Friday, October 30, 2020

Updates from St. Columba - October 30, 2020


WEEKEND MASS SCHEDULE (Outdoor Masses have ended)


Saturday – 5:30 pm

Sunday – 7:30 am, 9:00 am, 10:30 am, 12:00 noon


Please enter church using main (front) doors only. Exit church using doors nearest your section. REMEMBER – Move your clocks back one-hour Saturday night.


ALL SAINTS DAY ~ November 1, 2020 – Use this on your phone to sing with us.


Entrance hymn

 Verse 1- For all the Saints, who from their labors rest, All who by faith before the world confessed,

Your name, O Jesus, be forever blest. Alleluia! Alleluia!

Verse 3- O May your soldiers, faithful, true, and bold, Fight as the saints who nobly fought of old.

And win with them the victor’s crown of gold. Alleluia! Alleluia!


Presentation hymn

Verse 1- I Know that my Redeemer lives! What joy this blest assurance gives!

He lives, he lives who once was dead: He lives, my everlasting Head!

Verse2- He lives to bless me with his love; He lives to plead for me above;

He lives my hungry soul to feed; He lives to help in time of need.

Verse3- He lives and grants me daily breath; He lives, and I shall conquer death;

He lives, my mansion to prepare; He lives to bring me safely there.

Verse 4- He lives, all glory to his name; He lives, my Savior, still the same;

What joy this blest assurance gives; I know that my Redeemer lives!


Communion Hymn

Eye has not seen, ear has not heard 

what God has ready for those who love him;

Spirit of love, come, give us the mind of Jesus, 

teach us the wisdom of God.

1.      When pain and sorrow weigh us down, be near to us, O Lord, 

          forgive the weakness of our faith, and bear us up within your peaceful word.

2.      Our lives are but a single breath, we flower and we fade,

          yet all our days are in your hands, so we return in love what love has made.

3.      To those who see with eyes of faith, the Lord is ever near,

          reflected in the faces of all the poor and lowly of the world.

4.      We sing a myst'ry from the past in halls where saints have trod,

          yet ever new the music rings to Jesus, Living Song of God.

Text: 1 Corinthians 2:9-10; Marty Haugen, b.1950, © 1982, GIA Publications, Inc.


Recessional Hymn

1.      Sing with all the saints in glory, Sing the resurrection song!

          Death and sorrow, earth's dark story, To the former days belong.

          All around the clouds are breaking, Soon the storms of time shall cease;

          In God's likeness, we awaken, Knowing everlasting peace.

4.      Life eternal! O what wonders Crowd on faith; what joy unknown,

          When, amidst earth's closing thunders, Saints shall stand before the throne!

          O to enter that bright portal, See that glowing firmament,

          Know, with you, O God immortal, Jesus Christ whom you have sent!

Text: 1 Corinthians 15:20; William J. Irons, 1812-1883, alt.; tr. by Alberto Meruvia, b. 1919, © 2010, GIA Publications, Inc.


Reprinted with permission under ONE LICENSE #A-700703. All rights reserved.



This weekend things appear to be getting back to normal in our church as all our Masses are now indoors and we are restoring Communion reception to its proper place in the Mass.  However, we are still in a pandemic and there are some changes and challenges.  We are asking for your help with the challenges and I will talk about some of the moderate changes to our normal routine.

1.    Seating -- our church’s pews get larger as you move to the rear.  We can only accommodate a maximum of 200 safely.  We need to use the larger pews for families, not individuals.  We ask singles or couples to please use the seats toward the front of the church.  If an usher suggests another seat, we ask you to move to the seat they recommend.  We want to accommodate as many in the church as we can.

2.    Communion Reception – we will be using 3 Eucharist stations and will have 3 ministers – Priests or Deacons.

·        The way you approach Communion reception is the same as we have traditionally done.  We do need to be organized and go row by row, which has been our informal process.  However, during this time we are asking you to remain in your pew until called out by and usher.  Ushers will help with proper spacing and other issues that may arise.

·        When we return to our seats, most of us will be sharing an aisle with someone else.  We ask you to self-distance as you approach this common aisle.

·        When we receive Communion, our masks are removed.  However, the common return aisle is only 2 steps away from the Eucharistic station.  We ask you to quickly place your mask back on.  We not only need to have spacing but at this potential place of contact with others, we all need to have our masks on.

·        Many of our pews, especially the ones in the rear where they are larger, will have different families in them.  In the past, if someone is not going to receive Communion, those receiving Communion have crawled over others in the pew.  We cannot have non-family members crawling over people.  We need your help in preventing this.  Our suggestions are:

·  Anyone not receiving Communion should exit the pew, step back allowing others to exit safely, then return to your seat.  The same should be done upon returning to the pew after Communion.

·  In cases where the person is unable to get out of the pew, we ask anyone impacted to walk around the back side of the section they are sitting in to avoid this contact.

3.    Mass Dismissal – We need to prevent the typical traffic jam in the narthex at the end of Mass.  Our modest change to prevent this is to organize how we all leave the church.   Those in the side sections are asked to exit via the appropriate side doors.  Those in the center sections will use the main doors.  We ask everyone to not stop or congregate near the doors.  Let us give everyone a chance to exit the church safely.  Ushers will help guide you, but we are leaving it up to you when you wish to leave and to self-space.

4.    Disinfecting the Church – the church needs to be disinfected after every use.  On Sunday mornings, the turnaround time is tight between Masses.  We cannot let anyone in the church until the disinfecting is complete.  It cannot start until everyone leaves the church, so we ask you not to linger inside the church after Mass.  We need to start disinfecting as soon as possible.

5.    A word about our ushers – we are here to help, and we greatly appreciate the support we receive from our fellow parishioners.  We ask for your cooperation.  If have you a special need, please speak with one of us.  You should know that prior to the pandemic we had 105 people in our ministry. Today we have 27.  If you are interested in joining us, please speak with me or contact the Rectory Office.


On Saturday, October 31, Steve Broussard, and Dennis McCormack will be ordained Permanent Deacons in service to the Archdiocese of New York. Ordination will take place at 9:00 am at St. Patrick's Cathedral. Due to the pandemic, admission by ticket only. Both men have participated in formation for over five years. We congratulate them and their families. Both will be present at a Mass of Thanksgiving here at St. Columba on Sunday at 12:00 noon.

The information below was printed in Catholic New York: 

Deacon Stephen Broussard, 59, is a parishioner at St. Columba, Hopewell Junction, where he has served as a lector, extraordinary minister of Holy Communion and most recently as an acolyte at daily Mass. He coordinates the Adoration Chapel at St. Columba with Deacon Chris Merenda. A founding member of the parish’s St. Joseph’s Men’s Group, he works with their “Every Kid Deserves a Bed Project” and Saturday morning Bible study. He also works on the parish’s Midnight Run, serving the homeless of New York City. He and his wife, Laurie, have been married for 29 years and have two daughters, Renee and Erin. He has worked in information technology for 37 years, the last 26 with Prudential Financial.

Deacon Dennis McCormack, 62, is a parishioner at St. Columba, Hopewell Junction, where he has served as an extraordinary minister of Holy Communion and lector. He has been an active member of the Capuchin Youth and Family Ministries in Garrison, including as a volunteer leader on retreats and mission trips. He is grateful for the service opportunities and spiritual formation he has received from the Capuchin Friars of the Province of St. Mary. He has been employed at IBM Corp. for 40 years. He and his wife, Allison, have been married for 38 years and have raised four children: Kelly, Erin, Heather, and Kyle. He is an alumnus of SUNY Brockport.

ALL SOULS DAY – Please return your All Souls Intention envelopes and be sure to write your Intentions on the envelope. Additional envelopes are available on the racks in church. A Novena of Masses will be offered beginning November 2. All Souls Masses will be offered on November 2 at 7:00 am and 7:00 pm.

ORDINATION ANNIVERSARY – Father Michael was ordained to the priesthood on October 31, 1981 by Terence Cardinal Cooke. This marks his 39th anniversary. Due to the pandemic, his class will not gather for Mass and dinner. He simply asks that you remember to pray for all priests on his anniversary.

Saturday, October 24, 2020

Updates from St. Columba - October 24, 2020


Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time


Our Mass Schedule this weekend:

Saturday 5:30 pm – in church

Sunday 8:00 am – in church

Sunday 10:00 am – outdoors

Sunday 12 noon – in church


This is our final weekend to have an outdoor Mass. It will likely be very chilly so dress warmly. Next weekend for the Solemnity of All Saints we return to our old Mass schedule with all Masses in church: Saturday 5:30 pm, Sunday 7:30 am, 9:00 am, 10:30 am, 12:00 noon.


Entrance Antiphon

Cantor: Let  the  hearts  of  those  who  seek  the  Lord  rejoice;    seek  the Lord  and  be  strength-  ened;   seek  his  face  for  evermore. 

Vs. Give thanks  to  the  Lord  and  call  upon  his  name;   declare  his  deeds  among  the  gentiles.  

Assembly: Vs. Glory  be  to  the  Father,  and  to the  Son, and  to the  Holy  Spirit...  


Psalm: I love you Lord, my strength, my strength.


Communion Antiphon

We  shall  rejoice  in  your  salvation;   and  in the name  of  the Lord  our  God  shall we  place our  pride.


Communion Hymn

I give you a new commandment: Love one another as I have loved you, as I have loved you.

1.    This is my will, my one command, That love should dwell among you all. This is my will, that you should love, as I have shown that I love you.

2.    No greater love that one can have, than that one die to save one’s friends. You are my friends, if you obey what I command that you should do.

3.    I call you now no longer slaves; no slave knows all the master does. I call you friends, for all I hear the Father say you hear from me.

4.    You chose not me, but I chose you, that you should go and bear much fruit. I chose you out, that you in me should bear much fruit that will abide.

5.    All that you ask my Father, dear, for my name’s sake you shall receive. This is my will, my one command, that Love should dwell in each, in all.


Steven R. Janco Text (ref.) and music © 1999, WLP

Jn 15:12–17 Vss.: James Quinn, SJ, 1919–2010 Text (vss.) © 1969, James Quinn, SJ, pub. by OCP


Reprinted with permission under ONE LICENSE #A-700703. All rights reserved.


SPECIAL COLLECTION FOR ST. VINCENT DEPAUL FOOD PANTRY – Once a year we take a special collection for our Food Pantry. Our Tri-Parish Food Pantry serves hundreds of people throughout the year. It is a hugely important resource for so many. Please use the envelope you received at home or put your donation in an envelope marked “St. Vincent DePaul” and drop it in the collection. Thank you for your generous support.


ALL SOULS DAY – Please return your All Souls Intention envelopes and be sure to write your Intentions on the envelope. Additional envelopes are available on the racks in church. A Novena of Masses will be offered beginning November 2.


PRAYERS NEEDED – Steve Broussard and Dennis McCormack are to be ordained Deacons next Saturday at 9:00 am at the Cathedral. Admission by ticket only. But now Steve is facing Gall Bladder surgery on Monday! With all your prayers, we hope he can recover sufficiently to be ordained as scheduled.  Also, please pray for Mother Gloria who has been diagnosed with skin cancer.  


ANNUAL RETREAT – Father Connolly will be away on his annual retreat this week Please pray for him, and we are sure he will be praying for all of us.

SCHOOL RAFFLES - With the Gala cancelled, our beautiful raffle items remain to be won. Take a chance after Mass today!

Monday, October 19, 2020

Updates From St. Columba - October 19, 2020

HAPPY BIRTHDAY – Tomorrow (Tuesday) is Gary Bartilucci’s Birthday. Gary has done amazing work throughout the pandemic. He has really helped to keep our parish going. God bless you Gary! Also, Birthday wishes to Deacon John Reilly on Wednesday. Ad Multos Annos.

ADORATION SCHEDULE CHANGE THIS WEEK – No ADORATION Thursday, October 22 due to First Communion Rehearsal at 4:30 pm and evening Mass at 7:00 pm.

FINAL WEEKEND FOR OUTDOOR MASS – We will be moving all Masses into the church beginning on October 31-November 1. We are incredibly grateful to all the many volunteers who have helped us set up and tear down throughout the past months. God bless all of you. We will resume our old Mass schedule of 7:30, 9:00, 10:30 and 12:00 noon on November 1.

HOLY HOUR TONIGHT FOR YOUNG ADULTS – Tonight (Monday) at 7:00 pm. Talk by Father Louis Masi, Parochial Vicar at St. Mary, Fishkill. Confessions available.


1. Religious Education is NO LONGER ACCEPTING INK CARTRIDGES for recycling.  Thank you for all who have supported this effort up until now.

2. In this time of needed RELIANCE ON ELECTRONIC DEVICES to remotely form and teach our youth in the traditions of our Catholic way of life, we need to help our volunteer catechists replace, upgrade and/or refurbish laptops in order to teach effectively.  Targeted donations are much needed for this purpose.  We have many families, many students, so small or modest donations will make a big difference and will help us help our catechists.  If you are willing to help, make checks payable to St. Columba Church with a memo: Rel Ed Technology Fund or click the link on We Share.  Thank you so much!

3. GOOD NEWS AND BAD NEWS:  We have received more 6th grade students since the start of rel ed classes, also one of our Thursday 8th grade catechists has resigned because she secured a new full time job, and this morning a 4th grade catechist called to let us know that due to doctor's orders, she will need to step away from teaching 4th grade on Wednesday afternoons.    

As a result of the above situations, WE NEED THREE NEW CATECHISTS - one for Thursday, Grade 8 (Confirmation Preparation 4:30 - 6:00pm) and one for 6th grade (Tuesday 6:30 - 8:00pm) or Wednesday evening (6:15 - 7:45pm) and lastly, a catechist is needed for Wednesday afternoon for Grade 4 ( 4:15 - 5:45pm).


Friday, October 16, 2020

Updates from St. Columba - October 16, 2020

Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time


Entrance Antiphon


I  have  called  out  because  you  answer  me,  O  God;   incline  your  ear  and  hear  my  words;  keep  me,  O  Lord,  like  the  apple  of  your eye;   protect  me  under  the  shadow  of  your  wings.  (Vs. Hear  my  just cause,  O  Lord;   attend  to  my  supplication.)  

Assembly: Vs. Glory  be  to  the Father,  and  to  the  Son,   and  to  the  Holy  Spirit.  As  it was in  the beginning,   is  now,  and  ever  shall  be,   world  without  end.  Amen.


Psalm Response:  Give the Lord glory and honor.


Offertory Antiphon: I  will  meditate  on  your  commandments   which I  love  exceedingly;    

I will  lift up my hands t’ward your commandments which I love.


Communion Antiphon:  O  Lord  our  God,   how awesome  is  your  name  in  all  the  earth!


Communion Hymn:


I have loved you with an everlasting love,

I have called you and you are mine;

I have loved you with an everlasting love,

I have called you and you are mine.


1.       Seek the face of the Lord and long for him:

          he will bring you his light and his peace.


2.       Seek the face of the Lord and long for him:

          he will bring you his joy and his hope.


3.       Seek the face of the Lord and long for him:

          he will bring you his care and his love.


Text: Jeremiah 31:3, Psalm 24:3; Michael Joncas, b. 1951  

Tune: Michael Joncas, b. 1951 © 1979, OCP      

Reprinted with permission under ONE LICENSE #A-700703. All rights reserved.


MASS SCHEDULE THIS WEEKEND – Cold weather changes:

Saturday Morning – 8:00 am – in church

Saturday Evening – 5:30 pm – in church

Sunday Morning – 8:00 am in church, 10:00 am outdoors, 12:00 noon in church


FIRST HOLY COMMUNION – Our children will receive First Communion on Saturday at 9:30 am and 12:00 noon. Due to the pandemic, it is not open to the public – tickets only. Watch it on our livestream - - Please pray for our First Communicants!


WORLD MISSION SUNDAY – This weekend is a special opportunity to support the Missionary efforts of the church. Please use your World Mission Sunday envelope and drop it in the basket. If you do not have an envelope, put it in your own envelope and mark it “World Mission Sunday.”


ST. DENIS – ST. COLUMBA SCHOOL RAFFLE - Our school will be selling raffle tickets for gift baskets after all the Masses this weekend.  Please support the school while taking a chance to win a great prize!

RENEW AND REBUILD – Most parishioners are keeping up with their pledges – God bless you! But some may be facing challenges, especially due to the pandemic. Those who are a bit behind will soon receive a letter of encouragement. Thanks for doing whatever you can to help us continue to pay back the church loan and to put money away toward the school windows.

LOURDES CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL VIRTUAL OPEN HOUSE – Sunday, October 18 at 12 noon – Register at

PHISHING ATTEMPT – Never respond to emails like this – the email is fake, and we would never send emails like this!

From: Rev. Fr. Michael McLoughlin <>
Date: Thu, Oct 15, 2020 at 10:09 AM
 Are you unoccupied to grab me something? I'm busy I can't take calls right now, just respond to my email.       
Sent from my iPhone

Saturday, October 10, 2020

Updates From St. Columba - October 10, 2020

Entrance Antiphon:  (Ps 129:3-4, 1-2) 

Cantor-   O  Lord, if you were to take into account our iniquities, who would withstand the test?  

 But  forgiveness  abides  with  you,  O God of Israel.  

(Vs. Out  of  the  depths  have  I  cried  to    you,  O  Lord;   Lord,  hear  my  voice. )

Assembly-   Glory  be  to  the  Father,    and  to  the  Son,   and  to  the  Holy  Spirit.  As  it  was  in  the    beginning,   is  now,  and  ever  shall  be,   world  without  end.  Amen. 


GLORIA chant- may be found on page 9 in the digital missalette


Psalm Response: I shall live in the house of the Lord all the days of my life.


Offertory (Esther 14:12-13) 

Remember  me,  O  Lord,   you  who  dominate  all  authority;  put  the  right  words on my lips,    so  that  my  speech  may  be  convincing   in  the    presence  of  the  King. 


Communion (Ps 118:22, 24)

Remove  from  me  all  scorn  and  contempt,    for  I  have  kept  your  commandments;   for  your  law  is  the  object  of  my  meditations.


Communion hymn:

1.      The King of love my shepherd is,

          Whose goodness fails me never;

          I nothing lack if I am his,

          And he is mine forever..


2.      Where streams of living water flow

          My ransomed soul he's leading,

          And, where the verdant pastures grow,

          With food celestial feeding.


3.      Confused and foolish oft I strayed,

          But yet in love he sought me,

          And on his shoulder gently laid,

          And home, rejoicing, brought me.


4.      In death's dark vale I fear no ill

          With you, dear Lord, beside me,

          Your rod and staff my comfort still,

          Your cross before to guide me.


5.      You spread a table in my sight,

          Your saving grace bestowing; 

          And, oh, what transport of delight 

          From your pure chalice flowing!


6.      And so, through all the length of days 

          Your goodness fails me never; 

          Good Shepherd, may I sing your praise 

          Within your house forever.


Text: Psalm 23; Henry W. Baker, 1821-1877, alt.


Reprinted with permission under ONE LICENSE #A-700703. All rights reserved.


EXPECTANT PARENT BLESSING – We will offer a Drive-By Blessing for Expectant Parents this Sunday, October 11 at 2:00 pm. Just drive to the front of the rectory. For safety’s sake, you do not need to exit your car.


COLUMBUS DAY – Morning Mass will be at 8:00 am. There will be No Adoration. All parish offices will be closed. We have funerals at 10:00 am and 12 Noon. The church will close at the end of the last funeral.


CARDINAL’S APPEAL as of October 2
Goal - $139,000.00
Pledge - $97,059.00
Number of Gifts – 411
Average Gift - $236.15
Any gift, large or small, is deeply appreciated!

RENEW AND REBUILD as of September 18
Goal - $1,709,000.00
Pledged - $1,758,846.92
Paid - $1,108,513.03
Many thank for keeping up with your pledge!