Saturday, August 22, 2020

Updates August 22, 2020


UPDATES FROM ST. COLUMBA – August 22, 2020

Mass Schedule this Weekend:

5:30 pm – in church

8:00 am – outdoors (weather permitting)

10:00 am – outdoors (weather permitting)

12:00 noon – in church

 If the weather is bad, we are prepared to offer overflow Masses in the gym at 8:00 am & 10:00 am. Please come first to the church.

SPECIAL NOTE – This is the last weekend we can offer overflow Masses in the school. Due to the pandemic and the school’s need for space, the gym and cafeteria will be set up as classrooms. If the church is full, we will make sure the outdoor speakers are on. We must do the best we can. Seating is at 50%. It would be helpful if you come to Mass in church a bit early so that we can seat all before Mass begins. Thank you!

 Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time

August 23, 2020

 Entrance Antiphon (Ps 85: 1-4) 

Cantor: Incline  your  ear  to  me,  O  Lord,  and  hear  me;   O  God,   save  your    servant  who  trusts  in  you;  have  mercy  on  me,  O  Lord,   for  unto    you  do  I  cry  all  the  day.

All: Glory be to the Father…

 Psalm Response: Lord, your love is eternal. Do not forsake the work of your hands.

 Communion Antiphon:

He who eats my flesh and  drinks  my  blood,   abides  in  me,  and  I  in  him,    says  the  Lord.


Eye has not seen, ear has not heard 

what God has ready for those who love him;

Spirit of love, come, give us the mind of Jesus, 

teach us the wisdom of God.

1.      When pain and sorrow weigh us down, be near to us, O Lord, 

          forgive the weakness of our faith, and bear us up within your peaceful word.

2.      Our lives are but a single breath, we flower, and we fade,

          yet all our days are in your hands, so we return in love what love has made.

3.      To those who see with eyes of faith, the Lord is ever near,

          reflected in the faces of all the poor and lowly of the world.

4.      We sing a myst'ry from the past in halls where saints have trod,

          yet ever new the music rings to Jesus, Living Song of God.

 Text: 1 Corinthians 2:9-10; Marty Haugen, b.1950, © 1982, GIA Publications, Inc.

Reprinted with permission under ONE LICENSE #A-700703. All rights reserved.



Mondays – 7:00 am in church

Tuesdays – 7:00 pm outdoors until it gets too dark - then in church

Wednesdays – 7:00 am in church

Thursdays - 7:00 pm outdoors until it gets too dark - then in church

Fridays – 7:00 am in church

Saturday morning – 8:00 am outdoors

Saturday evening – 5:30 pm in church

Sunday morning – 8:00 am outdoors, 10:00 am outdoors, 12 noon in church.

 NOTES – There is still no requirement to attend weekend Mass due to the pandemic. We are offering a variety of Mass times and places in the hope that you will find at least one Mass per week that you can safely attend. We must return to 7am daily Mass (M, W, F) because school is starting, and the parking lot is needed.

HEARING ASSIST – We have reactivated the hearing assist system in church. But the user must sterilize the earpiece and receiver both before and after each use!

WEDDING ANNIVERSARIES – The Golden Wedding Anniversary Mass scheduled for the Cathedral is cancelled due to the pandemic. Here at St. Columba, we will bless 25th and 50th Wedding Anniversary Couples for 2020 on Sunday, September 20 at 10:00 am Mass (outdoors). Bring your chairs! Rain date is September 27 same time. We will offer a blessing during Mass and distribute certificates from the Archdiocese of NY. Sadly, we cannot have a reception this year. If you do not feel safe attending, let us know and we will mail the certificates. Call Laura at 227-8380 or Let her know if you are coming to Mass or want the certificates mailed. Thank you.


Father Michael will be away August 24-29 and August 31-September 4.

Monday, August 17, 2020


Funeral Arrangements for The Reverend Michael G. Cedro, aged 48. Pastor, Parish of the Holy Cross/Our Lady of the Scapular, South Centerville (former Parochial Vicar here at St. Columba)

Born June 2, 1972 + Ordained Priest May 15, 2004 + Entered Eternal Life August 16, 2020

WAKE - Wednesday, August 19, 2020, 1:00 to 7:00 pm Church of the Holy Cross 626 County Road, Middletown, NY 10940, 845.355.4439 + Under direction of Scarpaci Funeral Home, Staten Island, 718.966.7800

PARISH MASS OF THE EUCHARIST - Wednesday, August 19, 2020, 7:00 pm + Church of the Holy Cross (under the tent in the field) The Most Reverend Gerardo J. Colacicco, DD, presider + The Reverend George TM Hafemann, homilist

MASS OF CHRISTIAN BURIAL - Thursday, August 20, 2020, 11:00 am + Church of the Holy Cross (under the tent in the field) His Eminence, Timothy Cardinal Dolan, presider + The Most Reverend Gerardo J. Colacicco, DD, homilist

INTERMENT - Resurrection Cemetery, Staten Island +REQUIESCAT IN PACE+

Saturday, August 15, 2020

220th Sunday in Ordinary Time and Questions


Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time


Entrance Antiphon

Cantor: Behold, O God our protector, and consider the face of your Anointed;

For one day in your house is better than a thousand elsewhere.

All: Glory be to the Father…


Psalm Response: O God, O God, Let all the nations praise You!


Communion Antiphon

My house will be called a  house  of  prayer,  says  the  Lord;   everyone  who  asks  here,  will  receive,  and  he  who  seeks,  will  find,   and  to  him  who  knocks,  it  will  be  opened.



1.      All who hunger, gather gladly;

          Holy manna is our bread. 

          Come from wilderness and wand'ring. 

          Here, in truth, we will be fed. 

          You that yearn for days of fullness, 

          All around us is our food.



Taste and see the grace eternal. 

Taste and see that God is good.

Taste and see the grace eternal. 

Taste and see that God is good.


2.      All who hunger, never strangers, 

          Seeker, be a welcome guest. 

          Come from restlessness and roaming.

          Here, in joy, we keep the feast. 

          We that once were lost and scattered 

          In communion's love have stood.


3.      All who hunger, sing together; 

          Jesus Christ is living bread. 

          Come from loneliness and longing. 

          Here, in peace, we have been led. 

          Blest are those who from this table 

          Live their lives in gratitude.


Text: Sylvia G. Dunstan, 1955-1993, © 1991, GIA Publications, Inc. Reprinted with permission under ONE LICENSE #A-700703. All rights reserved.




Our numbers at Adoration are not what they were pre-pandemic. That is understandable. But we are noticing there are some hours when no one is in church, and that cannot be when the Eucharist is exposed. Also, some nights, there are just 2, 3 or 4 people for Benediction. Before we make any changes, we want to make sure that everyone knows about this wonderful opportunity to pray before the exposed Blessed Sacrament on Monday to Friday beginning at 4:00 pm in Church. We end with Benediction on M-W-F at 7:50pm and on Tu-Th at 7:40 pm. Come and experience this special quiet time for prayer. Would you consider covering one hour each week? Email Deacon Chris at



After Labor Day, morning Mass on Monday, Wednesday and Friday will return to church at 7:00 am. School will begin, and the parking lot will be needed. The question remains about Tuesday and Thursday. Right now, it is at 7:00 pm outdoors. Is there a need to keep these two Masses at 7:00 pm? (Note-they would have to be in church as daylight gets shorter). Or do we go back at all 7:00 am? For those who have been coming to 7:00 pm – is it important to you that we keep these 7pm Mass times during the pandemic? Is this the one Mass you are going to each week? Or can you adjust to 7am? Please leave a comment for us on Flocknotes or write  Thanks!

Thursday, August 13, 2020

Updates From St. Columba - August 13, 2020



This year the Solemnity of the Assumption of Our Lady (August 15) falls on a Saturday. Therefore, IT IS NOT a Holy Day of Obligation this year. Mass in honor of the Assumption of Our Lady will be held this Saturday at 8:00 am.  


Saturday 5:30 pm in church

Sunday 8:00 am outdoors (weather permitting)

          10:00 am outdoors (weather permitting)

          12:00 noon in church

Seating is at 33% capacity. We are prepared to offer “overflow Masses” at 8:00 am and 10:00 am. Please come first to church. You will be directed to the gym if needed.


Our Religious Education Program will resume on Tuesday, September 22, 2020. Distance Learning is deemed to be the best immediate format for the safety, comfort, and minimalization of logistics for all. The experience and quality of our catechists coupled with our new program – “Christ In Us” – should help us provide and enriching formation in Faith and Sacrament reception. Students are registered according to a specific day and time with no more than 14 students per group.  This organization will allow us to seamlessly return to the classroom when the crisis is no longer a health threat. More specific information will be forthcoming.

To realize our plan, seven (7) more parishioners are needed to serve as catechists. Please help us to love and serve our young parishioners! Call our Religious Education Office at 845-221-4900.

If you have not yet signed up your children for Religious Ed, please do not delay! Do it this week. Thank you!


CONFIRMATION – All Ceremonies, not Mass

Saturday, September 26 at 10:30 am – Bishop Dominick

Saturday, October 3 at 10:30 am & 1:30 pm – Bishop Colacicco


Saturday, October 17 at 9:30 am & Noon

Saturday, October 24 at 9:30 am

NOTE – Logistics still need to be worked out, but we are working on it. The church will be a maximum 50% capacity, and the Confirmandi/First Communicants will need to be spread out, so seating for guests will be extremely limited. We plan to livestream each liturgy. Thank you for understanding these unprecedented circumstances. What is most important is that our young people and children will receive these Sacraments!


Our friends the Oblates to the Blessed Trinity suffered the loss of one of their sisters in the Bronx, Sister Clara Luz Chinchilla (age 91). Her Funeral Mass will be offered here today (Thursday) at 1:30 pm and she will be buried at St. Denis Cemetery after the Funeral Mass. Please pray for the repose of her soul.


Father Connolly will be away from St. Columba August 17-21. Father Michael will be away August 24-29.


Our Bookkeeper, Mary Gallagher, estimates that due to the pandemic, our Collections are short about $1,000 each week. We are so grateful to all who are trying to keep up with their donations. Perhaps some who are reading this are not regular givers to St. Columba. Would you consider adding your support, especially during these challenging days? An easy way to give is We Share. Check our parish web site for more information.

Saturday, August 8, 2020

Music For this Weekend - St. Columba

 Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Entrance Antiphon

Cantor:  Remember, O Lord, your covenant, and do not abandon forever the souls of your poor; Arise, O Lord, and judge your own cause; forget not the cries of those who seek you.

All: Glory be to the Father…

Responsorial Psalm: Lord, let us see your kindness, and grant us your salvation.

Communion Antiphon: The Bread which I will give is my flesh for the life of the world.

Communion Hymn

Refrain: You satisfy the hungry heart with gift of finest wheat;

Come give to us, O saving Lord, The Bread of life to eat.

Reprinted with permission under ONE LICENSE #A-700703. All rights reserved.

Updates From St. Columba - August 8, 2020


Power is back on in our church and school. We thank all who worked so hard to restore it, and we pray that everyone’s power will be fully restored soon.

We will have our normal summer weekend Mass Schedule:

Saturday 5:30 pm in church

Sunday 8:00 am outdoors

          10:00 am outdoors

          12:00 noon in church

This weekend we will have the annual Collection for the Church in Africa. Make sure to place your gift in an envelope marked “Africa” since we are not taking up collections – drop your envelope in the collection baskets.

We will bless college students at each Mass this weekend. During this time of uncertainty may they know God’s peace.

Next weekend, the Solemnity of the Assumption of Our Lady (August 15) falls on a Saturday. Therefore, it IS NOT a Holy Day of Obligation this year. Mass in honor of the Assumption of Our Lady will be held next Saturday at 8:00 am.  

Our church capacity as per the Archdiocese of NY is now at 33% which makes a big difference.

We are been informed that there will be no CYO basketball at least until January 1.

Stephen Broussard and Dennis McCormack are to be Ordained to the Permanent Deaconate on October 31 at the Cathedral. There is no information yet regarding how many can attend.

The Altar-Rosary Society regretfully has cancelled their Christmas Fair for this November. This fundraising event supports the Tri-Parishes and is a favorite of many throughout the region. How sad!

The Sony cameras have finally arrived! Now we can get to work setting up our broadcast system in the church. We will let you know when it is ready to go.

Ryan Lugo has completed his Eagle Scout Project – the new Shrine to St. Joseph. It is in memory of Rich Scampoli who is loved by so many of us. Ryan designed the shrine in the shape of a chalice and host. Take a look! We hope to have a dedication blessing soon. Thank you, Ryan, Scouts, and financial donors. It is a beautiful and prayerful addition to our property!

Gary Bartilucci is on a well-deserved vacation this week. Gary has been tremendous during this terrible pandemic, filling in the gaps and helping to keep St. Columba going. Gary is a huge blessing to St. Columba. Enjoy your week Gary!

Father Connolly will be away from St. Columba August 10-15.

Our Bookkeeper, Mary Gallagher, estimates that due to the pandemic, our Collections are short about $1,000 each week. We are so grateful to all who are trying to keep up with their donations. Perhaps some who are reading this are not regular givers to St. Columba. Would you consider adding your support, especially during these challenging days? An easy way to give is We Share. Check our parish web site for more information.

Cardinal’s Appeal

Goal - $139,000.00

Pledges - $93,659.00

Gifts – 402

Average Gift - $232.98

Renew and Rebuild

Pledged - $1,758,121.92

Paid - $1,092,754.58

God bless you for your generosity, especially during these difficult times.

Saturday, August 1, 2020

Updates From St. Columba - August 1, 2020

Holy Mass – August 1-2 – 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Saturday Evening 5:30 pm – in church
Sunday Morning  8:00 am – outdoors
                             10:00 am – outdoors
                             12:00 noon – in church

The weather may include rain on Sunday morning. If there are no cones blocking the lot, Mass will be in church. All should come to church first. If there is a shortage of seats, we are prepared to offer “overflow Masses” in the school gym at 8:00 am and 10:00 am. Please follow the direction of the ushers/greeters.

Music - Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Entrance Antiphon
Cantor: All you who are thirsty, come to the waters, says the Lord,
             And you who have no money, come, drink in gladness.
             Attend, O my people, to my law; 
             Incline your ears to the words of my mouth. 
All:        Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.
             As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be,
             World without end. Amen.

Psalm Response 
The hand of the Lord feeds us; He answers all our needs.

Communion Antiphon
You gave us bread from heaven, O Lord, having in it all that is delicious,
And the sweetness of every taste.

Communion Refrain
And I will raise you up,
And I will raise you up,
And I will raise you up on the last day.

Reprinted with permission under ONE LICENSE #A-700703. All rights reserved.

RYAN LUGO’S EAGLE SCOUT PROJECT – Ryan and the scouts are working hard. They have been hampered by the heat, but are getting closer to completion. The statue of St. Joseph has arrived and has been installed! Special thanks to all who contributed toward the statue, including: Bob Buber, Tom Guido, Fran Cocuzza, The Cassieri’s, Janice Ragazzo and Emily Mattia. God bless you!

WIRELESS SOUND SYSTEM – It has been frustrating working with the company out in California but they have been closed due to the pandemic. They have finally agreed to exchange the priest’s mic system. For now, we continue to use the outdoor system for our musicians.

TV SYSTEM – Everything is here but the cameras. Hopefully this week?!

PRIEST TIME AWAY – Father Connolly will be away August 3-5 and then August 10-14. Father Michael will be away August 5-7.