Sunday, November 2, 2014

All Souls Day

Friday is generally my day off. This Friday I had breakfast with my sister. She went off to walk her dogs. I went to Gate of Heaven Cemetery. I usually go on Fridays. It is a habit. I used to bring dad every Friday to visit Mom. Now, I visit both of them and pray for them.
It is not always easy – it sometimes brings to mind their last weeks – when I gave them the Last Rites - their Wakes – their Funeral Masses, and their Burials.
But I also remember all the prayerful support we received, and it is also a comfort to know that we did everything the right way.

Today we pray for the Dead – this is not a practice in Protestant Churches. They say Prayer for the Dead is not found in the Bible. Of course the words “Holy Trinity” are not found in the Bible, but they believe that. No, we believe that at death, many of us still need to undergo a cleansing - a purgation – Purgatory – in order to stand in the presence of pure love.
You know, gold does not look like much when it comes out of the ground.  It is hard to recognize it. It must be purified. The gold nuggets are put through intense heat. Because it has a low melting point, it melts before the impurities. The process is repeated a few times, but eventually the beauty is revealed. And so is our beauty revealed!

So, why do we pray for the dead?
1)      To praise God for the life of someone who has had an impact on us.  Eg  Funeral for Msgr. Flynn.
2)      To ask for God’s mercy. While we cannot earn at deceased person’s salvation – this if a gift achieved by the death and resurrection of Jesus – we can ask for God’s mercy, knowing life does not end at death. This is why we often get Mass cards, light candles or fill out All Souls envelopes.
3)      To show that we are part of the Communion of Saints. Our deceased friends are not dead but alive and always part of the Church. Where they are gone, we hope one day to be, and a big part of our joy will be our reunion with them.
4)      To pray for those mourning the departed. In our neighborhood, my mother always made a cake for those who lost loved ones. This is why we go to wakes and funerals, to unite ourselves with those who grieve. We want to support them. Often the best way to support them is to pray with and for them.
5)      To Remind ourselves us that life is short. Keep things in order – prepare for our final goal – heaven.

So, this is another All Souls Day. Who do you want to prayer for? – as we get older, the list gets longer doesn’t it?             Eternal rest grant unto them – O Lord.