Wednesday, May 27, 2020

So Many Things To Consider As We Prepare To Reopen St. Columba

When will we start celebrating the Sacraments again?

Here is our biggest challenge: “The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates there is a 20% to 50% chance that those infected do not show symptoms. Yet even those asymptomatic people may be just as capable of transmitting the disease as other infected people who eventually become sick.” (LA Times, May 26) They are the “silent spreaders.”  Therefore, it is not simply a matter of opening our doors and hoping for the best.

Here is what we are planning now, with the help of people like Gary Bartilucci, Pat Moore, Mary Ann Servidio, Kurt Kish, and Butch Keane.

Outdoors is our safest place for Mass. A tent will be erected in front of the church next week. Bushes will be trimmed. An outdoor sound system with wireless speakers has been ordered. We will ask the Knights of Columbus to help us with traffic. We still may be able to install a transmitter so that all can hear through a radio. Guidance is still needed, but it seems that all will be required to stay in their cars, at least in the beginning. We would have to work out how to distribute Holy Communion. A tentative schedule could be Saturday 5:30 pm, and Sunday 8:00 am, 10:00 am, & 12:00 noon. (NOTE – cost of all the new equipment needed is about $6,000.00)

But what happens if there is bad weather? A tentative schedule could be Saturday 5:30 pm in church & school, 8:00 am, 10:00 am in church and school, 12 noon. There are several factors involved when we are in church and using the school gym:
     Air quality: Air cannot be allowed to just sit in our buildings. It must be moved or treated. We have a large exhaust fan in the gym that can move air out. The best solution for the church is to connect ultraviolet lights with the ac system. This should destroy the virus. This is being researched. (Cost to this)
     Cleaning – the church will need to be cleaned after EVERY MASS. (Cost to this) We will need to lock the church after every Mass for cleaning. We will need to hire cleaners. We have placed an order for the fogging equipment to clean the pews. (Cost to this). Understand that much of the cleaning equipment and supplies are still NOT AVAILABLE due to hospital priority. The bathroom is another issue. For safety it would need to be cleaned after EVERY USE. This is a real problem. Also, we will change out all soap and towel dispensers in church & school and replace with automatic ones. (Cost to this)
     Worship aids – all books and missalettes are removed. No bulletins – online only. Liturgical books cannot be shared. Readings must be printed for each Mass.
     Spacing – we can only be at about 25% capacity. Every other pew must be blocked off. Markers must be put on the floor for 6 foot spacing. Parishioners cannot just sit where they wish. And, when we reach capacity, no one else may enter. Since the obligation to attend Mass is still lifted, parishioners will be encouraged to attend any one Mass during the week, daily or weekend.

-         Movement – just like supermarkets, we must have directional arrows. Entrance only through the front doors. Exit only through the side doors. Communion will likely be distributed at the end of each Mass, with immediate departure.
     Medical Team – our crew will need new safety equipment if they are to safely attend to sick parishioners (Cost to this).
     One Mass livestreamed every day for years to come (especially for the benefit of homebound parishioners) – cost of new TV equipment about $13,000.00

We are now at Phase One – Church is open for private prayer and confessions. The Archdiocese will decide when each additional phase will begin.
Phase Two – Baptisms and Marriages – limited to 10 people
Phase Three – The Rite of Distribution of Holy Communion Outside of Mass
Phase Four – Daily Mass & Funeral Mass with limited capacity
Phase Five – Sunday Mass with supervised attendance

A decision must be made about which phase includes outdoor Mass. Patience all!

We have asked Lectors and Extraordinary Ministers to let us know their availability. Over ½ have declined. Totally understandable. Pat Moore will now survey ushers and greeters regarding availability.

We will have no International Priest this summer. Your priests must make themselves available for every weekend. No extended vacations for us. We will have only one deacon available. Our two deacon candidates will be available to help.

Perhaps you noticed that we are facing increased costs, including hiring cleaners and purchasing equipment. I am so gratefully to so many of you who have stepped up to the plate to keep your parish solvent. Many people think our church building just magically stays open for their use. YOU understand the sacrifices that must be made. Thanks for ALL you are doing and continue to do. The cost of the TV equipment and outdoor equipment will be around $20,000.00. If you would like to make a special donation, we would be grateful!

On a much happier note – congratulations to Father Michael Connolly who just celebrated his second anniversary of ordination. On Thursday Father James Sheridan will celebrate his fourth anniversary of ordination. May God continue to bless these wonderful young priests!