Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Updates From St. Columba - October 7, 2020 - Our Lady of the Rosary


HOLY HOUR FOR OUR NATION - Bishop Colacicco will officiate a live-stream Holy Hour for the parishes of Dutchess County (and anyone else who would like to join in) on the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary from 7PM-8PM  TONIGHT at Holy Trinity in Poughkeepsie. The Holy Hour is for the healing of our nation and the peaceful outcome of the election. You can access the live-stream via Holy Trinity’s website and click on the live stream tab at the top of the homepage, our Facebook Holy Trinity Poughkeepsie or our YouTube Channel- Holy Trinity Poughkeepsie.

TRI-PARISH LIFE CHAIN – A peaceful reminder of the sanctity of life. It will take place this Saturday, October 10 from 10:00 am to 12 noon along Rt. 82 in front of St. Columba Church. Come for two hours or just a few minutes or more: pray, wear a mask, and stay 6 ft apart. Signs will be provided.

AMERICA NEEDS FATIMA ROSARY RALLY – Right after the Life Chain, on Saturday, October 10 at 12:00 noon, we will join parishes across the country to pray the Rosary for America. We will beg God and Our Lady to save America from today’s chaos, immorality, and social upheaval. In 2019 there were 21,145 public rallies. This year St. Columba will join this effort. This is a Public Rosary so we will stay right on Rt 82 in front of the church. We are giving witness to our faith. Bring a Rosary. If you forget or do not have one, we will have a Rosary for you! Wear a mask and keep social distance.

RESPECT LIFE SUNDAY - BABY BOTTLES – October is Respect Life Month. We invite you to participate in our Baby Bottle Campaign. Bring home a bottle after Mass and fill it with loose change throughout October. Return it in November. The money will be used for Respect Life activities here at St. Columba, including donations to Care Net and Birthright.

EXPECTANT PARENT DRIVE BY BLESSING – Families awaiting the birth of a child are welcome to drive by the rectory this Sunday, October 11 at 2:00 pm for a Blessing. Father Michael will be standing outside waiting for you!

MASK REMINDER – All are expected (except young children) to wear masks in church that fully cover the nose and mouth. Please keep your priests and fellow parishioners safe. We strongly encourage you to wear a mask during our outdoor Masses. You must wear a mask if you are visiting the parish office. Remember it is also the home of our priests and we need to keep them safe, as well as our parish staff.

QUARANTINE REMINDER – Please remember that if you travel to a quarantine state and return, you need to quarantine for two weeks from the moment you arrive back in NY State. Please do not enter our church, school, convent, or rectory during that time. We are grateful especially to our many volunteers who do the right thing and keep us informed in order to protect all parishioners. Please do not be selfish about this and put us all at risk.

COLUMBUS DAY – Please remember that our offices will be closed on Monday, October 12. Morning Mass is at 8:00 am and the church will be closed afterward. No Adoration.