Saturday, August 8, 2020

Updates From St. Columba - August 8, 2020


Power is back on in our church and school. We thank all who worked so hard to restore it, and we pray that everyone’s power will be fully restored soon.

We will have our normal summer weekend Mass Schedule:

Saturday 5:30 pm in church

Sunday 8:00 am outdoors

          10:00 am outdoors

          12:00 noon in church

This weekend we will have the annual Collection for the Church in Africa. Make sure to place your gift in an envelope marked “Africa” since we are not taking up collections – drop your envelope in the collection baskets.

We will bless college students at each Mass this weekend. During this time of uncertainty may they know God’s peace.

Next weekend, the Solemnity of the Assumption of Our Lady (August 15) falls on a Saturday. Therefore, it IS NOT a Holy Day of Obligation this year. Mass in honor of the Assumption of Our Lady will be held next Saturday at 8:00 am.  

Our church capacity as per the Archdiocese of NY is now at 33% which makes a big difference.

We are been informed that there will be no CYO basketball at least until January 1.

Stephen Broussard and Dennis McCormack are to be Ordained to the Permanent Deaconate on October 31 at the Cathedral. There is no information yet regarding how many can attend.

The Altar-Rosary Society regretfully has cancelled their Christmas Fair for this November. This fundraising event supports the Tri-Parishes and is a favorite of many throughout the region. How sad!

The Sony cameras have finally arrived! Now we can get to work setting up our broadcast system in the church. We will let you know when it is ready to go.

Ryan Lugo has completed his Eagle Scout Project – the new Shrine to St. Joseph. It is in memory of Rich Scampoli who is loved by so many of us. Ryan designed the shrine in the shape of a chalice and host. Take a look! We hope to have a dedication blessing soon. Thank you, Ryan, Scouts, and financial donors. It is a beautiful and prayerful addition to our property!

Gary Bartilucci is on a well-deserved vacation this week. Gary has been tremendous during this terrible pandemic, filling in the gaps and helping to keep St. Columba going. Gary is a huge blessing to St. Columba. Enjoy your week Gary!

Father Connolly will be away from St. Columba August 10-15.

Our Bookkeeper, Mary Gallagher, estimates that due to the pandemic, our Collections are short about $1,000 each week. We are so grateful to all who are trying to keep up with their donations. Perhaps some who are reading this are not regular givers to St. Columba. Would you consider adding your support, especially during these challenging days? An easy way to give is We Share. Check our parish web site for more information.

Cardinal’s Appeal

Goal - $139,000.00

Pledges - $93,659.00

Gifts – 402

Average Gift - $232.98

Renew and Rebuild

Pledged - $1,758,121.92

Paid - $1,092,754.58

God bless you for your generosity, especially during these difficult times.