Sunday, March 18, 2018

The Way of the Cross

(This homily was inspired by a talk given by Father William Bausch)

For centuries, the three great Pilgrimage destinations were Rome, Santiago de Compostela and Jerusalem. Rome – to the tomb of St. Peter & all the holy sites. Santiago – to the tomb of St. James. And Jerusalem to the holy places, but most especially the tomb of Jesus Christ.
These trips were costly and dangerous. But the Franciscans came up with a great idea – we will bring Jerusalem to the people – and the Stations of the Cross were born. Artists began to sketch the holy places, and they were hung in churches. The number went from 7 to 24, but eventually they settled on 14.
They are called Stations – stationary standing places. We are invited to stand before each Station for 2 reasons: First – to meditate upon the scene. Second – to enter into it.  That is, to become a participant!
Some examples:
1)      Pilate Condemns Jesus to death. Did he have to? He seems to have some understanding that Jesus is innocent. He thought, let’s torture Jesus for a bit. Maybe that will be enough. Not good enough. Well, let’s release 1 prisoner, but they chose Barabbas. Now what? – I wash my hands. Should know better! Should stand up for the truth but I did not.
4) Jesus meets his Mother. Mary’s heart is broken. She wants to help him but she can’t. She would have gladly changed places with Him. Mary is every parent who tried to save their children. She is every parent who stands watching in a hospital or at a drug treatment center. Every parent who has prayed that their child would end a sinful lifestyle or who has left the faith. They instead stand silently offer their prayers and their tears.
5) Simon is forced to carry the cross. Simon stands for all the people who carry crosses they did not want or bargain for – cancer, addiction, sick parent or child, divorce, job loss, depression.  Yet Simon, first forced to carry the cross, then began to understand, then he began to love this man, and his whole family would become followers of Jesus.
6) Veronica – she stops and shows compassions. She walks with Him even when nothing else can be done. She could have run away, but she did not.
9) Jesus falls a 3rd time. You may say I know this station from experience. I keep falling. I am trapped in this habit  of sin. I keep gossiping, quick judgments, anger, misuse of  internet. I keep falling  Stations should say – Jesus GETS UP the third time.
12) Jesus dies on the cross – Father forgive them, they know not what they do. Help me to get rid of grudges and holding on to a hard heart. Jesus had a deeper love. Might I learn the same love?
14) Into the Tomb – I am empty, there is no hope. All is darkness. A loveless marriage, a dead end job, a bad relationship. Where is God? Faith is routine and empty. The stone has been placed over the tomb. But is that stone going to stay there forever.
And now we understand – unless the grain of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains just a grain of wheat – but if it dies, it produces much fruit – 1 grain can produce 70 grains.
The Stations of the Cross – a wonderful way to prepare for Holy Week and Easter!