Let’s say took out $20
bill crinkled it up, stepped on it, got
it a bit dirty.
Would you still want it? Why?
Does not lose its value. What about us – made in the image and likeness
of God?
Zacchaeus means “righteous
Most felt he was not righteous
- he worked for the Romans and he was a toll collector - he bid for the right
to collect tolls. When he won the bid – his goal was to pay the bid in full and
keep whatever else he could collect.
He had money – but something
was missing.
1)He climbs a tree to see
Jesus – goes out on a limb – this is an act of faith – Jesus sees him and calls
him by name – how does crowd react?
Big step just to walk in here
– what reception do they receive?
To welcome - ministry of greeter
- How about all of us???
2) I will come to your
house!!! Hurries down at Jesus command –
this is an act of hope – different than optimism - optimism is to believe
that things will get better - hope is
to work to make things better.
He is moving from spectator to participant. Allow Jesus into home.
3) A powerful, life changing
experience He will give half of possessions to the poor - not 10% but 50%. If I have taken advantage of anyone, I will restore
it 4 x over - this is an act of
College student visited by
dad. Driving a wreck of a car. After dad left some friends began to make fun of
the car. He told them: Dad could have
had a new car years ago, but he wants me to have a great education. I am here
because he chooses to drive a wreck of a car. He has taught me about life,
sacrifice and love. I love that car and the man driving it.
Old legend - Zac would leave
house each day w bucket of water
One day wife followed him -
to water an old sycamore tree – where it all began
Lessons of Faith – Hope –
Love a righteous person
Much to teach about how to
live a life.