Monday, June 29, 2020

Virtual Vacation Bible School - Summer of 2020

From Father Michael and the Parish of St. Columba – Virtual Vacation Bible School – July 2020

One of many disappointments during this pandemic is the cancellation of our popular Summer Joy Vacation Bible School. Although nothing can replace our “in person” program, we would like to offer all our families and children an alternative. The CatholicBrain and Brother Francis web sites have teamed up to offer a Virtual Vacation Bible School – “The Incredible Savior.” This five-day program includes a lesson, videos, music, bible verse of the day, saint of the day and virtue of the day. Best of all, St. Columba Parish has arranged for you to receive all this material and more FREE for the next 30 days. While we encourage everyone to do the Vacation Bible School during the week of July 13-17, you can do it anytime in July.

Here is how you sign up:
Church/School Name: St. Columba
Church/School Code: STC80814

parents please go to this address: or you may select "REGISTER" from the top left corner of the main page and fill out the registration form, using the Church/School Code to associate your family to our account. We suggest each student have an account, so that they can work at their own pace. If you are having trouble connecting with this program, call 469-416-4942 or email  Make sure to have our Church Name & Code available.
During this 30-day period you are welcome to use any of the materials available on the CatholicBrain web site. 

Enjoy – and pray that Summer Joy VBS can return in the summer of 2021!

Saturday, June 27, 2020

Updates from Father Michael – June 27, 2020

Good News – Seating in our church is now at 50%. That will give us some flexibility. For the summer, we still intend to have outdoor Masses when practical, but we will move inside when necessary. When in church, you will notice that every other pew is closed. Still try to keep a 6-foot distance. And, please wear a mask whenever you are in church.

Eagle Project – Ryan Lugo has begun his Eagle Scout Project. Many scouts are here today to help him prepare a Prayer Area near the convent which will feature a Statue of St. Joseph. All the funding necessary has been contributed by generous donors. Ryan’s Project is in Memory of Rich Scampoli.

Rice Bowls – It is time to return your Rice Bowls from Lent. Place them in the Collection Baskets. Thank you for your generosity to Catholic Relief Services.

Virtual VBS – Due to the pandemic, we are unable to have an “in person” Vacation Bible School. We are working on a Virtual VBS for July 13-17 so stay tuned!

Baptism Preparation – Our staff has worked together to recreate the process of preparing for Baptism due to the pandemic. Here are the steps:

          Call Deacon Bill to arrange a date and time. Each baptism is done one family at a time on Saturdays and Sundays at 1:30 pm & 3:00 pm. Weekdays are also available.

2)     A package is mailed to each family. It includes a welcome letter, materials for parents and godparents, and sample godparent forms. Families are asked to take time to read the materials.

3)     Families receive an email from the parish asking them to view a new video by Bishop Robert Barron – “Introduction to the Sacraments and Baptism.” They are also invited to view other videos by Bishop Barron and to joined FORMED.

4)     One or two weeks before the baptism, a priest/deacon will call the family (conference call or zoom meeting) to discuss the materials and the video. Any questions can be answered.

5)     Baptism Day!

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Updates From Father Michael - June 23. 2020

Updates from Father Michael – June 23, 2020

WEDNESDAY 8:00 am MORNING MASS on June 24 is in Church due to the forecast of thunderstorms. Ushers will seat people due to 25% capacity.

COMMUNION TO THE HOMEBOUND – Some generous parishioners have volunteered to bring Communion to the homebound. How we do it will be quite different. First, the EM will make sure the homebound person’s family agrees to these weekly visits. Second, the EM will wear a mask and carry sanitizer for use both before and after distributing Holy Communion. Third, the EM will ask to meet the homebound person on the front porch or back deck (outside the house). The EM will not enter the house. If necessary, Communion will be given at the door. Fourth, the EM will briefly say a prayer at a distance, give Communion, say the Our Father at a distance and depart. Any conversations should take place before or after by phone. This is for the safety of the homebound person and the EM. If you know someone who is homebound and would like to receive Holy Communion, email

OUTDOOR WIRELESS SOUND SYSTEM – Our wireless outdoor sound system has arrived. It will be used on weekends because it gives us the ability to add a keyboard and cantor mic. With four speakers it also extends our range of sound coverage. We are most grateful to those who made donations for it. It was fully paid for by special donations. God bless you.

MISSED SECOND COLLECTIONS – During the time we could not have public Mass, we missed three Second Collections:
-         Aid to the Church in Central and Eastern Europe
-         Aid to the Church in Latin America and Catholic Home Missions
Some may have already donated using We Share or by dropping off your collection envelope. It has been recorded. If you still wish to make these donations, please do so by Sunday July 12 and we will send a check to the ADNY.

The third missing Collection is the Good Friday Collection for the Holy Land. Pope Francis has asked us to have this Collection in September. Again, if you already donated it is recorded. If not, hold onto your envelope and use it when the new date is announced.

The Collection for Catholic Missions Among the Black and Indian People will take place July 11-12. A Letter from the Cardinal is attached to this email.

Goal - $139,000.00
Pledged - $85,439.00
Number of Gifts 355
Average Gift $240.67
Thank you for your amazing generosity. We are inching closer to our goal!

Goal - $1,709,000.00
Pledges $1,760,871.92
Paid $1,051,685.57
Number of Gifts 509
Thanks for keeping up with your pledge. The replacement of the school windows will begin when all the money is in hand.

Due to the pandemic, our summer clergy are not available this year. Your priests can only be away on weekdays. Father Connolly will be away June 29 – July 3. Father Michael will be away July 6-10.

Saturday, June 20, 2020

Updates From father Michael - June 20, 2020

Dear Parishioners,

Summer begins later today. School is out. Vacations can begin! The weather looks cooperative for outdoor Mass this weekend. If we have any weather concerns, we will send a Flock Note and move Mass indoors. If you do not see the orange cones, you know we are in church.

This is our Summer Mass Schedule:

Weekend Masses

Good Weather - all outdoors
Saturday - 5:30 pm
Sunday - 8:00 am - 10:00 am - 12:00 noon

Bad Weather - all indoors at 25% capacity
Saturday - 5:30 pm with Overflow Mass, if needed, in gym
Sunday - 8:00 am. 10:00 a.m. with Overflow Mass, if needed, in gym,
12:00 noon

Daily Mass Schedule - all outdoors this summer - bring chairs (bad weather-indoors at 25% capacity)

Monday - Wednesday - Friday
Mass at 8:00 am

Tuesday & Thursday
Mass at 7:00 pm

Morning Mass at 8:00 am

Some helpful reminders:
·         Still no requirement to attend Mass, especially if you feel unsafe. This particularly pertains to those 65 and older and with medical conditions.
·         Bring chairs
·         Wear a facemask
·         Bring antibacterial
·         Wear a hat if you wish or use a sun umbrella but be careful not to block someone’s view.
·         Do not block traffic – do not park in fire lanes – park only in parking spaces – you can also park in the lot at the side of the church, behind the school and at ACME and walk over.
·         School bathrooms will be open
·         Reception of Communion is at the end of Mass – keep 6 ft distance on the Communion lines. Take off you face mask before you receive.
·         Collection baskets will be placed on the sidewalk near the altar at every Mass. You can walk up either before or after any Mass and drop your donation in the basket. At other times you are welcome to use the SVDP box in church or mail your gift. We are most grateful to so many who continue to support your parish.
Other Notes:

Our Church Office will now be open Monday to Friday from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm. We encourage you to make an appointment first if you are visiting. Please wear a face mask.

Our wireless outdoor speaker system is due to arrive on Monday. It will include the capacity to plug in a keyboard so that we can resume music at weekend Masses – musician and cantor only. If you wish to sing, you definitely need to keep your face mask on! Still working on the car transmitter.

We are still awaiting the cameras for the indoor livestream system.

We are meeting with EM’s who may wish to resume home visits with Holy Communion this Tuesday after the 7:00 pm Mass. There are protocols that must be followed. Still no nursing home visits except for Last Rites.

Finally, may God bless all our fathers, grandfathers, godfathers, and foster fathers. We love you and thank you for all that you do for us! We will offer a Father’s Day Blessing at all Masses this weekend. Father’s Day cards and Intention envelopes are available in the church. A Novena of Masses will be offered for all fathers, living and deceased.

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Updates from Father Michael - June 16, 2020

Cardinal Dolan has asked priests to make available the Sacrament of Reconciliation on Friday, June 19, the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart. At St. Columba, we will offer Confessions from 8:30 am (after morning Mass) to 9:30 am (cutoff is 10:00 am due to the last day of school and a funeral) and from 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm. As always, during this pandemic, we will be in the side parking lot. If the weather does not cooperate, we will be in the corners of the church. Please wear a mask.

It was wonderful to see so many parishioners last weekend! I am grateful to all who helped us get ready for outdoor Mass and to all who made donations toward the necessary equipment. Special thanks to Pat Moore and his team of ushers and greeters as well as Mary Ann Servidio and her medical team – outstanding job!

We will stay outdoors as much as possible for Mass this summer. We will send Flock Notes when we need to move indoors. While outdoors, feel free to wear a hat (perhaps men can remove theirs during the Consecration). Also, bring a sun umbrella if you wish – just keep it low and try not to block views.

The music tent is up. We still await the outdoor wireless sound system with 4 speakers. We can connect a keyboard to it. We played with a radio transmitter today. Soon we hope to transmit to your car radio.  Most of the TV equipment is here. Camera wires will be run this Friday. Today we received another fantastic donation of $5,000 toward all this equipment. Wow! Thanks so much!

If you would like Holy Water, bring a bottle filled with water to any Mass. We will be happy to bless it after Communion.

We hope to resume Communion Calls soon. Some training is required. Visits will be very brief, even taking place at the door for safety. We invite all Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion who wish to assist with home visits to a Training Session on Tuesday, June 23 after the 7:00 pm Mass. We will meet in church. A few parishioners have received permission from myself or Father Connolly to bring Holy Communion to a family member. During this time of pandemic, when you come up to receive Holy Communion, open your pyx first, then receive Holy Communion yourself.

We had our first Funeral Mass in three months here on Monday. Due to seating restrictions, we see that it is necessary to have two greeters/ushers at each Funeral Mass to assist with seating. If you would like to be placed on the volunteer call list for funerals, email or call Laura at the parish office.

The Parish Office is now open Monday to Friday from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm. We request that you make an appointment before visiting. We often have appointments with visitors outside. Each desk is now equipped with glass for safety. Call now to make arrangements for Mass Intentions. Mass Intentions from now until Labor Day – One Intention per Mass. Father’s Day Cards and Intention envelopes are available in the church.

The St. Joseph Statue for Ryan Lugo’s Eagle Project has been ordered. Thanks to all who made donations! Ryan wants to start his project soon. It will honor Richie Scampoli and will be a place of prayer for all who visit our Adoration Chapel and the Bishop Dom Room.

Young Adult Ministry of the ADNY is sponsoring a “Love and Responsibility Series” beginning Tuesday, June 23 at 7:30 pm on CatholicNYC Facebook Live. Live talks and music followed by zoom social. June 23 features Matt Lozano and Tori Harris. More info:

Sunday, June 14, 2020

Sunday Update - June 14 - Corpus Christi

Dear Parishioners,,

There is no question that we made the right decision about outdoor Masses. It is by far much safer and, it would have been necessary to turn people away at both the 8am & 10am Masses this morning. With the 25% mandate, we could not get everyone into the church. We have one Mass remaining today at 12:00 noon.

We have decided that ALL MASSES THIS SUMMER WILL BE OUTDOORS. Of course, if it is raining or there is a threat of rain or it is unbearably hot, we will move into the church. You will receive notice by Flock Note. In the meantime, join us at Mass outdoors and bring your chair!

Today, join us at 1:00 pm for a Corpus Christi Procession as we walk a loop around our property. Allow us to bless you and your family. Because Mass has resumed, we will NOT be making home visits – come to St. Columba at 1:00 pm.

God bless you!
Father Michael

Friday, June 12, 2020

Updates from Father Michael - June 12, 2020

Updates from Father Michael – June 12, 2020

Here is our Weekend Liturgy Schedule – all outdoors

Morning Mass at 8:00 am
Confessions from 8:30 – 9:00 am and 4:00 – 5:00 pm
Evening Mass at 5:30 pm

Masses at 8:00 am, 10:00 am (livestreamed) and 12:00 noon
Corpus Christi Procession after the 12:00 noon Mass

Starting Saturday, collection baskets will be placed on the sidewalk near the altar at every Mass. You can walk up either before or after any Mass and drop your donation in the basket. At other times you are welcome to use the SVDP box in church or mail your gift. We are most grateful to so many who continue to support your parish.

Helpful reminders
-         Still no requirement to attend Mass, especially if you feel unsafe. This particularly pertains to those 65 and older and with medical conditions.
-         Bring chairs
-         Wear a facemask
-         Bring antibacterial
-         Do not block traffic – do not park in fire lanes – park only in parking spaces – you can also park in the lot at the side of the church, behind the school and at ACME and walk over.
-         School bathrooms will be open
-         Reception of Communion is at the end of Mass – keep 6 ft distance on the Communion lines.

Ushers, greeters, and medical team will meet tonight at 7:00 pm in the church. Please wear a mask. A reminder that Adoration is cancelled today (Friday).

Graduation today! Congratulations to the Class of 2020 and to their parents. A special thank you to Sister Kathleen, the teachers, and staff of SDSC School for all your hard work!

Our Parish Office reopens this week – Monday to Friday from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm. Face mask required. New plexiglass has been installed around the desks. We suggest you call ahead to make an appointment. Please avoid dropping in for now. We usually meet with people outdoors. Mass cards are now available for July to December 2020.  Also, call for sponsor certificates. Happy Birthday Laura Brady!

The final meeting of our Parish Council until September will be Monday, June 15 via Zoom. We have made the decision to suspend the selection process for this year and have asked all Council Members to extend their terms by one year. All have graciously agreed to do so.

Both Patrick Moore and Rosemary Thorne have been reappointed to serve their third and final year as our Parish Trustees. Their advice has been invaluable.

This weekend would have been the ordination to the Deaconate of Steve Broussard and Dennis McCormack. We would have had a beautiful Mass of Thanksgiving followed by our Parish Picnic. Instead, Steve and Dennis are trying to help us in any way they can by setting up and assisting at Mass as they await the announcement of their new ordination date.

As mentioned before, there is no possibility of a summer priest coming from Rome to assist us this year. Beginning the week of June 29, Father Connolly and I will take turns going on vacation from Mondays to Fridays. We both need to be at St. Columba on Saturdays and Sundays.   

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Latest Updates from Father Michael - June 10, 2020

Updates from Father Michael – June 10, 2020
More Good News – Weekend Masses can Resume!
As we resume Mass, all are reminded that the requirement to attend Mass is still lifted. We are still amid a pandemic. Everyone 65 and older is encouraged to stay home and keep watching on livestream. Also, with the Mass requirement lifted for now, it is not necessary to attend a weekend Mass. You may instead attend a weekday Mass. Reminder – church is at 25% capacity. Many rows are blocked off with yellow tape. DO NOT SIT ON THE YELLOW TAPE! You will not always be able to choose your seat. Small groups should sit in front, larger in the back. If we are at capacity, the doors will be closed, and you will have to listen outside. For all Masses in church – one way in (front doors) and one way out (side doors).
Mass Schedules from Now until Labor Day
Weekend Mass Scheduleall outdoors – bring chairs!
Saturday – 5:30 pm
Sunday – 8:00 am, 10:00 am, 12:00 noon
Weekend Mass Schedule – bad weather – in church
Saturday – 5:30 pm church with overflow Mass in gym
Sunday – 8:00 am, 10:00 am in church with overflow Mass in gym, 12:00 noon
Weekday Mass Schedule (in church beginning June 15)
Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday at 8:00 am
Tuesday and Thursday at 7:00 pm
Adoration – (NOTE – This Friday – Adoration Cancelled for Graduation and Usher/Greeter Training) Monday, Wednesday & Friday 4:00 – 8:00 pm and concluding with Benediction 7:50pm. Tuesday and Thursday 4:00 – 6:45 pm and concluding with Benediction at 6:35 pm. We will resume Rosary & Divine Mercy at times to be determined so stay tuned.
Funeral Masses – Funeral Masses will resume – maximum 125 people – by Monday, June 15. Beginning June 15, we will be happy to work together with McHoul’s Funeral Home to schedule Memorial Masses for those who could not have a Funeral Mass. They can be scheduled Monday to Friday at 10:00 am & noon and on Saturdays at 9:30 am & 11:30 am. There must be time to clean the church in between.
Baptisms – Families can start calling Deacon Bill to arrange for Baptisms. Those who had cancelled Baptisms will have priority choice of date. Only one family at a time and ceremonies will be brief lasting ½ hour. Baptisms can be scheduled on Saturdays and Sundays at 1:30, 2:30 & 3:30 pm. Families will be rotated to different parts of the church for safety and water changed for every baptism.
Weddings – They may resume within the safety parameters required, including physical spacing and 25% capacity.
Next Steps for St. Columba – prepare our church for use on weekdays, funerals & baptisms and weddings, train ushers and greeters, train cleaning team and establish schedules, get safety equipment in place. We will reopen the parish office when the safety equipment arrives. Training Session for Ushers & Greeters – Friday, June 12 at 7:00 pm in church. You are reminded – Mass Intentions this Thursday from 8:00 – 12:00 noon school gym & cafeteria.
Corpus Christi Sunday, June 14 – Now that weekend Mass is allowed, we have a new plan. You are invited to stay after the 12:00 noon Mass. We will have a Procession around our parish property, and we will bless all present. If you think of it, bring a rosary. 
No Books – We are unable to provide missalettes and hymnals – safety concerns. When you come to Mass, you may wish to bring your own Missal or use an online version.
Graduation – SDSC Class of 2020 on Friday, June 12 at 3:00 pm outdoors in our parking lot. Attendance by invitation only. Please pray for our graduates!
Novena - Please consider joining our God Squad Youth Group as we pray this Novena for Racial Healing and Reconciliation. It is composed by Father Josh Johnson. He is a priest in Baton Rouge, former police captain’s son, and black. There is much he can teach us.

Prayer – You are invited to pray for Sister Anne Daniel. She is scheduled to receive a pacemaker tomorrow. May the procedure be a great success!

Monday, June 8, 2020

Reopening Updates - The Beginning Process - June 8, 2020

Updates – June 8, 2020

Dear Parishioners,
We have received the good news from New York State that houses of worship here in the Hudson Valley can begin to reopen on June 9 with 25% seating capacity. Cardinal Dolan has given permission for parishes to begin the process of reopening – including daily Mass, funerals, weddings, and baptisms at 25% of capacity. No Sunday Mass yet but should resume soon.  The key words are “begin” and “process.” There is much that must be done to provide for safety. The church is not ready yet for Mass at 25% capacity. Equipment was ordered a month ago and still has not arrived. Training must still take place. And, all are reminded that the requirement to attend Mass is still lifted. We are still amid a pandemic. Everyone 65 and older is encouraged to stay home and keep watching on livestream.

This is what we are prepared to do now:

Weekday Mass – Beginning on Tuesday, June 9 – the Patronal Feast of St. Columba – at 7:00 pm, we can resume weekday Mass OUTDOORS. If the weather is bad, we must cancel and livestream. Notifications will be sent the usual way. The entire parking area in front of the church will be blocked off for Mass seating. Cones will mark the seating area, but you also may sit on side lawns or in front of the school. (Sadly, we had to cut down all the bushes, but they will come back!) Bring your own chairs or you can stay in your car. The portable sound system has not arrived but there are 2 outdoor speakers that can be used for now. Wear face mask. Keep social distance of six feet. Only clergy, deacon candidates and religious sisters will read and distribute Communion for now. No bringing up gifts. At Communion time the priest/deacon will receive Holy Communion, then offer the Closing Prayer and Final Blessing. Mass will conclude with distribution of Holy Communion. There will be three Communion stations. You must keep six feet apart in the Communion line. We invite and encourage everyone to receive Communion in the hand, although we may not refuse to give Communion on the tongue. Please, please – fully extend your arms and hands out toward the minister or open wide your mouth with tongue out.  If the minister touches you in any way, he will place the ciborium on a table next to him and clean his hands with sanitizer. All should immediately depart – no gathering in groups after Mass.

Here is our new Weekday Mass Schedule – still subject to change and weather dependent – and all outdoors for now – from now until Labor Day (we will continue to livestream all Masses during the pandemic):

Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday at 8:00 am
Tuesday and Thursday at 7:00 pm

Note – We simply do not have room for everyone on weekends, especially when outdoor Masses need to be cancelled due to weather. Since there is no obligation to attend Mass at this time, we will encourage parishioners to consider coming to any Mass during the week. This is why two masses are in the evening.

Adoration – Will continue Monday, Wednesday & Friday 4:00 – 8:00 pm and concluding with Benediction 7:50pm. Tuesday and Thursday 4:00 – 6:45 pm and concluding with Benediction at 6:35 pm. We will soon resume Rosary & Divine Mercy at times to be determined so stay tuned.

Funeral Masses – We are working with McHoul Funeral Home to resume Funeral Masses – maximum 125 people – by Monday, June 15. There are several things to still work out regarding safety – Beginning June 15, we will be happy to work together with McHoul’s to schedule Memorial Masses for those who could not have a Funeral Mass. They can be scheduled Monday to Friday at 10:00 am & noon and on Saturdays at 9:30 am & 11:30 am. There must be time to clean the church in between.

Baptisms – Families can start calling Deacon Bill to arrange for Baptisms. Those who had cancelled Baptisms will have priority choice of date. Only one family at a time and ceremonies will be brief lasting ½ hour. Baptisms can be scheduled on Saturdays and Sundays at 1:30, 2:30 & 3:30 pm. Families will be rotated to different parts of the church for safety and water changed for every baptism.

Weddings – They may resume within the safety parameters required, including physical spacing and 25% capacity.

Next Steps for St. Columba – prepare our church for use on weekdays and weekends, train ushers and greeters, train cleaning team and establish schedules, get safety equipment in place. We will reopen the parish office when the safety equipment arrives. You are reminded – Mass Intentions this Thursday from 8:00 – 12:00 noon school gym & cafeteria.

Signage – new signs will be placed on church doors. During the pandemic and during all liturgies (except weddings & funerals), the front doors will be entrance only. No exit. Exit only using the side doors.

Corpus Christi Sunday, June 14 – Due to recent changes permitting us to gather, we have cancelled the home visits. Instead, we invite all to come to St. Columba Parking lot at 11:00 am. for a Corpus Christi Procession. Make sure to leave one parking space open between cars. Spread out in our lots. Since our route will include Sister Grace’s Way and looping around behind the school, you may wish to get out of your car and line Sister Grace’s Way – keeping social distance and wearing masks. We will process throughout our property with the Holy Eucharist and stop at each car/each family. You can remain in your car or step out. The priest will bless each group individually. We hope to see you Sunday!

Saturday, June 6, 2020

Important News from Father Michael - Please Read - June 6, 2020

Our East Fishkill Supervisor, Nicholas D’Alessandro, has passed on to our parish this Statement from the County Executive, Marcus Molinaro. The Statement was also signed by all the County Executives of the Hudson Valley and some Mayors:

Beginning of Statement

“The protests we are witnessing over the last several days following the tragic death of George Floyd in Minneapolis have caused significant destruction and disruption throughout many major cities in the United States.
We understand the anguish, sadness, and anger so many across our country are feeling; and we acknowledge the urgent need to address injustice wherever it resides in America, including right here in our own communities.
As Governor Cuomo himself said, although we do not condone violence, theft, and property destruction, we understand the anger and grief being expressed as a result of this senseless killing.  It could not happen at a worse time as people have been cooped up in their homes as we shelter in place to stem the transmission of a vicious and deadly virus. 
Our churches, synagogues, mosques, and other houses of faith need to be available for neighbors, leaders, and community to come together.  And, the personal interaction that occurs in faith communities can prove invaluable.  We respectfully request the reopening of faith-based organizations allowing at least 25% occupancy with adherence to guidelines for social distancing, use of face coverings and with proper cleaning and hygiene at their facilities. 
Embrace these men and women of faith to help address the pent-up anger, anguish, and tensions.  Our faith leaders can and must be a key part of healing our communities. This can be a powerful sign and send a strong message to the people of America that we are still one nation, indivisible- and that we seek liberty and justice for all. Open the doors to our houses of faith - if only with limited capacity - to help us heal.”

End of Statement

Governor Cuomo has heard this request and granted permission for Houses of Worship to reopen at 25% capacity in Phase Two.  

In turn, we have received this Message from the Vicar General of the Archdiocese of NY – Msgr. Joseph LaMorte:

Beginning of Message

Good news is spreading throughout the Archdiocese about the governor’s announcement that houses of worship have been moved from NYS phase four to phase two; the upper counties will enter Phase 2 this Tuesday, June 9.  In addition, the maximum number of people allowed to attend has been raised from ten individuals to 25% of occupancy, provided physical distancing and other guidelines are followed.  I am pleased that the Faith Forward initiative was critical in laying the foundation for this announcement. 

The governor reiterated that the City of New York will begin NYS phase one of reopening on Monday with the resumption of construction, manufacturing, and curb-side retail pickup.  He also noted new information about the virus itself, which will continue to drive decision making. Now we are told the virus can live in the air for three hours, surfaces are less likely to cause transmission, children may be affected, infected people may get re-infected, and masks are more important than originally thought.

Presently, all our parishes and institutions are at level one of our Faith Forward plan with churches open for visits and confession.  

Very shortly, His Eminence, Cardinal Dolan will be addressing an adjustment in the archdiocesan levels.

End of Message

This is all the information we have at this moment. Stay tuned and keep praying!

Updates from Father Michael - June 6, 2020

“Fortitude is the disposition of soul which enables us to despise all inconveniences and the loss of things not in our power.” St. Augustine

A Blessed Holy Trinity Sunday to you! Father Connolly has a great plan for the Solemnity of Corpus Christi next Sunday, June 14. I shall let him tell you in his own words:

“These past months have been a great trial. The suspension of public celebrations of the Mass and other sacraments due to the Coronavirus pandemic has been a source of sadness, confusion, and even frustration and anger for the lay faithful and clergy alike. That said, we, as Christians, know that the cross leads to glory! “For this slight momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison.” (2 Corinthians 4:17) Even in this moment of pain, Jesus is present to us, extending His infinite love and mercy. To that end, as we prepare to celebrate the great Solemnity of Corpus Christi, the Feast of the Most Sacred Body and Blood of Christ, mindful that the Archdiocese of New York has not yet resumed public celebrations of Holy Mass in any capacity, we wish to bring our Blessed Lord to you! On Corpus Christi Sunday, June 14th, between 11am and 1pm (longer if needed), Father Michael and Father Connolly will be traveling throughout the parish with the Blessed Sacrament to bless you and your families at your homes. If you would like a visit, please e-mail with your address. We hope this unique Corpus Christi procession will offer you some consolation and a reminder of Jesus’ enduring love for you. Nothing can keep Him from His beloved children! Be assured of our prayers for all of you and please pray for us! We look forward with great hope and joy to the day that we are joined once more to worship God in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.”  Please email us by Thursday - thank you!!!

Our school recently had a virtual Crowning of Mary. You are  invited to watch:

Bishop Barron recently offered a Graduation Address to the Class of 2020. You can find it here:

On Thursday, June 11 from 8:00 am to 12:00 noon, our Mass Book will be open to take announced Mass Intentions from July 1 to December 31, 2020. It will take place in the school cafeteria & gym. Gary will hand you a number at the door. You will be able to keep social distance as you spread out. Alternatively, send your Mass Intention requests to St. Columba, PO Box 428, HJ 12533. Please include the $15 donation for each Mass and your first, second and third choices for dates. As is our custom, you may reserve two weekday and two weekend Masses initially. More may open later. We surely hope we are not livestreaming in July, but we are still not sure. So please be aware that some of these Masses could be livestreamed. Also, our Mass schedule will be different and changing when we return. It will take time to see what works as we prepare for both outdoor and indoor Masses. With this in mind:
-         Daily Mass Intentions Monday to Saturday will have a date but not a time.
-         We will take 5 Intentions for Saturday evening Mass – dates but no times
-         We will take 5 Intentions for Sunday morning Mass – dates but no times
Beginning in July, each Mass Intention will be listed in the bulletin with a Mass time. Thank you for your understanding during these uncertain times.

Father’s Day Cards and Intention envelopes are available in the church narthex.

The tent is up – thanks to all who helped. We are ready for outdoor Mass. Now we must all pray that the day will come very soon!!!

Finally, an interesting article on Incense. So now when Father Connolly uses it you will know it is for your health as well!

“The Catholic Church has used incense during religious services for millennia. Even before Christianity, Israelites used incense in worship, as the Psalmist records, “Let my prayer be incense before you; my uplifted hands an evening offering” (Psalm 141:2).
Incense became a central part of the Church’s liturgy, not only because of its symbolism, but also on account of medicinal benefits.
For example, in the famous Spanish church of Santiago de Compostela, medieval Christians created a large incense burner called the “Botafumeiro.” According to Atlas Obscura, “the incense … served to mask the smell of tired and unwashed pilgrims who crowded into the pews. It was also believed to have a preventative effect against [the] plague.”
Recently various scientific studies have confirmed the surprisingly purifying effects of frankincense.
One such study aimed to “test the effectiveness of their in situ application to cleanse microbially-contaminated air within the ambient of an investigated 17th-century church.”
The results of the study explained that, “The antimicrobial properties of essential oil derived from frankincense, a compound with well-known traditional use, showed that it possesses a clear potential as a natural antimicrobial agent. Moreover, the results suggest possible application of B. carteri EO vapor and incense fume as occasional air purifiers in sacral ambients, apart from daily church rituals.”

An article on the website Healthline claims “that burning myrrh and frankincense incense reduced airborne bacterial counts by 68%.”
Another study looked at frankincense essential oil and how it has anti-inflammation and anticancer effects.
Furthermore, it has been proven that burning frankincense even has the power to decrease depression. According to the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, “Burning frankincense (resin from the Boswellia plant) activates poorly understood ion channels in the brain to alleviate anxiety or depression. This suggests that an entirely new class of depression and anxiety drugs might be right under our noses.”

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Updates From Father Michael - June 3, 2020

“Never be in a hurry: do everything quietly and in a calm spirit. Do not lose your inner peace for anything whatsoever, even if your whole world seems upset.” St. Francis de Sales

Our Church will close tonight at 7:00 pm. Bishop Colacicco will livestream a Mass on behalf of the Young Adult Ministry of the Archdiocese of New York. It was supposed to be at St. Patrick’s Cathedral but now it is here. We are sorry for the inconvenience. If you wish to participate, go to:

On Thursday, June 11 from 8:00 am to 12:00 noon, our Mass Book will be open to take announced Mass Intentions from July 1 to December 31, 2020. It will take place in the school cafeteria & gym. Gary will hand you a number at the door. You will be able to keep social distance as you spread out. Alternatively, send your Mass Intention requests to St. Columba, PO Box 428, HJ 12533. Please include the $15 donation for each Mass and your first, second and third choices for dates. As is our custom, you may reserve two weekday and two weekend Masses initially. More may open later. We surely hope we are not livestreaming in July, but we are still not sure. So please be aware that some of these Masses could be livestreamed. Also, our Mass schedule will be different and changing when we return. It will take time to see what works as we prepare for both outdoor and indoor Masses. With this in mind:
-         Daily Mass Intentions Monday to Saturday will have a date but not a time.
-         We will take 5 Intentions for Saturday evening Mass – dates but no times
-         We will take 5 Intentions for Sunday morning Mass – dates but no times
Beginning in July, each Mass Intention will be listed in the bulletin with a Mass time. Thank you for your understanding during these uncertain times.

We hope to reopen our Parish Office soon. It is possible that Dutchess will enter the Governor’s Phase Two on or around June 9. Glass partitions are ordered and should be installed next week. When that work is done, we will announce a reopening date. All will be required to wear a mask as the Office also serves as our home.

I ask all EM’s & Lectors to respond to our request for availability – All ushers and greeters should respond to Pat Moore and our Medical Team should respond to Mary Ann Servidio. We need to find out who will be available to help at Mass in the coming months. Servers will not be used at the present time.

Father’s Day Cards and Intention envelopes are available in the church narthex.

I am so grateful to all who are keeping up with their church donations. You are helping us to promptly pay our bills. We know how difficult things can be for so many, so all we ask is that you do what you can. God bless you for your generosity. We are also happy to tell you that the new video system for church is 95% paid for by donations – thank you! The equipment has been ordered.

I wish to express how grateful I am for the leadership and service of our Resurrection Sisters. Make no mistake – this is an incredibly challenging time to educate children. Perhaps parents have a new appreciation for teachers? Sister Marie did outstanding work bringing the Religious Ed school year to a close and is preparing for whatever might come in the Fall. She also transitioned tuition payments to online using We Share. Sister Kathleen has been nothing short of superb as she leads our school. She and her faculty rapidly adapted to online learning. Sister gives 110% for the good of our school every day, and her hard work has been instrumental in making SDSC the strongest Regional School of Dutchess County by far. We are so blessed!

We still await Stage Two – Baptisms and Weddings limited to 10 people. Please pray it comes soon and the whole process moves forward rapidly. We miss you!

“A great means to preserve continual peace and tranquility of soul is to receive everything from the hands of God, both great and small, and in whatever way it comes.” St. Dorotheus of Gaza