the church. We have also placed boxes of missalettes on a table in the narthex. They are free to take since we can not use books in church for the foreseeable future.

Here is our Cardinal’s Appeal update:
Goal - $139,000.00
Pledges - $78,777.00
Gifts Given – 324
Average Gift - $243.14
Thank you so much! Please help us make our goal and give to the Appeal. Go to -

Here is our Renew and Rebuild Update:
Goal - $1,709,000.00
Pledges - $1,760,771.92
Paid - $1,019,644.46
Gifts Given – 508
Thank you so much for keeping up with your Pledges. When all the money is in, we can replace the school windows.

Those enrolling in our Religious Education program can now make payments using We Share. You are also now able to make Instant Donations to St. Columba Church with your smart phone using QR code or text. Signs in church show what to do it.

Unpack the Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit

with an online seven-day retreat

with the Dominican Friars and the Sisters of Life.

If you were a student this Spring, maybe the past semester was exceedingly difficult for you. How will you “reset”? How will you prepare for a peaceful summer?
If you are facing new challenges and uncertainties at work, how can you overcome those fears? How can you find the Lord in the ways that you have been affected during the COVID-19 pandemic?
 Or maybe your spiritual life is just in a rut. Maybe you have begun murmuring your prayers in rote recitation, not really giving your heart and mind over to the Lord.
 Now is the time to turn to the Holy Spirit.
 Jesus said to his disciples, “The Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you. Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid” (John 14:26-27).
The Holy Spirit comes to us again. This Pentecost he comes, filling our hearts with the fire of his love. He will give us the strength to set out and renew the face of the earth.
 Now is the time to seek the Holy Spirit in retreat.
 Dedicate your week of Pentecost to renewal in the Holy Spirit. Join the Dominican Friar hosts of the Godsplaining podcast and the Sisters of Life for a new digital retreat dedicated to the Gifts of the Holy Spirit.
 Beginning Pentecost Sunday, Aleteia will offer seven evening retreat conferences (premiering on Facebook, YouTube, and our website at 7 p.m. EST). Each conference will present a different Gift of the Holy Spirit.
 Sunday: The Gift of Wisdom - Fr. Patrick Mary Briscoe, O.P.
 Monday: The Gift of Fortitude- Sr. Maris Stella, S.V.
 Tuesday: The Gift of Counsel- Fr. Gregory Pine, O.P.
 Wednesday: The Gift of Piety- Sr. Bethany Madonna, S.V.
 Thursday: The Gift of Knowledge- Fr. Jacob Bertrand Janczyk, O.P.
 Friday: The Gift of Fear of the Lord- Sr. Marie Veritas, S.V.
 Saturday: The Gift of Understanding- Fr. James Brent, O.P.
 We encourage your full participation. After each conference, keep your phone off. Allow your room, your home, to become a place of prayer. Enter into intentional silence as you are able.
 If we turn to the Holy Spirit, he will flood our hearts with his graces this Pentecost. By renewing the power of his mighty Gifts, he will draw us deeper into the incredible mystery of love of our God! Join here: