Saturday, March 31, 2018

Good Friday

St. John writes – “They took the body of Jesus and bound it with burial cloths” Many people believe that this is the famous – Shroud of Turin. It provides a true image of Jesus after His death.

Recently, scientists at the University of Padua created a 3-D copy of the image – it looks like a statue. It shows a man of extraordinary beauty.  His height is about 5 11 whereas the typical male was 5 5. They count 370 wounds on His front and back – they estimate about 600 wounds.  At the moment of death, he sagged to the right because his right shoulder was dislocated.  All this for us. By His wounds we are healed!

This extraordinary man – who gave his life for us - uttered seven last words .(sentences) while He hung upon the Cross.

1)      Father, forgive them, they know not what they do.
First word – Father -   forgive them  - Father forgive us – It is I who have made you bleed.   He forgives!

2)      Today, you will be with me in paradise.
Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom. = The thief steals heaven – did he deserve it? Who does – all about mercy.  Divine Mercy Sunday

3)      Woman, Behold Your Son.  Behold, your Mother.
The one who said yes, who always said yes – is given to us as our pattern of holiness. notice – no name – the Beloved Disciple – on purpose? -   Behold – now she is our mother, and we are her Sons and Daughters. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death.

4)      My God, My God, why have you forsaken me/
Psalm 22 - Obedience comes at a great price – He took the weight of human sin and carried it to the cross – but not a psalm of despair – read it – filled with hope!

5)      I thirst.
Humanly speaking, of course – but another kind of thirst. MT’s Convents & our Chapel -  I thirst for souls. I thirst for you.

6)      It is Finished. Consumatum Est.
The work is done. A cry of victory. Power of sin is broken. Beginning of new life, the church. Out of his side flows blood and water.  Water – Baptism. Blood – Eucharist.

7 )  Father, Into Your Hands I Commend My Spirit.
Surrenders to the father. A true prayer of all believers. I have said this prayer every night for 37 years - He is gone ahead to prepare a place for us. In my father’s house there are many dwelling places. He will wipe all tears from our eyes, for we shall see him face to face.

Old Pastor = Msgr. Andrews – Crucifix – Why should you want anything else, I never did! This is where you learn everything. This is the wood of the cross on which hung the Savior of the world – come let us worship!